根据官方网站资料,爱荷华大学有强大的人文学科(Liberal Arts)与理工学科(Sciences)研究群,提供校内学生既广泛又深入的专业能力训练。而该校大学部与研究所的科系,主要隶属在11个学院之下,分别为:商学院(Business)、法学院、医学院(Medicine、研究学院(Graduate College)、药学院(Pharmacy)、教育学院(Education)、牙医学院(Dentistry)、护理学院(Nursing)、工程学院(Engineering)、文理学院(Liberal Arts and Sciences)、公共卫生学院(Public Health)。
虽然爱荷华大学一直以来都以农科最好,可是近年来美国兴起了一股念专业学系的热潮,于是商科、会计和工程都成为最受欢迎的主科,其实理科和医科预备课程才是爱荷华大学最好学科。由于大学的医科大楼包括了一所有1,700 张病床的大型医院,是全美最先进最综合的教学医院,不少学生都希望取得第一学位后,考入医学院深造。目前最多学生选修的学科,依次是商科管理(18%)、社会科学(15%)和健康科学(10%)。不少学生认为这里的写作创作和新闻也好,甚至太空物理、天文学、美术、药剂学、英文、牙医学和心理学,同样备受推崇。
爱荷华大学位于爱荷华州东南部的爱荷华市(Iowa City),校园面积有1900英亩,市区人口约6万。与其它都市比较起来,爱荷华市的生活环境单纯且治安良好,曾被列名为全美100个小型艺术城镇〈The 100 Best Small Art Towns in America〉,也被《编辑与出版人》杂志(Editor & Publisher)票选为美国最宜人居住的地方。附近的国家公园和爱荷华河提供了各种休闲娱乐活动的良好条件。
爱荷华大学的MBA倍受欢迎,被《美国新闻与世界报导》评为世界排名第29位,被《经济学家》(The Economist)评为美国25个顶尖MBA课程之一,并被美国《商业周刊》和英国《财经时报》评为全球50所最佳商学院之一。商学院的会计学课程排全美第26。
在《2007美国新闻与世界报导》的美国大学综合排名中,爱荷华大学排第65位,有21个研究生专业排全国前十。法学院排第24,教育学院排第 28。爱荷华大学的工程方向也很好,工程和生物工程专业都排第34,建筑工程排第41,机械工程排第50,拥有全世界最复杂的美国高级汽车驾驶模拟实验室。
爱荷华大学在《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)的全美大学排名中排名前50名的学科与项目有:
第一名 写作 Creative Writing
第一名 护理服务管理 Nursing Service Administration
第一名 言语病理学(硕士)Speech-Language Pathology — Masters
第二名 听力学 (硕士、博士)Audiology — Masters, Ph.D.
第二名 老年护理 Nurse Practitioner — Gerontological/Geriatrics
第二名 耳鼻喉学 Otolaryngology (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
第二名 医师助理 (硕士)Physicians Assistant Program — Masters
第二名 版画制作 Printmaking
第三名 社会心理学 Social Psychology ( Department of Sociology)
第三名 康复指导 Rehabilitation Counseling (College of Education)
第四名 农村医学 Rural Medicine (Carver College of Medicine)
第五名 理疗(硕士、博士)Physical Therapy — Master“s and Ph.D. (Carver College of Medicine)
第六名 眼科及视觉科学 Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
第七名 整形外科 Orthopaedic Surgery (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
第八名 护理学院(硕士) College of Nursing — Master‘s Program
第八名 古生物学(博士) Paleontology — Ph.D. (Department of Geology)
第八名 等离子物理 Plasma Physics (Department of Physics and Astronomy)
第十名 艺术与设计 Art and Design— MFA Programs
第十一名 咨询与个人服务 Counseling/Personnel Services (College of Education)
第十一名 卫生服务管理(硕士) Health Services Administration — Master’s Program
第十一名 儿科护理 Nurse Practitioner/Pediatrics
第十一名 基本医疗 Primary Care (Carver College of Medicine)
第十二名 国际法 International Law (College of Law)
第十二名 家庭医学 Family Medicine (Carver College of Medicine)
第十三名 高等教育管理 Higher Education Administration (College of Education)
第十五名 临床心理学(博士) Clinical Psychology — Ph.D. Program
第十五名 环境工程 Environmental Engineering
第十六名 中等教育 Secondary Education (College of Education)
第十七名 药剂学 Pharmacy — Pharm.D. Program
第十七名 泌尿学 Urology (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
第十八名 绘画 Painting and Drawing
第十八名 公共卫生(硕士、博士)Public Health — Master‘s/Ph.D. programs
第二十一名 课程设计与教学 Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education)
第二十二名 法学院 College of Law
第二十四名 会计学 Accounting (Tippie College of Business)
第二十五名 麻醉护理(硕士)Nursing—Anesthesia Master’s Program
第二十五名 政治学 Political Science
第二十七名 教育学院 College of Education
第二十八名 英语(博士)English — Ph.D. program
第三十名 卡佛医学院(研究)Carver College of Medicine — Research
第三十名 妇科医学 Gynecology (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
第三十名 工业/制造业工程 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering
第三十二名 历史学(博士)History — Ph.D. program
第三十四名 经济学(博士)Economics — Ph.D. program
第三十四名 社会学(博士)Sociology — Ph.D. program
第三十六名 心理学(博士-教育学院)Psychology—Research Ph.D. (Psychological and Quantitative Foundations, College of Education
第三十九名 土木工程 Civil Engineering
第四十一名 肾病 Kidney Disease (University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics)
第四十二名 生物医学/生物工程 Biomedical/Bioengineering
第四十六名 社会服务(硕士)Social Work—Master‘s Program
第四十七名 心理学(博士-文理学院)Psychology—Ph.D. (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
第五十名 机械工程 Mechanical Engineering
詹姆斯·范·艾伦(en:James Van Allen):空间物理学家,范艾伦辐射带的发现者。
保罗·安格尔〔en:Paul Engle〕:美国著名诗人,世界著名的爱荷华大学国际写作计划的创办者之一。
School Type
State-supported, Coed
Small-town 1900-acre campus
Degrees Offered
Bachelor’s, Master‘s, Doctoral, First Professional, Post-Master’s, and First Professional Certificates
Entrance Difficulty
Moderately difficult , 82% of applicants were admitted
Application Deadlines
4/1 (transfers)
Admission: 15,582 applied; 12,827 admitted; 4,246 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.56
Test Scores
SAT critical reading scores over 500 79%
SAT math scores over 500 91%
ACT scores over 18 99%
SAT critical reading scores over 600 46%
SAT math scores over 600 61%
ACT scores over 24 69%
SAT critical reading scores over 700 14%
SAT math scores over 700 19%
ACT scores over 30 13%
Options: electronic application, early admission, deferred entrance
Application fee: $40
Required: high school transcript, must meet Regent Admission Index (RAI) requirement: residents 245 or above; nonresidents 255 or above
Application deadlines: 4/1 (freshmen), 4/1 (transfers)
