由于班级人数限制,2023年秋季或之后被密歇根大学录取的学生必须先被选为计算机科学(CS)专业,然后才能申报专业。这一政策对于工程学院和文学、科学与艺术学院 (LSA) 的学生都是相同的,政策仅适用于 CS专业,不适用于寻求主修 CSE 与其他交叉学科的计算机工程 (CE) 或数据科学 (DS) 课程的学生。
第一种:学生可以通过 Common Application 在申请密歇根大学时选择工程学院或 LSA 作为他们的学院并提前声明 CS 专业。
申请将由密歇根大学本科招生办公室进行评估,大多数学生将以此为主要途径进入计算机专业,但班级人数限制意味着此专业竞争非常激烈。入学之后,提前选择 CS 专业的学生还必须在正式宣布 CS 专业之前满足其专业申报要求(工程或 LSA)。
第二种:从 2024 年冬季开始,在申请时未预选 CS 专业,但日后对 CS 专业产生兴趣的学生可以在满足大学专业申报要求(工程或 LSA)后申请。但是,班级人数限制意味着并非所有申请者都能进入 CS 专业。
但是,如果申请时已经预选了CS专业但未被录取,入学后将没有机会作为Enrolled discoverers转入。
If I do choose CS on the Common App and am not selected for that major, does that also mean I will not be accepted into the University of Michigan?
如果学生在 Common App 上选择了 CS,但没有被选入该专业,那是否也意味着他/她不会被密歇根大学录取?
No, admission to U-M is determined independently of whether you receive the opportunity to enter the CS major. If you are accepted into Engineering or LSA, we hope you will still consider becoming a University of Michigan student. There are other fields of study related to information and computing at U-M and we encourage you to explore those possibilities:
不是的,密歇根大学的录取与是否有机会进入 CS 专业无关。不被CS录取,也是有可能被工程或 LSA 录取, 密歇根大学还有其他与信息和计算相关的研究领域,你依然可以选择相关专业:计算机工程,电气工程,数据科学(工程学院),数据科学 (文理学院),机器人技术,计算机科学未成年人,工业与运营工程,信息,数学,认知科学 - 计算和认知轨道。
If I do choose CS on the Common App, am not selected for the major, but am accepted to the University of Michigan, will I have another opportunity to apply to be a CS major?
如果在 Common App 上选择了 CS,但没有被选入该专业,但被密歇根大学录取,是否还有机会申请成为 CS 专业?
No, you will not be able to major in CS if you applied for advance selection into CS on the Common App and were not selected for the major at that time. We encourage you to explore other opportunities for computing at U-M.
不可以,如果你在Common App上申请了预选CS并且当时没有被选入专业,你将无法主修CS。鼓励你在 U-M 探索其他相关专业。
If I do not choose CS on the Common App and am admitted to the University of Michigan, will I have another opportunity to apply to be a CS major?
如果在 Common App 上没有选择 CS 并被密歇根大学录取,是否还有机会申请成为 CS 专业?
Yes, enrolled students who did not request to be considered for advance selection into the CS major via the Common App during the original application process may apply for the major as an enrolled discoverer once they have fulfilled requirements for declaring CS in their respective college (Engineering or LSA). Details on how to apply for selection as an enrolled discoverer will be available in 2023.
是的,在原申请过程中未通过Common App申请预选CS专业的在校生,在达到所在学院(工程学院或 文理学院)申报CS的要求后,可以申请作为在校发现者申请该专业。有关如何申请的详细信息将于 2023 年公布。