
  雪城大学(Syracuse University,或译叙拉古大学)位于美国纽约州雪城,是一所历史悠久的著名私立大学。学校资金雄厚它跟纽约州立大学环境科学及森林管理学院分享部分设施。雪城大学在校园附近拥有一家喜来登酒店和高尔夫球场,在纽约市及华盛顿特区也置有物业。

  雪城大学有南北校园之分。简言之,北校园是教学区,南校园是学生住宅区。然而,中国学生并不拘泥于学校住宅,而是分散在城市的各个角落。雪城大学目前有1万8千多在校学生,其中约1万2千本科生,6千多硕士与博士研究生。1999年有2368名学生获得学士学位、1747名学生获得硕士学位、207 名学生获法学博士学位、150名获得博士学位。美国大学有两大类,一类是公立大学,另一类是私立大学。雪城大学是私立大学,其学生规模在私立学校中名列前茅。

  雪城市居纽约州中部,素有CENTRAL NEW YORK之称,本市是纽约州第四大城,是一中型的城市。治安良好,环境优美,湖光山色,是十分美丽的都市。本市属于大陆型气候,四季分明,“逢春飘花,临夏荫浓,城秋枫红,瑞雪隆冬”是最佳写照,夏季气温约介于华氏 65 至85 度,冬季则介于华氏 15 至 40 度之间,因受湖效应的影响,下雪量较多。而雪城大学位于五大湖中安大略湖南方数十里的Syracuse市郊上,距纽约市及多伦多均只有5个多小时的行车时间。当天也可赶到波斯顿(Boston)、巴尔地摩(Baltimore)、哈特夫迪 (Hartford)、蒙特利尔 (Montreal)、费城(Philadelph ia) 及华盛顿(Washington)。雪大校园离机场、公共汽车“灰狗”站、火车站都只有15分 钟的行车时间。雪城城市人口近五十万,冬天是银装素裹的白雪世界,而其它季节又是 绿色的海洋。如果你喜欢水,这里有上百个湖、溪、河供你游览。如果你喜欢博物馆, 这里有40个博物馆供你参观。如果你喜欢运动,这里有AAA级棒球俱乐部和曲棍球俱乐部。不要忘了这里有40个高尔夫球场以及每逢比赛雪城人就象过节一样蜂拥而致的凯利圆 顶室内运动场。如果你是“购物狂”,克拉索超大型购物中心(Carousel Center)随时为你准备丰盛的“晚餐”。显然,雪城为你提供的服务远远不只是这些,每年秋天在雪城举办 的纽约州物节吸引着远近的游客,购物游览的人数超过82万。

  由于高纬度及大湖效应,Syracuse的雪量均大,这也是〝雪城〞的由来。除了主校区位于纽约州雪城〈Syracuse〉之外,SU另外有分校 Syracuse University’s Utica College位于纽约州Utica市。雪城大学的主要校区占地约900英亩,有建筑物324栋,其中不少是百年建筑,极具特色,有些甚至是国家注册的历史古迹。在主校区就读的大部份为全职学生,在Utica College的大半为兼职学生。大学部约有全职学生1万2千名,研究生约有5千6百位,其中5分之4是攻读硕士,另外的5分之1则为博士班学生。另有 700名研究生攻读法学院。研究所中,外籍学生约有1千2百名,分别来自75个不同的国家。

  雪城大学创始于1870年,为男女混合制学校。1871年,41名学生正式注册就读于锡拉丘兹大学,当时开设的课程有:算数、几何、拉丁语、希腊语、历史、生理学、演说术。1873年成立美国第一所视觉与表演艺术学院,授予美术学位。1918年雪大为成年人开设夜大,为非传统学生敞开大门。 1924年成立麦克斯韦尔公民与公共事物学院(Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs),成为第一家授予公共管理硕士学位的院校。十年之后, 雪大又开创了全国第一家新闻学院,即纽浩思公共传媒学院(S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication)。1967年, 雪大加入美国大学协会(The Association of American University)成为美国与加拿大研究院校成员。1974年,雪大将图书科学学院(The School of Library Science, 成立于1896年)更名为信息研究学院(The School of Information Studies),以反映信息在社会中的重要作用。1980年雪大建立凯利圆顶室内运动场(Carrier Dome),成为第一家超大型校园室内运动场(可同时容纳五万以上观众)。

