阿克塞尔的城堡:1870-1930的想象文学研究/埃德蒙德威尔逊 (Axel‘s Castle: A Study in the
Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930/ Edmund Wilson)
阿罗史密斯/辛克莱•刘易斯(Arrowsmith/Sinclair Lowis)
爱尔兰农民/康拉德•M•阿伦斯伯格(The Irish Countryman/Corrad M.Arensberg)
爱德华一世时代以前的英国法律史/爱德华•波格克、F•W•梅特兰 (The History of English Law Before
the Time of Edward I / Edward Pollock and Frederic W.Maitland)
埃米莉•迪金森诗歌全集/埃米莉迪金森(The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson / Emily
奥德赛/荷马(The Odyssey/Homer)
奥狄浦斯王/索福克勒斯(Oedipus the King/Sophcles)
奥狄浦斯在科洛诺斯/索福克勒斯(Oedipus at Colonus/Sophcles)
安妮•弗兰克:一个少女的日记/安妮•弗兰克(Anne Frank:The Diary of a Young Girl/Anne
安德罗玛克/让-巴蒂斯特•拉辛(Andromaqur/Jean-Baptiste Racine)
安达曼岛民/阿尔弗雷德•R•拉德克利夫-布朗(The Andaman Islanders/Alfred
巴切斯特塔/安东尼特罗洛普(Barchester Towers/Anthony Trollope)
巴黎的房子/伊丽莎白•鲍恩(The House in Paris/Elizabeth Browen)
巴塞特的最后纪事/安东尼•特罗洛普(The Last Chronicles of Barset/Anthony Trollope)
把它留给珀史密斯/P•G•沃德豪斯(Leave It to Psmith/P.G.Wodehouse)
白捡的钱/P•G•沃德豪斯(Money for Nothing/P.G.Wodehouse)
伴随时代音乐起舞/安东尼•鲍威尔(A Dance to the Music of Time/Anthony Powell)
悲剧的诞生/弗里德里希•尼采(The Birth of Tragedy/Friedrich Nietzsche)
悲惨世界/维克托•雨果(Les Miserables/Victor Hugo)
被遗忘竞赛/赫伯特•F•约克(Race to Obliveon/Herber F.York)
被控诉的正义:反对奴隶制与司法程序/罗伯特•M•科弗(Justice Accused: Antislavery and the
Judical Process/Robert M.Cover)
比一千个太阳更明亮/罗伯特•容克(Brighter Than a Thousand Suns/RobertJungk)
辩证理性批判/让-保罗•萨特(Critique of Dialectical Reason/Jean-Paul Satire)
变革社会的政治秩序/塞缪尔•P•亨廷顿(Political Order in Changing Societies / Samuel
波士顿人/亨利•詹姆斯(The Bostonians/Henry James)
伯罗奔尼撒战争史/修昔底德(History of the Peloponnesian War/Thucydides)
薄迦梵歌(The Bhagavad Gita)
不确定状况下的决策分析/罗伯特•施莱弗(Analysis of Decision Under Unceratinty/Robert
不该烧死她/克里斯托弗•弗赖(The Lady’s Not for Burning/Christopher Fry)
不朽的夏娃/艾萨克•H•弗拉克(Eternal Eve/Isaac H.Flack)
参考书指南/尤金•保罗•希伊(A Guide to Reference Books/Eugene Paul Sheehy)
残局:第二阶段限制战略武器会谈内幕/斯特罗伯•塔尔博特(Endgame:The Inside Story of SALTⅡ/Strobe
苍白的火/弗拉基米尔•纳波科夫(Pale Fire/Vladimir Nabokov)
差别的未来/赫斯特•艾森斯坦、艾丽斯•贾丁(The Future of Difference/Hester Eisunstein and
Alice Jardine)
查特莱夫人的情人/D•H•劳伦斯(Lady Chatterley‘s Lover/D.H.Lawrence)
查尔斯•詹姆斯•福克斯的早期历史/乔治•奥托•特里维廉(The Early History of Charles James
Fox/George Otto Trevelyan)
忏悔录/圣•奥古斯丁(The Confessions/St.Augustine)
禅与摩长车维修艺术/罗伯特•M•皮尔西格(Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance/Robert M.Pirsig)
超越圣父:建立一门妇女解放的哲学/玛丽•戴利(Beyond God the Father:Toeard a philosophy of
Women’s Liberation/Mary Daly)
沉默的塔/保罗•斯科特(The Towers of Silence/Paul Scott)
沉思录/马库斯•奥里留斯(Meditations/Marcus Aurelius)
城堡/弗朗茨•卡夫卡(The Casole/Franz Kafka)
冲突战略/托马斯•C谢林(The Strategy of Conflict/Thomas C.Schelling)
冲突中的种族集团/唐纳德L•霍罗威茨(Ethnic Groups in Conflict/Donald L.Horowitz)
纯粹理性批判/康德(Critique of Pure Reason/Immanuel Kant)
《创世纪》里的刑事陪审法庭/海因里希•布隆内尔(Die Ents te hungder Schwurgerichte/Heinrich
从一个动物学家的观点看系统论和物种起源/恩斯特•迈尔(Systematics and the Origin of Species
from the Viewpoint of a Zoologish/Ernst Mayr)
从一个社会行为学家的立场来看心灵、自我与社会/乔治•H•米德(Mind, Self and Society from the
Standpoint of a Social Behavioriet/George H.Mead)
