1 创新组织管理 Management of Innovative Organizations
2 研讨会 Proseminar - every quarter
3 体验式学习 Experiential Learning
4 科学家与工程师企业家精神 Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers
5 基于专业化的工程部门研讨会 Engineering Departmental Seminar based on Specialization
6 应对动态时代:高管战略性思考 Responding to Dynamic Times: Thinking Strategically for Executives
7 统计学 Statistics for Executives
8 组织行为 Organizational Behavior for Executives
9 财务报告 Financial Reporting for Executives
10 微观经济学 Microeconomics for Managers
11 企业和政府 Business and Government for Managers
12 信息技术 Information Technology for Managers
13 运营管理 Operations Management for Managers
14 业务增长策略 Business Growth Strategies for Managers
15 新创企业管理 New Venture Management