现代回归与预测建模 Modern Regression and Predictive Modeling
统计学编程 Programming for Statistical Science
专业统计研究课程 ProSeminar: Becoming a Statistical Scientist*
贝叶斯与现代统计数据分析 Bayesian and Modern Statistical Data Analysis
高等贝叶斯推理与随机建模 Advanced Bayesian Inference and Stochastic Modeling
统计推理方法 Theory of Statistical Inference
统计计算与计算 Statistical Computing and Computation
统计咨询研究 Statistical Consulting Workshop
论文 thesis comprises
1、计算生物学与统计遗传学(Computational Biology & Statistical Genetics)
癌症遗传学、风险建模与遗传流行病学(Cancer genetics, risk modeling, genetic epidemiology)
基因和蛋白表达分析与分子分型(Gene and protein expression analysis and molecular phenotyping)
癌症生物学与基因网(Gene pathways and networks, especially in cancer biology)
分子生物化学与生物物理随机建模(Stochastic modeling in molecular biochemistry and biophysics)
系统生物学统计建模:动态随机细胞推论与基因网(Statistical modeling in systems biology: inference in dynamic stochastic cellular and genetic networks)
2、生物医学统计学(Biomedical Statistics)
生物统计与医疗政策(Biostatistics and health care policy)
空间流行病学(Spatial epidemiology)
大规模遗传分析与临床研究(Large-scale genetic profiling in clinical studies)
3、计算、自然与工程学(Computing, Natural and Engineering Sciences)
计算机模拟与应用逆问题(Computer simulation and applied inverse problems)
信号处理与网络通信(Signal processing/communications, and network traffic)
高能物理、物理化学与材料科学(High-energy physics, physical chemistry, and materials science)
4、环境与生态科学(Environmental and Ecological Sciences)
生态预测与生物多样性(Ecological forecasting, biodiversity/abundance)
污染建模与监测、空间统计学与遥感(Pollutant modeling and monitoring, spatial statistics, remote sensing)
大气科学与计算机建模评估(Atmospheric sciences -- computer model evaluation)
5、社会与经济学(Social and Economic Sciences)
金融与金融时间序列:多变量波动模型与投资组合选择(Finance and financial time series: multivariate volatility models and portfolio selection)
宏观经济学时间序列:多远与矩阵建模(Macro-economic time series: multi-variate and matrix-variate models)
因果推断与信息公布回避(Causal inference and disclosure avoidance)
政府与政策统计(Statistics in government and policy)