从行为主义者的观点看心理学/约翰•B•沃森(Psychology, from the Stand point of a
Behaviorist/Jonh B.Watson)
大卫•科波菲尔/查尔斯•狄更斯(David Copperfield/Charles Dickens)
大学时代的学术自由/沃尔特•P•梅茨格(Academic Freedom in the Age of the
University/Walter P.Metzger)
大地/赛珍珠(The Good Earth/Pearl S.Buck)
代价/阿瑟•米勒(Price/Arthur Miller)
戴高乐战争回忆录/夏尔•戴高乐(The Complete War Memoirs of Charles de
Gaulle/Charles de Gaulle)
丹尼尔•德龙达/乔治•艾略特(Daniel Deronda/George Eliot)
道德经/老子(Tao Te Ching/Lao Tsu)
道德形而上学的基本原理/伊曼纽尔•康德(Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals/Immanuel
到灯塔去/弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(To the Lighthouse/Virginia Woolf)
德雷朗索:美国黑人自画像/约翰•兰斯顿•格沃特尼(Drylongso:A Self Portrait of Black
America/John Langston Gwaltney)
德普特福德三部曲/罗伯逊•戴维斯(The Deptford Trilogy/Robertson Davis)
《第二次世界大战》第一卷:聚集的风暴/温斯顿•S•丘吉尔(The Second World War, Volume l: The
Gathing Storm/Winston S.Churchill)
第五项业务/罗伯逊•戴维斯(Fifth Business/Robertson Davis)
地下室手记/陀思妥耶夫斯基(Notes from Underground/Fyodor Dostoevsky)
地球的命运/乔纳森•谢尔(The Fate of the Earth/Jonathan Schell)
地中海与腓力二世时代的地中海世界/费尔南德•布劳代尔(The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean
World in the Age of Philip Ⅱ/Fernand Braudel)
蒂博一家/罗歇•马丹•迪加尔(Les Thibault/Roger Martindu Gard)
东西方之相遇/F•S•C•诺思罗普(The Meeting of East and West/F.S.C.Northrop)
动物与人的有目的行为/爱德华•C•托尔曼(Purposive Behavior in Animals and Man/Edward
独角兽/詹姆斯•吉本斯•亨内克(Unicorns/James Gibbons Huneker)
独家新闻/埃夫林•沃(Scoop/Evelyn Waugh)
都柏林人/詹姆斯•乔伊斯(Dubliners/James Joyce)
对策论与经济行为/约翰•冯•诺伊曼、奥斯卡•莫根斯特恩(Theory of Games and Economic
Behavior/John Von Neumann and Orkar Morgenstern)
对沉思的援助/塞缪尔•泰勒•格勒律治(Aids to Reflection/Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
短得不能再短的绳子/唐纳德•霍尔(String Too Short to Be Savde/Donald Hall)
俄国人/赫德里克•史密斯(The Russians/Hedrick Smith)
儿童读物的阅读困难/欧文•洛奇(Predicting Reading Difficulty of Selections for
Children/Irving Lorge)
儿童的心理发育/玛格丽特•马勒、弗雷德•派因、安妮•伯格曼(The Psychological Birth of Human
Infant/Margaret Mahler, Fredpine and Anni Bergman)
儿童故事集/艾萨克•巴谢维斯•辛格(Stories for Children/Isaac Bashevis Singer)
反托拉斯悖论:一项自相矛盾的政策/罗伯特•H•博克(The Antitrust Paradox: A Policy at War
With Itself/Robert H.Bork)
反偶像崇拜者,剧作家集/詹姆斯•吉本斯•亨内克(Iconoclasts, a Book of Dramatists/James
Gibbons Huneker)
翻身:一个中国村庄的革命纪实/威廉•欣顿(即韩丁)(Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a
Chinese Village/William Hinton)
方言/舒泽特•黑登•埃尔金(Native Tongue/Suzette Haden Elgin)
方案:前方深浅莫测的水域/皮埃尔•瓦克(Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead/Pierre Wack)
腓特烈二世/恩斯特•H•坎托罗维奇(Frederick the Second/Ernst H.Kantorowicz)
分裂世界里的教育/詹姆斯•B•科南特(Education in a Divided World/James B.Conant)
愤怒的葡萄/约翰•斯坦倍克(The Grapes of Wrath/John Steinbeck)
风俗史/诺伯特•伊莱亚斯(The History of Manners/Norbert Elias)
风格的要求/小威廉•斯特伦克、E•B•怀特(The Elements of Style/ William Strunk, Jr. And
疯狂的奥兰多/卢多维科•阿里奥斯托(Orlando Furioso/Ludovico Ariosto)
坟墓的闯入者/威廉•福克纳(Intruder in the Dust/William Faulkner)
弗洛斯河上的磨坊/乔治•艾略特(The Mill on the Floss/George Eliot)
弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫书信集/弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(The Letters of Virginia Woolf/Virginia Woolf)