  作为一所综合性院校,雪城大学现有15所学院,200多个专业。雪大现有八百多正式教师,三千多名职员,六百多兼职教师,并有二十多万校友活跃与全国各地。雪大学生不仅来自美国五十个州,而且来自全世界九十多个国家和地区。现有学生中女性占54%,男性比例为46%。学校认为其使命是通过教学、研究、奖学金、学术成就和服务以促进学习和研究。学校致力于使教师、学生、职员共同承担责任,让三方一起工作而促进学生学术成长、职业成长和个人成长,从而成为以学生为中心的著名研究性大学。近年来,雪城大学在全美三千多所大学中综合排名为四十名左右,麦院的公共管理(Public Administration)、信息研究学院和纽浩思公共传媒学院的一些专业均在专业排名中名列前茅。








  建筑学院School of Architecture

  人文及科学学院College of Arts and Sciences

  教授学院School of Education

  L·C·史密夫工程及计算机科学学院L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science

  人本服务及健康专业学院College of Human Services and Health Professions

  资讯学学院School of Information Studies

  法学院College of Law

  马丁·J·惠特曼管理学院Martin J. Whitman School of Management

  麦斯威尔公民权及公共事务学院Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

  S·I·钮豪斯公共传播学院S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

  现觉及表演艺术学院College of Visual and Performing Arts

  大学学院University College

  研究院The Graduate School



  世界第八富豪: 阿尔瓦利德·塔拉尔



  约瑟夫·拜登 (Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr) ,美国第47届副总统

  School Type

  Independent, Coed


  Urban 200-acre campus

  Degrees Offered

  Associate, Bachelor“s, Master‘s, Doctoral, First Professional, Post-Master’s, and Postbachelor‘s Certificates

  Comprehensive Costs

  $47,300 includes full-time tuition ($33,630), mandatory fees ($1296), and room and board ($12,374). Part-time tuition: $1646 per credit hour

  (Cost includes full-time tuition plus additional fees such as room and board and mandatory fees)

  Entrance Difficulty

  Moderately difficult , 53% of applicants were admitted

  Application Deadlines

  1/1 (transfers)



  Admission: 22,079 applied; 11,597 admitted; 3,186 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.6

  Test Scores

  SAT critical reading scores over 500 82%

  SAT math scores over 500 90%

  SAT writing scores over 500 85%

  SAT critical reading scores over 600 38%

  SAT math scores over 600 54%

  SAT writing scores over 600 43%

  SAT critical reading scores over 700 5%

  SAT math scores over 700 12%

  SAT writing scores over 700 7%


  Options: electronic application, early admission, early decision, deferred entrance

  Application fee: $70

  Required: essay or personal statement, high school transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, audition for drama and music programs, portfolio for art and architecture programs

  Recommended: interview

  Application deadlines: 1/1 (freshmen), 1/1 (transfers)

  Early decision: 11/15

  Notification: 3/15 (freshmen), 12/15 (early decision), continuous (transfers)

  Cost and Financial Aid

  Costs (2009-10)

  Comprehensive Costs: $47,300 includes full-time tuition ($33,630), mandatory fees ($1296), and room and board ($12,374). Part-time tuition: $1646 per credit hour

  Room and board: College room only: $6560. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility

  Payment plan: Installment

  Waivers: Employees or children of employees

  Financial Aid

  Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 8,363 applied for aid, 7,341 were judged to have need, 4,770 had their need fully met

