1 点集数据统计分析 Statistical Analysis of Point Process Data
2 运筹学研究随机方法 Stochastic Methods of Operations Research
3 线性模型 Linear Models
4 广义线性模型 Generalized Linear Models
5 金融衍生产品数学 Mathematics of Financial Derivatives
6 贝叶斯统计学 Bayesian Statistics
7 数理统计学 Mathematical Statistics
8 随机过程导论 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
9 多元统计分析 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
10 时间序列与预测 Time Series and Forecasting
11 非参数统计学 Nonparametric Statistics
12 统计计算学 Computational Statistics
13 抽样设计理论与方法 Sampling Design: Theory and Methods
14 实验设计 The Design of Experiments