弗兰尼和佐伊/J•D•塞林杰(Franny and Zooey/J.D.Salinger)
弗雷德里克•威廉•梅特兰传略/H•A•L•费希尔(Frederic William Maitland: A Biographical
妇女、历史与理论/琼•凯利(Women, History, and Theory/Joan Kelly)
妇女生态学:激进女权主义的伦理转变/玛丽•戴莉(Gyn/Ecology: The Metacthics of Radical
Feminisim/Mary Daly)
浮士德/歌德(Faust/Johann Wolfangvon Goethe)
浮士德博士/托马斯•曼(Doctor Faustus/Thomas Mann)
富有的人们:经济富裕与美国的特性/戴维•M•波特(People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and
the American Character/David M.Potter)
富裕社会/约翰•肯尼思•加尔布雷思(The Affluent Society/John Kenneth Galbraith)
富有洞察力的形象:西方基督教和世俗文化中的形象悟沉/玛格丽特•迈尔斯(Image as Insight: Visual
Understanding in Western Christianity and Secular Culture/Margaret
改革的时代:从布赖恩到罗斯福/理查德•霍夫施塔特(The Age of Reform: From Bryanto F.D.R/
Richard Hofstadter)
概率、统计学与真理/理查德•冯•米泽斯(Probability, Statistics, and Truth/Richard Von
甘地自传/甘地(Gandi, An Autobiography/M.K.Gandi)
感觉的抑制/格奥尔格•冯•贝凯西(Sensory Inhibition/Georg Von Bekesy)
高卢战记/尤处乌斯•恺撒(The Gallic Wars/Julius Gaesar)
高效率的管理/玛丽•帕克•福莱特(Dynamic Administration/Mary Parker Follett)
戈尔德贝格变奏曲/J•S•巴赫(The Goldberg Variations/J.S.Bach)
鸽翼/亨利•詹姆斯(The Wings of the Dove/Henry James)
个人主义与经济秩序/弗里德里希•奥古斯特•冯•哈耶克(Individualism and Economic
Order/Friderich August Von Hayek)
个人影响:人在大众传播媒介中的作用/保罗•拉扎斯菲尔德、埃利胡•卡茨(Personal Influence: The Part
Played by People in the Flow of Mass Communications/Paul F.
Lazarsfeld and Elihu Katz)
更高的读写能力:埃德加•戴尔博士文选/埃德加•戴尔(The Higher Literacy: Selections from the
Writings of Dr.Edgar Dale Edgar Dale)
工业发展、贸易与日-本经济的动力模式/筱原美代平(Industrial Growth, Trade and Dynamic
Patterns in the Japanese Economy/Miyohei Shinohara)
公祷书(The Book of Common Prayer)
共和国/柏拉图(The Republic/Plato)
孤独的人群/戴维•里斯曼、鲁埃尔•丹尼、内森•格拉泽(The Lonely Crowd/David Riesmar, Reuel
Denny and Nathan Glazer)
古利伯尔的旅行/林•拉德内(Gullible‘s Travels/Ring Lardner)
瓜分猎物/保罗•斯科特(The Division of the Spoils/Paul Scott)
管理工人/F•J•罗特利斯伯格、威廉•J•迪克森(Mananement and the Worker/
F.J.Roethlisberge, W.J.Dickson)
光明之书/哈伊德•波托克(The Book of Lights / Chaim Potok)
广岛/约翰•赫西(Hiroshima/John Hersey)
国王的人马/罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦(All the King’s Men/ Robertpenn Warren)
国际政治:为权力与和平而斗争/汉斯•J•摩根索(Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for
Power and Peace/ Hans J.Morgenthan)
国会制订法律:1946年就业法内幕/斯蒂芬•K•贝利(Congress Makes a Law: The Story Behind
the Employment Act of 1946/ Stephen K.Bailey)
过去的与将来的国王/T•H•怀特(即白修德)(The Once and Future King/ T.H.White)
哈克贝利•芬历险记/马克•吐温(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/ Mark Twain)
哈珀现代思想词典/艾伦•L•布洛克(The Harper Dictionary of Modern Thought/ Alan
哈维•库欣传/约翰F•富尔顿(Harvery Cushing: A Biography/John F.Fulton)
海洋元帅:哥伦布传/塞缪尔•艾略特•莫里森(Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of
Christopher Columbus/ Samue Eliot Morison)
好兵/福特•马多克斯•福特(The Good Soldier/ Ford Madox Ford)
好兵帅克/亚诺斯拉夫•哈谢克(The Good Soldier Svejk/ Jeroslav Hasek)
豪斯曼诗选/A•E•豪斯曼(The Collected Poems of A.E.Hosman/ A.E.Housman)
黑人的灵魂/W•E•B•杜波依斯(The Souls of Black Fold/ W.E.B.Dubois)
黑猩猩政治学:类人猿中的权力性/弗兰斯•德瓦尔(Chinpanzee Politics: Power and Sex Among
Apes/ Frans De Waal)
和平析/埃默里•里夫斯(The Anatomy of Peace/ Emery Reves)