  In 2008, 1768 non-need-based awards were made

  Average percent of need met: 80%

  Average financial aid package: $25,140

  Average need-based loan: $5450

  Average need-based gift aid: $19,270

  Average non-need-based aid: $9280

  Average indebtedness upon graduation: $27,455

  Financial aid deadline: 2/1

  Student Body

  Undergraduate Student Population

  13,651 undergraduate students, 57% women, 43% men, 2% transferred in, 7% African American, 9% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 6% Hispanic American, 0.9% Native American

  International Population

  5% representing 70 other countries

  Housing Info

  75% live on campus

  Campus Life

  Housing: On-campus residence required through sophomore year

  Options: Coed, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed

  Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, marching band, Student Government Association, Programming Council, First Year Players, Student African-American Society, national fraternities, national sororities

  Most popular organizations: Student Government Association, Programming Council, First Year Players, Student African-American Society

  Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access, crime prevention and neighborhood outreach programs

  Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women’s center, legal services

  Academic Programs

  Special study options: Accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit

  ROTC: Army (b), Air Force (b)

  School Calendar: Semesters


  Total: 1,503

  Full-time: 63% full-time

  Student/faculty ratio: 15:1


  Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I, except: Football (Division I-A)

  Scholarship sports

  Basketball, crew, cross-country running, field hockey (w), football (m), ice hockey (w), lacrosse, soccer, softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis (w), track and field, volleyball (w)

  Nonscholarship sports

  Badminton (club), baseball (club), bowling (club), cheerleading, equestrian sports (club), fencing (club), gymnastics (club), ice hockey (m-club), riflery (club), rugby (club), sailing (club), skiing (downhill) (club), softball (m-club), squash (club), tennis (m-club), volleyball (m-club), water polo (club), wrestling (m-club)

  Intramural sports

  Basketball M/W, field hockey M(c)/W(c), football M/W, golf M(c)/W(c), lacrosse M(c)/W(c), racquetball M/W, soccer M/W, softball M/W, swimming and diving M/W, tennis M/W, ultimate Frisbee M(c)/W(c), volleyball M/W

  Intercollegiate sports

  Badminton M(c)/W(c), baseball M(c)/W(c), basketball M(s)/W(s), bowling M(c)/W(c), cheerleading M/W, crew M(s)/W(s), cross-country running M(s)/W(s), equestrian sports M(c)/W(c), fencing M(c)/W(c), field hockey W(s), gymnastics M(c)/W(c), ice hockey M(c)/W(s), lacrosse M(s)/W(s), riflery M(c)/W(c), rugby M(c)/W(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), skiing (downhill) M(c)/W(c), soccer M(s)/W(s), softball M(c)/W(s), squash M(c)/W(c), swimming and diving M(s)/W(s), tennis M(c)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), volleyball M(c)/W(s), water polo M(c)/W(c), wrestling M(c)

  School Facilities


  Main Library Name: E. S. Bird Library

  Other Library: 7

  Collection: 3.2 million titles; 23,285 serial subscriptions; 436,119 audiovisual materials

  Endowment: $984.8 million

  Contact Info

  Office of Admissions

  Syracuse University

  200 Crouse-Hinds Hall, South Crouse Avenue

  Syracuse, NY 13244-2130

  United States

  Phone: 315-443-3611


  经济学 法学




  本科生 TOEFL80.00 IELTS0.00 SAT613.00 ACT0.00 A-LEVEL0.00 GPA3.50 研究生 TOEFL80.00 IELTS6.50 GRE0.00 GMAT0.00 LSAT0.00 GPA2.75


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[零中介费留学申请美国雪城大学] 文章生成时间为:2014-05-12 17:49:59
雪城大学(Syracuse University)
  • 院校名称:雪城大学
  • 学校类型:私立大学
  • 建校时间:1870年
  • 世界排名:54
  • 学生人数:19638人
  • 院校地址:Syracuse, New York, United States
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/us/syr/
  • 雪城大学是一家私立研究型大学,位于美国纽约州雪城,成立于1870年。1920年,雪城大学宣布自己为无宗派学校,但仍保持着与美国卫理公会的联系。雪城大学在1966年加入美...…[详细介绍]

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