1 当代管理学导论 Introduction to Modern Management
2 当代商业战略 Business Strategy for the Modern World
3 二十一世纪的领导组织 Leading Organizations in 21st Century
4 现代化运营与供应链管理 Modern Operations and Supply Chain Management
5 全球管理 Global Initiatives in Management
6 管理统计学 Managerial Statistics
7 会计与企业社会责任报告原则 Accounting and CSR Reporting Principles
8 可持续性组织金融学 Finance in Sustainable Organizations
9 目的性营销 Purpose Driven Marketing
10 管理决策制定 Managerial Decision-Making
11 跨文化沟通与协商 Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation
12 创业与创新 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
13 社会创业/可持续性商业 Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Business
14 商法 Business Law