和平与战争:国际关系论/雷蒙•阿龙(Peace and War: A Theory of International
Relations/ Raymond Aroz)
何为历史?/爱德华•H•卡尔(What Is History? / Edward H.Carr)
亨利•法布尔的昆虫世界/埃德温•韦•蒂尔(The Insect World of J.Henry Fabre / Edwin Way
亨利•亚当斯的教育/亨利•亚当斯(The Education of Henry Adams / Henry Adams)
亨利四世/威廉•莎士比亚(Henry IV / William Shakespear)
后工业社会的来临/丹尼尔•贝尔(The Coming of Post-Industrial Society / Dauiel Bell)
欢乐的鸟儿夜间歌唱的地方/卡特•威廉(Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang / Kate William)
幻觉的未来/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(The Future of Illusion / Sigmund Freud)
洪堡的礼物/索尔•贝娄(Humboldt‘s Gift / Saul Bellow)
荒凉山庄/查尔斯•狄更斯(Bleak House / Charles Dickens)
皇冠上的珠宝/保罗•斯科特(The Jewel in the Crown / Paul Scott)
回忆录/乔治•F•凯南(Memoirs / George F.Kennan)
回忆、梦想、思考/卡尔•容格(Memory, Dream, and Reflection / Carl Jung)
回到笑声中去/埃莉诺尔•史密斯•鲍恩(劳拉•博安南)(Return to Laughter / Elenore Smith Bowen
(Laura Bahannan)
化身博士/罗伯特•路易斯•斯蒂文生(The Strange Caseof Dr.Jekylland Mr.Hyde / Robert
Louis Stevenson)
怀河/戴维•J•邓肯(The River Why / David J.Duncan)
吉尔迦美什史诗(The Epic of Gilgamesh)
吉迪恩的喇叭/安东尼•刘易斯(Gideon’s Trumpet / Anthony Lewis)
基督山伯爵/大仲马(The Count of Monte Cristo / Alexandre Dumas
基督教的本质/路德维希•费尔巴哈(The Essenceof Christianity / Ludwig Feuerbach)
激进的一神教与西方文化/理查德•尼布尔(Radical Monotheisnand western Culture / Richard
纪律与惩罚:一座监狱的诞生/米歇尔•福考尔特(Discipline and Punish : The Birth of a Prison
/ Michel Foucault)
贾斯廷的教区长/路易斯•奥金克洛斯( The Rector of Just in / Louis Auchinc loss)
简•爱/夏洛特•勃朗特(Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte)
简单的正义/理查德•克鲁格(Simple Justice / Richard Kluger)
街头社会/威廉•F•怀特(Street Corner Society / William F.Whyte)
结构主义/琼•皮亚杰(Structuralism / Jean Piaget)
教育与国家/E•G•韦斯特(Education and the State / E.G.West)
教育的目的及其他论文/阿尔弗雷德•诺思•怀特海(The Aims of Education and Other Essays /
Alfred North Whitehead)
经济学/保罗•A•萨缪尔森(Economics / Paul A.Samuelson)
精神现象学/黑格尔(Die Phanomenologie des Geistes / G.W.F Hegel)
精神分析引论/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis / Sigmund
进步、共存及知识自由/安德烈•D•萨哈罗夫(Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual
Freedom / Andreig D.Sakharo)
进化的意义/乔治•G•辛普森(The Meaning of Evolution / George G.Simpson)
进化观的起源与发展初探/约翰•B•伯里(The Idea of Progress: An Inquiryin to Its Origin
and Growth / John B.Bury)
进入黑夜的漫长旅程/尤金•奥尼尔(A Long Day‘s Journey into Night / Eugene O’Neill)
居里夫人/夏娃•居里(Madame Curie / Eve Curie)
决策的要素:古巴导弹危机分析/格雷厄姆•F•阿利森(Essence of Dicision: Explaining the Cuban
Missile Crisis / Graham T.Allison)
君主论/尼科罗•马基雅雅利(The Prince / Nicolo Machiavelli)
卡拉玛佐夫兄弟/费奥多尔•陀思妥耶夫斯基(The Brothers Karamazov /Fyodor Dostoevsky)
开放社会及其敌人/卡尔•R•波普尔(The Open Society and Its Enemies / Karl R.Popper)
凯尔特人的爱尔兰/约恩•麦克尼尔(Celtic Ireland / Eoin MacNeil)
坎特伯雷故事集/杰弗里•乔叟(The Canterbury Tales / Geoffrey Chauver)
看电影的人/沃尔克•珀西(The Moviegoer / Walker Percy)
看守/安东尼•特罗洛普(The Warden / Anthony Trollope)
看得见的手/小阿尔弗雷德•D•钱德勒(The Visible Hand / Alfred D.Chandler)
考察中的发展项目/艾伯特•O•赫尔曼(Development Projects Observed / Albert
科学与共同理解/J•罗伯特•奥本海默(Science and Common Understanding / J.Robert
科学与现代世界/阿尔弗雷德•诺思•怀特海(Science and the Modern World / Alfred North