Notification: continuous (freshmen), continuous (transfers)
Cost and Financial Aid
Costs (2009-10)
Tuition: State resident $5782 full-time, $241 per semester hour part-time; nonresident $21,156 full-time, $882 per semester hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and program. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and program
Required fees: $1042 full-time, $69 per semester hour part-time
Room and board: $8004. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility
Payment plan: Installment
Financial Aid
Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 13,742 applied for aid, 10,226 were judged to have need, 5,896 had their need fully met
In 2008, 2644 non-need-based awards were made
Average percent of need met: 62%
Average financial aid package: $7512
Average need-based loan: $3826
Average need-based gift aid: $4282
Average non-need-based aid: $2398
Average indebtedness upon graduation: $22,856
Student Body
Undergraduate Student Population
20,823 undergraduate students, 52% women, 48% men, 5% transferred in, 2% African American, 4% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 3% Hispanic American, 0.5% Native American
International Population
2% representing 67 other countries
Housing Info
29% live on campus
Campus Life
Options: Coed, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman applicants given priority for college housing
Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio station, choral group, marching band, Association of Residence Halls, Graduate Student Senate, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Organization for the Active Support of International Students (OASIS), Dance Marathon, national fraternities, national sororities
Most popular organizations: Association of Residence Halls, Graduate Student Senate, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Organization for the Active Support of International Students (OASIS), Dance Marathon
Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access
Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women‘s center, legal services
Academic Programs
Special study options: Academic remediation for entering students, accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, external degree program, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit
ROTC: Army (b), Air Force (b)
School Calendar: Semesters
Total: 1,673
Full-time: 95% full-time
Student/faculty ratio: 15:1
Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I, except: Football (Division I-A)
Scholarship sports
Baseball (m), basketball, crew (w), cross-country running, field hockey (w), football (m), golf, gymnastics, soccer (w), softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball (w), wrestling (m)
Nonscholarship sports
Crew (m-club), ice hockey (m-club), lacrosse (club), rugby (club), sailing (club), soccer (m-club), table tennis (club), ultimate Frisbee (club), volleyball (m-club)
Intramural sports
Badminton M/W, basketball M/W, bowling M/W, fencing M(c)/W(c), football M/W, golf M/W, racquetball M/W, rugby M(c)/W(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), skiing (cross-country) M(c)/W(c), skiing (downhill) M(c)/W(c), soccer M/W, softball M/W, table tennis M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, ultimate Frisbee M/W, volleyball M/W, water polo M(c)/W(c), wrestling M
Intercollegiate sports
Baseball M(s), basketball M(s)/W(s), crew M(c)/W(s), cross-country running M(s)/W(s), field hockey W(s), golf M(s)/W(s), gymnastics M(s)/W(s), ice hockey M(c), lacrosse M(c)/W(c), rugby M(c)/W(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), soccer M(c)/W(s), softball W(s), swimming and diving M(s)/W(s), table tennis M(c)/W(c), tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), ultimate Frisbee M(c)/W(c), volleyball M(c)/W(s), wrestling M(s)
School Facilities
Main Library Name: Main Library
Other Library: 10
Collection: 4.1 million titles; 49,279 serial subscriptions; 62,205 audiovisual materials
Endowment: $378.4 million
Contact Info
Mr. Michael Barron, Assistant Provost for Enrollment Services and Director of Admissions
The University of Iowa
107 Calvin Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-3847
Toll-free: 800-553-4692
Fax: 319-335-1535
Non US Students
For fall 2008: 567 international students applied, 341 were accepted, 74 enrolled. Students can start in fall, winter, spring, or summer.
Required: TOEFL (minimum score: iBT 71; paper-based 530; minimum score for ESL admission: iBT 71; paper-based 530). Recommended: SAT or ACT. TOEFL can be waived under certain conditions.
Application Deadline
4/1. Transfers accepted from institutions abroad.
Available during summer.
International student adviser on campus. Full-time ESL program on campus. ESL program available during the academic year and the summer. Internships and employment opportunities (on-campus) available.
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