
  美国天主教大学The Catholic University of America(简称CUA)成立于1887年,是美国罗马天主教会官方大学,也是美国天主教高等教育中心所在,全校有九成学生都笃信罗马天主教。 USNEWS全美大学排名120,《美国新闻与世界报道》选为二级国家级大学,《纽约时报大学指南》给予三颗星的学术评分。

  《纽约时报大学指南》指出,大学最好的学科是历史、英文、心理学和宗教,最热门的学科则是政治和经济。学生选修最多的学科,分别是社会科学(4%)、工科(2%)、健康职业 (10%)、商科(7%)、教育(5%)、计算机及自然科学(5%)、生物科学(5%)。

  The Catholic University of America (CUA), located in Northeast Washington, D.C., is the national university of the Roman Catholic Church and the only higher education institution founded by U.S. Roman Catholic bishops. Established in 1887 as a graduate and research center following approval by Pope Leo XIII on Easter Sunday, the university began offering undergraduate education in 1904.

  CUA“s programs emphasize the liberal arts, professional education, and personal development. In areas besides academics, the school stays closely connected with the Catholic Church and Catholic organizations. The American Cardinals Dinner is put on by the residential U.S. Cardinals each year to raise scholarship funds for CUA. The university also has a long history of working with the Knights of Columbus, and the university‘s law school and the university’s basilica have dedications to the involvement and support of the Knights of Columbus.

  The university‘s campus lies within the Brookland neighborhood, known as “Little Rome”, that contains 60 Catholic institutions, such as the academic institutions of Dominican House of Studies and Trinity Washington University.

  The university has been visited twice by reigning Popes. Pope John Paul II visited on October 7, 1979. On April 16, 2008, the Pope Benedict XVI came to campus and addressed representatives of Catholic education gathered in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center. The Pope used the opportunity to revisit the topic of Catholic education and academic freedom, with which he had been involved before becoming pope and which had precipitated the firing of a tenured CUA professor.

  School Type

  Independent, Coed


  Urban 193-acre campus

  Degrees Offered

  Associate, Bachelor’s, Master‘s, Doctoral, and First Professional

  Comprehensive Costs

  $42,970 includes full-time tuition ($30,520), mandatory fees ($1000), and room and board ($11,450). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to program. Part-time tuition: $1125 per credit hour. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load

  (Cost includes full-time tuition plus additional fees such as room and board and mandatory fees)

  Entrance Difficulty

  Moderately difficult , 81% of applicants were admitted

  Application Deadlines

  7/15 (transfers)



  Admission: 5,180 applied; 4,199 admitted; 908 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.24

  Test Scores

  SAT critical reading scores over 500 80%

  SAT math scores over 500 79%

  SAT writing scores over 500 85%

  ACT scores over 18 96%

  SAT critical reading scores over 600 31%

  SAT math scores over 600 32%

  SAT writing scores over 600 35%

  ACT scores over 24 52%

  SAT critical reading scores over 700 5%

  SAT math scores over 700 5%

  SAT writing scores over 700 4%

  ACT scores over 30 11%


  Options: electronic application, early action, deferred entrance

  Application fee: $55

  Required: essay or personal statement, high school transcript, 1 letter of recommendation

  Required for some: interview

  Recommended: minimum 3.0 GPA

  Application deadline: 7/15 (transfers)

  Cost and Financial Aid

  Costs (2008-09)

  One-time required fee: $425

  Comprehensive Costs: $42,970 includes full-time tuition ($30,520), mandatory fees ($1000), and room and board ($11,450). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to program. Part-time tuition: $1125 per credit hour. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load

  Required fees: $75 per year part-time

  Room and board: College room only: $6666. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility

  Payment plans: Tuition prepayment, installment

  Waivers: Employees or children of employees

  Financial Aid

  Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 2,130 applied for aid, 1,750 were judged to have need, 794 had their need fully met

  In 2008, 1145 non-need-based awards were made

  Average percent of need met: 84%

  Average financial aid package: $19,226

  Average need-based loan: $4832

  Average need-based gift aid: $14,330

  Average non-need-based aid: $10,013

  Student Body

  Undergraduate Student Population

  3,469 undergraduate students, 54% women, 46% men, 3% transferred in, 5% African American, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 7% Hispanic American, 0.3% Native American

  International Population

  3% representing 36 other countries

  Housing Info

  68% live on campus

  Campus Life

  Housing: On-campus residence required through sophomore year

  Options: Coed, men-only, women-only, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed

  Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio station, choral group, Habitat for Humanity, College Democrats, College Republicans, Students for Life, Centerstage Theatre Company, national fraternities, national sororities

  Most popular organizations: Habitat for Humanity, College Democrats, College Republicans, Students for Life, Centerstage Theatre Company

  Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access, controlled access of academic buildings

  Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, legal services

  Academic Programs

  Special study options: Accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, study abroad, summer session for credit

  ROTC: Army (c), Navy (c), Air Force (c)

  Unusual degree programs: 3-2 engineering; nursing; architecture

  School Calendar: Semesters


  Total: 694

  Full-time: 51% full-time

  Student/faculty ratio: 11:1


  Member: NCAA, Division: All Division III

  Nonscholarship sports

  Baseball (m), basketball, cross-country running, field hockey (w), football (m), lacrosse, soccer, softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball (w)

  Intramural sports

  Basketball M/W, cheerleading W(c), crew M(c)/W(c), fencing M(c)/W(c), football M/W, ice hockey M(c), racquetball M/W, rugby M(c)/W(c), soccer M/W, softball M/W, tennis M/W, ultimate Frisbee M(c)/W(c), volleyball M/W

  Intercollegiate sports

  Baseball M, basketball M/W, cross-country running M/W, field hockey W, football M, lacrosse M/W, soccer M/W, softball W, swimming and diving M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, volleyball W

  School Facilities


  Main Library Name: Mullen Library

  Other Library: 7

  Collection: 1.6 million titles; 10,428 serial subscriptions; 41,679 audiovisual materials

  Contact Info

  Ms. Christine Mica

  Dean, University Admissions

  The Catholic University of America

  102 McMahon Hall

  620 Michigan Avenue, NE

  Washington, DC 20064

  Phone: 202-319-5305

  Toll-free: 202-319-5305 (in-state); 800-673-2772 (out-of-state)

  Fax: 202-319-6533


  文学 历史学 心理学






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[零中介费留学申请美国天主教大学] 文章生成时间为:2014-05-12 17:59:38
美国天主教大学(The Catholic University of America)
  • 院校名称:美国天主教大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1887年
  • 学生人数:6881人
  • 院校地址:620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, DC 20064
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/us/cua/
  • 美国天主教大学位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的中心地带。学校还为学生提供充分的就业机会。校园占地193英亩,学校设有12个系,拥有21个研究中心。…[详细介绍]

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