科学研究的艺术/威廉•I•贝弗里奇(The Art of Scientific Investigation / William
科学的美国人(杂志)(The Scientific American)
科学革命的结构/托马斯•S•库恩(The Structure of Scientific Revolution / Thomas
科德角/亨利•戴维•梭罗(Cape Cod / Heury David Threau)
克里斯汀•拉夫伦斯达特/西格里德•昂德塞特(Kristin Lavransdatter/Sigrid Undset)
空间、时间与建筑/西格弗里德•吉尔迪恩(Space, Time, and Architecture / Sigfried
拉文格洛/乔治•亨利•博罗(Lavengro / George Henry Borrow)
拉吉四部曲/保罗•斯科特(The Raj Quartet / Paul Scott)
拉克伦特堡/玛丽亚•埃奇沃恩(Castle Rackrent / Maria Edgeworth)
莱博维茨顿/小沃尔特•M•米勒(A Canticle for Leibowitz / Walter M.Miller,Jr.)
赖纳•马里亚•里尔克诗选/赖纳•马里亚•里尔克(Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke /
Rainer Maria Rilker)
立法者:加入和适应立法生涯/詹姆斯•D•巴伯(The Lawmakers: Recruitment and Adaptation to
Ldgislative Life James D.Barber)
理查二世/威廉•莎士比亚(Richard Ⅱ / William Shakespear)
利己主义者,超人集/詹姆斯•吉本斯•亨内克(Egoists, a Book of Supermen / James Gibbons
力学/恩斯特•马赫(The Science of Mechanics / Ernst Mach)
礼仪的相互作用:面对面的行为论集/欧文•戈夫曼(Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face
Behavior / Erving Goffman)
历史、人与理性:19世纪思想研究/莫里斯•H•曼德尔鲍姆(History, Man, and Reason: A Study in
Nineteenth-Century / Maurice H.Mandelbaum)
历史观念/R•G•科林伍德(The Idea of History / R•G•Collingwood)
联盟政治/理查德•E•诺伊施塔特(Alliance Politics / Richard E•Neustadt)
联邦党人/亚历山大•汉密尔顿、约翰•杰伊、詹姆斯•麦迪逊(The Federalist / Alexander Hamilton,
John Jay and James Madison)
量子力学基础/约瑟夫•马里亚•约奇(Foundation of Quantum Mechanics / Josef Maria
领导者的用人之道/亚伯拉罕•扎莱兹尼克(Human Dilemmas of Leadership / Abraham Zaleznik)
鲁拜集/欧玛尔•海亚姆(Rubaiyat / Omar Khayyam)
绿野仙踪/弗兰克•鲍姆(The Wizard of Oz / L•Frank Baum)
罗斯福:狮子与狐狸/詹姆斯•麦格雷戈•伯恩斯(Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox / James
MacGregor Burns)
罗马帝国和中世纪的建筑象征主义/厄尔•鲍德温•史密斯(Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome
and the Middle Ages / Earl Baldwin Smith)
洛莉塔/弗拉基米尔•纳波科夫(Lolita / Vladimir Nabokov)
裸者与死者/诺曼•梅勒(The Naked and the Dead / Norman Mailer)
论自由的四篇论文/艾赛亚•伯林爵士(Four Essays on Liberty / Sir Isaiah Berlin)
论形式的综合/克里斯托弗•亚历山大(Notes of the Synthesis of Form / Christopher
论文集:1965-1980/温德尔•伯里(Recollected Essays: 1965-1980 / Wendell Berry)
论道德/菲利普•维利(An Essay on Morals / Philip Wylie)
论宗教感情/乔纳森•爱德华兹(A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections / Jonathan
论自由/约翰•斯图亚特•穆勒(On Liberty / John Stusrt Mill)
伦理学/贝内迪克特•斯宾诺莎(Ethics / Bendict Spinoza)
马尔科姆•艾克斯自传/马尔科姆•艾克斯(The Autobiography of Malcolm X / Malcolm X)
马克•吐温作品选/马克•吐温(The Comic Mark Twain Reader/Mark Twain)
马基雅维利与圭契阿迪尼/费利克斯•吉尔伯特(Machiavelli and Guicciardini / Felix Gilbert)
马杰里•肯普之书/马杰里•肯普(The Book of Margery Kempe / Margery Kempe)
马克斯•韦伯社会学论文选/马克斯•韦伯(From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology /Max Weber)
马鹿荒原:穆里夫妇在怀俄明州杰克逊洞的生活/玛格丽特•穆里、奥劳斯•穆里(Wapit Wilderness: The Life of
Olaus and Margaret Murie in Jackson Hole, Wyoming / Margaret Murie
and Olaus Murie)
玛格丽特•富勒:美国传奇:作品与书信选/佩里•米勒(Margaret Fuller: American Romantic A
Selection from Her Writing and Correspondence /Perry Miller)
曼蒂科尔/罗伯逊•戴维斯(The Manticore / Roberts on Davies)
曼纳斯小姐行为矫正指南/朱迪思•马丁(Miss Manners‘ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct
Behavior / Judith Martin)
