排名 学校 TOEFL 最低要求
1 Phillips Exeter Academy 100
2 Phillips Academy Andover 100
3 Groton School 90
4 St.paul‘s school 110
5 Deefield Academy 110
6 Lawrenceville School 110
7 Middlesex School 100
8 Milton Academy 暂无
9 Choste Rosemary Hall 100
10 The Thacher School 100
11 The Hockaday School 90
12 Hotchkiss School 108
13 Governor’s Academy 暂无
14 Peddie School 90
15 The Taft School 暂无
16 St. Albans School 95
17 Cate School 暂无
18 Loomis Chaffee School 108
19 Concord Academy 暂无
20 St.Andrew‘s School 暂无
21 Webb Schools 85
22 St.George’s School 90
23 Westminster School 100
24 Cranbrook Schools 100
25 St.Mark‘s School 100
26 Northfield Mount H School 110
27 The Hill School 100
28 Emma Willard School 100
29 Episcopal High School 暂无
30 Georgetown P School 95
31 Blair Academy 暂无
32 Brooks School 暂无
33 BerkshireSchool 105
34 Suffield Academy 91
35 The Masters School 95
36 Miss Porter’s School 90
37 Western Reserve Academy 102
38 Oregon Episcopal School 85
39 Portsmouth Abbey School 100
40 The Williston N School 暂无
41 The Madeira School 100
42 Salisbury School 90
43 Stevenson School 91
44 Dana Hall School 100