女生找professor,结果不在,另一个professor Chen 接待她,女孩的目的是要询问关于选课的建议,
Professor Chen 說I don’t suppose I can help you,but at least,I am in this department(考点:教授的說这话的意思?其实Professor Chen 帮不了什么,但多少可以帮转达些什么)。女生major in Linguistic,她想要a wide area of classes,但这需要教communication 的教授的permission。最后professor Chen 问女孩名字(考点:为什么问名字?),要帮女生转告教授。
谈外來物种入侵,一种在北美草原的草,没有天敌,很好生长,这种草原本生在欧洲和亚洲,被引入美国和加拿大之后大量繁殖,释放toxic 毒死其他的植物,自己却不受影响。科学家把它种在水里(题目),分離出兩百多种物质,取出其中兩种有毒物质,其中一个是有效的纯生物毒物(问,通过什么方法得到这种物质?in the liquid),用來抑制其他植物的生长(问,为什么这么做?)。
讲sculpture,不同作家会用不同的方式诠释同一个人。教授先提到George Washington,问问学生对他的印象为何,文中有提到华盛顿是father of his country(考点)。法国有个画家Houdon,风格较为写实,作画时(1780)华盛顿还活着,画中华盛顿拿着农具,放下sword 和__________卸下军装,充分流露华盛顿的亲民作风,He likes to be a farmer rather than President,又接着說美国的政治体制是希望President is normal people。They don’t like the mars God。
因为后來讲了另外一个艺术家,在华盛顿死后40 多年做雕像,因为受到当时Greek revival style 部份影响,所以添加了希臘式风格的特色,将华盛顿与宙斯结合,结果民众认为这不是他们心中爱戴的华盛顿,华盛顿应是代表democracy,而不是像天神一样无法触及。
学生去学校影印室拿资料,staff 說call 了他一整天,总算出现,因为学生没填妥相关的form,staff不知道该印成彩色的,只好先印成黑白。学生很懊恼,因为教授希望学生报告时,运用适当颜色,让看的人有深刻的印象,他的小组do hard
work on this,他不想让组员失望,而且待会就要报告了。
Staff 說,这是office 的rule,没办法。问学生需要印几份彩色的,学生回答說,actually 只需教授那一份。Staff 便建议他可以先填好表格,缴完彩色复印的费用,待会再來拿,她会印好一份彩色的给他。
Astronomy 课,教授先是让同学看了一张梵谷的starry night,指出Venus 跟月亮在这张画的位置,推論出梵谷的画是写实的(问题:为何教授要让学生看这幅画)。
接着看另一画(一个屋子,右上角有Venus),Venus 出现在白天,而且浅而易見,有群德州的学生研究这幅画,首先假设assumption 梵谷的画是真实的(有题),再实地走访法国,查出真正屋子所在地,及调阅气象资料,最后根据梵谷写给他的brother 的信,这些条件查出了那天是六月十六。
Astronomers have pinpointed when Vincent Van Gogh painted "White House at Night" to the hour.
The extraordinary precision was made possible by identifying a star in the sky as the planet Venus.
Van Gogh was one of the greatest Impressionists but the researchers say this is a fine example of the attention to detail that Grand Master employed.
The painting surfaced in 1995 after being hidden from Nazis looters in the 1930s. It shows a white house at twilight with a prominent yellow star in the sky.
Van Gogh only painted five pictures of the night sky but astronomers have been astounded by their accuracy. "I was surprised his paintings have such a strong basis in reality," said Donald Olson, an astronomer from the Southwest Texas State University in the US.
Now Olson and colleague Russell Doescher have identified the star in White House At Night as the planet Venus. They say Venus was in just the right position at 7pm on 16 June 1890, just six weeks before the artist’s suicide. "We can say exactly when he was painting," says Olson.
On the day of the painting Venus was very bright in the sky. Olson previously noticed that Van Gogh painted Venus and other planets as stars with large yellow halos in his other night sky paintings.来源:考试大的美女编辑们
探讨阿兹特克的农业文化。Aztec 被赶到一个地势低,湖岸边且多swamp (沼泽)地的盆地定居(有题,问为什么在这裡定居)。Aztec 利用地形,建立一种农业设施Chinampa。Chinampa 是长方形耕地,长约30.2 米的人造岛,多建于Mexico valley 中的浅湖床上,以打桩的方式将枝条定于长方形四周,以泥浆、湖的沉淀物及腐坏植物作为基层,使之高于湖平面,再种柳树來巩固及增强流失的土壤,保持土壤的nutrition(有题)。
后來甚至有些湖面都被chinampa 覆盖,來生产更多农作物,这种农业支撑起阿兹特克帝国的繁荣,甚至重兵驻守來控制这区域。最后教授說Chinampa 还存在遗迹,但大部分已成为观光的地方,他质疑观光带來的效益,是否大于农业效益(有考态度题)。