美人鱼与人身牛头怪物/多萝西•迪纳斯坦(The Mermaid and the Mionotaur / Dorothy
?美国的民主/亚历克西•德•托克维尔(Democracy in America / Alexisde Tocqeville)
美国教育/劳伦斯•A•克雷明(American Education / Lawrence A•Crenin)
美国民主思想进程/拉尔夫•亨利•加布里埃尔(The Course of American Democratic Thought /
Ralph Henry Gabriey)
美国的困境:黑人问题与现代民主/冈纳•默代尔、理查德•斯特纳、阿诺德•罗斯(An American Dilemma: The Negro
Problem and Modern Democracy / Gunnar Myrdal, Richard Sterner and
Arnold Rose)
美国黑人的改造/W•E•B•杜波依斯(Black Reconstruction in America /W•E•B•DuBois)
美国/弗朗茨•卡夫卡(Amerika/ Franz Kafka
美国的自由传统/路易斯•哈茨(The Liberal Tradition in America / Louis Hatz)
美国与中国/费正清(The United States and China / John K•Fairbank)
美国革命的思想起源/伯纳德•贝林(The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution/
Bernard Bailyn)
美国生活的反知识分子倾向/理查德•霍夫施塔特(Anti-Intellecturalism in American Life/
Richard Hofstadter)
美国建筑/弗兰克•劳埃德•赖特(An American Architecture / Frand Lioyd Wright)
美国政治:不和谐的前景/塞缪尔•P•亨廷顿(American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony /
Samuel P•Huntington)
美国风情/亨利•詹姆斯(The American Scene / Henry James)
美国在世界经济中的竞争力/乔治•C•洛奇、布鲁斯•R•斯科特(US Competitiveness in the World
Economy / George C•Lodge and Bruce R•Scott)
美国古典文学研究/D•H•劳伦斯(Studies in Classic American Literature
美国的竞争优势/理查德•W•博林、约翰•鲍尔斯(America’s Competitive Edge / Richard Bolling
and John Bowls)
美学分析/D•W•普劳尔(Aesthetic Analysis /D•W•Prall)
没有财产的权力:美国政治经济的一个新发展/小阿道夫•A•伯利(Power Without Property: A New
Development in Americn Political Economy/Adolph A•Berle,Jr.)
没有建筑师的建筑/伯纳德•鲁多夫斯基(Architecture Without Architects/Bernard Rudofsky)
梦的解析/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(The Interpretation of Dreams/Sigmund
Freud)米德尔马契/乔治•艾略特(Middlemarch/ George Eliot)
面包和酒/伊尼亚齐奥•西洛内(Bread and Wine/Ignozio Silone)
?名利场/威廉•萨克雷(Vanity Fair/William Thackeray)
魔山/托马斯•曼(The Magic Mountin/Thomas Mann)
莫比•迪克/赫尔曼•麦尔维尔(Moby Dick/Herman Malville)
墨西哥征服史/威廉•H•普雷斯科特(History of the Conquest of Mexico/Willian
母性的再生产:精神分析与性别社会学/南希•乔多罗(The Reproduction of Mathering:
Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender/Nancy Chodorow)
内容的形式/本•莎恩(The Shape of Content/Ben Shahn)
尼采文集/弗里德里希•尼采(The Basic Writings of Nietzsche/Friedrieh Nietzsche)
尼可马亥伦理学/亚里士多德(Nicomachean Ethics/Aristotle)
农业的萎缩:印度尼西亚的生态变化地程/克利福德•格尔茨(Agricultural Involution: The Process of
Ecological Change in Indonisia/Clifford Geertz)
农业发展的国际前景/早见与次郎、弗农•W•拉坦(Agricultural Development: An International
Perspective/Yujiro Hayama and Vernon W•Ruttan)
诺丁希尔尔区的拿破仑/G•K•切斯特顿(The Napoleon of Notting Hill/G•K•Chesterton)
欧洲文明史/弗朗索瓦•P•基佐(The History of Civilization in Europe•Francois P•
派迪亚:希腊文化的典范/沃纳•W•耶格尔(Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture/Werner
培根是莎士比亚/埃德温•德宁--劳伦斯爵士(Bacon Is Shakespear/Sir Edwin
皮诺乔历险记/卡洛•罗伦齐尼(Adventures of Pinochio/Carlo Lorenzini)
皮裹腿故事集/詹姆斯•费尼莫尔•库柏(The Leather-Stocking Tales/James Fenimore Cooper)
漂流生活片断/胡申(Chapters from a Floating Life/Fu Shen)
偏见:哲学词典/罗伯特•尼斯比特(Prejudices, A Philosophical Dictionary/Robert
骗子及其伪装/赫尔曼•麦尔维尔(The Confidence-Man; His Masquerade/Herman Melville)
普通法/小奥利弗•温德尔•霍姆斯(The Common Law/Oliver Wendell Holmes,Jr.)
