1 农业和应用经济学概论 Introduction to Agricultural and Applied Economics
2 环境和全球经济 The Environment and the Global Economy
3 气候变化经济学和政策 Climate Change Economics and Policy
4 独立研究 Independent Study
5 房地产进程 The Real Estate Process
6 国际农业经济 The International Agricultural Economy
7 农业系统管理 Farming Systems Management
8 商品市场 Commodity Markets
9 合作社 Cooperatives
10 环境经济学 Environmental Economics
11 全球饥饿和营养不良问题 World Hunger and Malnutrition
12 全球化、发展和贫困 Globalization, Development and Poverty
13 全球经济下国家的成长和发展 The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy
14 电子表格基础和应用 Spreadsheet Fundamentals and Applications
15 农业金融 Agricultural Finance