乔治亚大学现有学生约33,600名,下设15所学院,分别是:农业与环境科学学院,文理学院,商学院,生态学院,教育学院,环境与设计学院,家庭与消费科学学院,森林与自然资源学院,新闻与大众传媒学院,法学院,制药学院,公共健康学院,公共与国际事务学院,社会工作学院,兽医学院。可提供173 个不同领域中19种的学士学位,以及130个不同领域中的25种硕士学位。
乔治亚大学图书馆有超过 400万的藏书,并收集有全美国最多的地图,被美国研究型图书馆联合会评为全美113所研究型图书馆的前三名。学校设施还有研究实验室、图书馆、礼拜堂、学生活动中心、书局、大礼堂、计算机中心 、博物馆、餐厅等。运动设施包括篮球、游泳池、体育馆等。
乔治亚大学的商学院也很知名,《商务周刊》把它评为全美前50,公立大学中前20。《美国新闻与世界报道》把商学院的会计学课程排24,信息系统管理硕士课程排13,保险第2,房地产管理第2,市场营销第21,MBA排第46。《福布斯》杂志调查学生读MBA后的收入,乔治亚大学的毕业生列全美前 50,公立大学中第18。
乔治亚大学为新生中98%的本州学生提供奖学金用以支付学会,因此在《2006美国新闻与世界报道》排出的“最值公立大学”中排第7,“最值全美大学”中排第45;Kiplinger杂志排出的“最值公立大学”中排第10。《普林斯顿评价》评出的“最值大学”中排第九。《钱》杂志考察了美国1100 所院校,乔治亚大学被评为前9位可以免费上的大学。《华尔街日报》把它评为花费低、安全、学术质量高最受学生及其家庭关注的 16所“热点学校”之一。
乔治亚大学位于乔治亚州东北部的雅典城(Athens),距州府亚特兰大90公里,是全美国最大的大学城之一。乔治亚州农业很发达,旅游业也很盛, 每年由州外之地来此游乐的人, 花费多至四亿美元。
School Type
State-supported, Coed
Suburban 1289-acre campus with easy access to Atlanta
Degrees Offered
Certificates, Bachelor“s, Master‘s, Doctoral, First Professional, Post-Master’s, Postbachelor‘s, and First Professional Certificates
Entrance Difficulty
Moderately difficult , 56% of applicants were admitted
Application Deadlines
4/1 (transfers)
Admission: 17,207 applied; 9,569 admitted; 4,791 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.59
Test Scores
SAT critical reading scores over 500 94%
SAT math scores over 500 96%
SAT writing scores over 500 95%
ACT scores over 18 99%
SAT critical reading scores over 600 58%
SAT math scores over 600 62%
SAT writing scores over 600 57%
ACT scores over 24 84%
SAT critical reading scores over 700 11%
SAT math scores over 700 14%
SAT writing scores over 700 12%
ACT scores over 30 20%
Options: electronic application, early admission, early action, deferred entrance
Application fee: $50
Required: high school transcript, counselor evaluation
Recommended: essay or personal statement, minimum 2.0 GPA
Application deadlines: 1/15 (freshmen), 4/1 (transfers)
Notification: 4/1 (freshmen), 12/15 (early action), continuous (transfers)
Cost and Financial Aid
Costs (2009-10)
Tuition: State resident $6070 full-time, $203 per credit part-time; nonresident $24,280 full-time, $882 per credit part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load, location, and program. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load, location, and program. No tuition increase for student’s term of enrollment
Required fees: $1460 full-time, $730 part-time
Room and board: $8046; room only: $4524. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility
Waivers: Senior citizens
Financial Aid
Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 11,747 applied for aid, 6,867 were judged to have need, 2,474 had their need fully met. 380 Federal Work-Study jobs (averaging $2594)
In 2008, 1547 non-need-based awards were made
Average percent of need met: 75%
Average financial aid package: $8498
Average need-based loan: $3790
Average need-based gift aid: $6918
Average non-need-based aid: $1906
Average indebtedness upon graduation: $14,343
Student Body
Undergraduate Student Population
25,467 undergraduate students, 58% women, 42% men, 6% transferred in, 7% African American, 7% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% Hispanic American, 0.2% Native American
International Population
0.7% representing 127 other countries
Housing Info
27% live on campus
Campus Life
Housing: On-campus residence required for freshman year
Options: Coed, women-only, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed
Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, marching band, Intramurals, Recreational sports program, Communiversity, University Union, Red Coat Band, national fraternities, national sororities
Most popular organizations: Intramurals, Recreational sports program, Communiversity, University Union, Red Coat Band
Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access
Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women‘s center, legal services
Academic Programs
Special study options: Academic remediation for entering students, accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit
ROTC: Army (b), Air Force (b)
School Calendar: Semesters
Total: 2,178
Full-time: 81% full-time
Student/faculty ratio: 18:1
Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I, except: Football (Division I-A)
Scholarship sports
Baseball (m), basketball, cross-country running, equestrian sports (w), football (m), golf, gymnastics (w), soccer (w), softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball (w)
Nonscholarship sports
Cheerleading, soccer (m-club), volleyball (m-club)
Intramural sports
Badminton M(c)/W(c), baseball M(c), basketball M/W, crew M(c)/W(c), cross-country running M/W, equestrian sports M(c)/W(c), fencing M(c), football M, golf M/W, ice hockey M(c), lacrosse M(c)/W(c), racquetball M/W, rugby M(c)/W(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), soccer M/W, softball M/W, swimming and diving M/W, tennis M/W, ultimate Frisbee M(c)/W(c), volleyball M/W, water polo M(c)/W(c), weight lifting M/W, wrestling M(c)
Intercollegiate sports
Baseball M(s), basketball M(s)/W(s), cheerleading M/W, cross-country running M(s)/W(s), equestrian sports W(s), golf M(s)/W(s), gymnastics W(s), soccer M(c)/W(s), softball W(s), swimming and diving M(s)/W(s), tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), volleyball M(c)/W(s)
School Facilities
Main Library Name: Ilah Dunlap Little Memorial Library
Other Library: 2
Collection: 4.6 million titles; 49,097 serial subscriptions;
Endowment: $697.2 million
Contact Info
Ms. Nancy McDuff, Associate Vice President for Admissions and Enrollment
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: 706-542-8776
法学 医学 艺术设计
乔治亚大学现有学生约33,600名,下设15所学院,分别是:农业与环境科学学院,文理学院,商学院,生态学院,教育学院,环境与设计学院,家庭与消费科学学院,森林与自然资源学院,新闻与大众传媒学院,法学院,制药学院,公共健康学院,公共与国际事务学院,社会工作学院,兽医学院。可提供173 个不同领域中19种的学士学位,以及130个不同领域中的25种硕士学位。
本科要求高中毕业, TOEFL最低 79-80;硕士要求本科毕业,由相关工作经验,TOEFL最低 79-80 本科生 TOEFL79.00 IELTS6.00 SAT608.00 ACT26.00 A-LEVEL0.00 GPA3.00 研究生 TOEFL79.00 IELTS6.00 GRE0.00 GMAT0.00 LSAT0.00 GPA3.00