葡萄牙十四行诗/伊丽莎白•芭蕾特•勃朗宁(Sonners from the Portuguese/Elizabeth Barrett
七根智慧之柱/T•E•劳伦断(Seven Pillars of Wisdom/T•E•Lawrencs)
奇异世界/罗伯逊•戴维斯(World of Wonders/Robertson Davies)
启示的意义/理查德•尼布尔(The Meaning of Revelation/H•Richard
Niebuhr)千头万绪玛丽亚•德茂特(The Ten Thousand Thinfs/Maria Dermout)
桥头眺望/阿瑟•米勒(A View from the Bridge/Arthur Miller)
秋天四重奏/巴巴拉•皮姆(Quartetin Artumn/Barbara Pym)
去芬兰车站/埃德蒙德•威尔逊(To the Finland Station/Edmund Wilson)
权利哲学/黑格尔(Philosophy of Right/G.W.F.Hegel)
权力的复仇女神:政治中的德国军队/约翰•惠勒-贝内特(The Nenesis of Power: The German Army in
Politics/John Whecler Bennet)
扰乱宇宙/弗里曼•J•戴森(Disturbing the Universe/Freeman J.Dyson)
人有人的用途:控制论与社会/诺伯特•维纳(The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and
Society/Norbert Wiener)
人可以被改变吗?/琼•罗斯坦德(Can Man Be Modified?/Jean Rostand)
人类团体/乔治•C•霍曼斯(The Human Group/George C.Homans)
?人类枷锁/威廉•萨默塞特•毛姆(Of Human Bondage/W.Somerset Maugham)
人类美德的来源/亨利•N•威曼(The Source of Human Good/Henry N.Wienan)
人类状况/汉纳•阿伦特(The Human Condition/Hannah Arendt)
日-本第一:美国的教训/埃兹拉•F•沃格尔(Japanas Number One: Lessons for America/Ezra
日-本的工业政策/经济合作与发展组织(Industial Policy of Japan/Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development)
日常生活精神病理学/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(Psychopathology of Everyday Life/Sigmund Freud)
瑞典女王克里斯蒂娜作品集/瑞典人、哥特人和汪达尔人的女王克里斯蒂娜(The Works of Christina, Queen of
Sweeden/Kristina,Queen of the Swedes,the Goths,and the Vandals)
萨基短篇小说选/H•H•芒罗(The Short Stories of Saki/H.H.Munro)
塞缪尔•约翰逊传/詹姆斯•博斯韦尔(The Life of Samuel Johnson/James Boswell)
三个几尼/弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(Three Guineas/Virginia Woolf)
三个士兵/约翰•多斯•帕索斯(Three Soldiers/John Dos Passos)
三个火枪手/大仲马(The Three Musketeers/Alexandre Dumas)
散文与戏剧精选/亨里克•易卜生(Complete Major Prose and Plays/Henrik Ibsen)
杀手天使/达克尔•沙拉(The Killer Angles/Michael Shaara)
莎士比亚全集/威廉•莎士比亚(Shakespear: Complete Works/William Shakespear)
上帝之城/圣•奥古斯丁(The City of God/St.Augustine)
社会制度/塔尔科特•帕森斯(The Social System/Talcott Parsons)
社会行为及其基本形式/乔治•C•霍曼斯(Social Behavior:Its Elementary Forms/George
社会选择与个人价值/肯尼思•J•阿罗(Social Choice and Individua values/Kenneth
社会科学方法论/马克斯•韦伯(On the Methodology of the Social Science/Max Weber)
社会主义心理学/亨德里克•德曼(The Psychology of Socialism/Hendrickde Man)
社会主义/路德维希•冯•米泽斯(Socialism/Ludwig Mises)
社会组织与经济组织论/马克斯•韦伯(The Theory of Social and Economic Organization/Max
社会行为的结构/塔尔科特•帕森斯(The Structure of Social Action/Talcott Parsons)
社会契约论/让-雅克•卢梭(Social Contract/Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
神曲/但丁(The Divine Comedy/Dante Alighieri)
神经脊/尼科勒•勒杜阿连(The Neural Crest/Nicole Le Douarain)
神经质的类型/戴维•夏皮罗(Neurotic Style/David Shapiro)
审判/弗朗茨•卡夫卡(The Trial/Franz Kafka)
生命中枢:自由的政治/小阿瑟•M•施莱辛格(The Vital Center: The politics of
