1 科学、技术与发展政策 Science, Technology & Development Policy
2 销售与增值税法 Sales and Value-Added Tax Law
3 发展中国家与新兴经济体的公共财政学 Public Finance in Developing and Emerging Economies
4 人权与冲突 Human Rights and Conflict
5 经济发展实证分析 Empirical Analysis for Economic Development
6 低收入国家的国际援助政治 The Politics of International Aid in Low-Income Countries
7 可持续发展制度设计 Institutional Design for Sustainable Development
8 发展政策分析 Policy Analysis for Development
9 本土化问题、人权与发展 Indigenous Issues, Human Rights, and Development
10 比较经济发展 Comparative Economic Development
11 比较税收政策 Comparative Tax Policy
12 创新创业政策 Innovation and Policy Entrepreneurship
13 发展中国家的教育政策 Education Policy in Developing Countries
14 性别与发展 Gender and Development
15 发展、安全与暴力 Development, Security and Violence