1 商业经济学基础 Fundamentals of Business Economics
2 财务会计导论 Introduction to Financial Accounting
3 资本市场基础 Foundations of Capital Markets
4 成本与会计管理原则 Principles of Cost and Managerial Accounting
5 企业财务基础 Foundations of Corporate Finance
6 财务分析基础 Fundamentals of Financial Analysis
7 定量商业分析 Quantitative Business Analysis
8 电子表格建模与决策分析 Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis
9 商务沟通I Business Communication I
10 营销分析导论 Introduction to Marketing Analysis
11 市场情报基础 Fundamentals of Market Intelligence
12 战略制定原则 Principles of Strategy
13 组织与管理基础 Foundations of Management and Organizations
14 运营与供应链管理概论 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management
15 商务沟通II Business Communication II