Freedom/Arthur M.Schlesingor)
生命是什么?/薛定谔(What Is Life?/Erw in Schrodinger)
生长与形态/达西•W•汤普森爵士(On Growth and Form/Sir D‘ Arcy W.Thompson)
生态学诸要素/乔治•L•克拉克(Elements of Ecolgy/George .L.Clarke)
生物学思想的发展/恩斯特•E•迈尔(The Growth of Biological Thought/Ernst E.Myer)
圣经(钦定版)(Bible (King James Version))
圣徒的革命:激进政治的起源研究/迈克尔•沃尔泽(The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the
Origins of Radical Politics/Michase Walzer)
圣诞节/W•萨默塞特•毛姆(Christmas Holiday/W.Samerset .Maugham)
胜负未决的战斗/约翰•斯坦倍克(In Dubious Battle/John Steinbeck)
塞缪尔•泰勒•柯勒律治诗集 (The Poetical Works/Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
珀西•比希•雪莱诗作全集/ (The Complele Poetical Works/Percy Byshe Shelley)
施拉谢弗罗腾堡与党派政治/埃卡特•科尔(Schlacht flottenbau und parti-Politik/Eckart
失去的世界/阿瑟•柯南•道尔爵士(Lost World/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
十的威力/菲利普•莫里森、莫利斯•莫里森(Powers of Ten/Phlip Morrison and Phylis
十日谈/薄迦丘(The Decameron/Giovannin Boccaccio)
十三个故事/尤多拉•韦尔蒂(Thirteen Stories/Eudoro Welty)
实用主义/威廉•詹姆斯(Pragmatism/William James)
实验医学研究导言/克劳德•贝尔纳(An Introduction to the Study of Experimental
Medicine/Claude Bernard)
实践理性批判/伊曼纽尔•康德(Critique of Practical Reason/Immanuel
Kant)史前多瑙河/维尔•戈登•蔡尔德(The Danube in Prehistory/Vere Gordon Childe)
世界的逻辑结构/鲁道夫•卡纳普(Der Logische Arfbauder Welt/Rudolf Carnap)
世界大战的起源/西德尼•B•费伊(The Origins of the World War/Sidney B.Fay)
事物的本来面目/珀西•W•布里奇曼(The Way Things Are/Percy
W.Bridgeman)书中的乐趣/罗兰•巴特斯(The Pleasure of the Text/Roland Barthes)
书目前新知/菲利普•加斯克尔(A New Introductionto Bibliography/Philip Gaskell)
鼠、虱与历史:细菌传/汉斯•津瑟(Rats, Lice and History: The Biography of Bacillus/
Hans Zinsser)
数学原理/伯特兰•罗素(Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy/Bertr and
数学纲要/怀特海、罗素(Principia Mathematica/Alfred N.Whitehead and Bertr and
衰竭的自由/理查德•哈里斯(Freedom Spent/Richard Harris)
衰落与崩溃/埃夫林•沃(Decline and Fall/Evelyn Wargh)
双城记/查尔斯•狄更新(A Tale of Two Cities/Charles Dickens)
双螺旋/詹姆斯•D•沃森(The Double Hilix/James D.Watson)
说服论/约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(Essays in Persuasion/John Maynard Keynes)
斯尼奇及其他故事/西奥多•索伊斯•盖泽尔(The Sneetches and Other Stories/Theodore Seuss
斯大林:用批判的眼光观察布尔什维主义/鲍里斯•苏瓦林(Stalin: A Critical Survey of
Bolshevism/Boris Souvarine)
撕毁的誓约:患难时期美国民间宗教/罗伯特•N•贝拉(The Broken Covenant:American Civil
Religionina Time of Trial/Robert N.Bellah)
四个四重奏/托马斯•斯特恩斯•艾略特(Four Quartets/Thomas Stearns
Eliot)49批邮票的拍卖/托马斯•平钦(The Crying of Lot 49/Thomas
Pynchon)送火:一个宇航员的旅行/迈克尔•科林斯 (Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s
Journey/Michael Collins)
?随笔集/蒙田(Selections from the Essays/Michelde Montaigne)
索琼纳•特鲁思自述/索琼纳•特鲁思(Narrative of Sojourner Truth/Sojourner Truth)
她/H•赖德•哈格德爵士(She/H.Rider Haggard)
他们自以为自由:1933-1945的德国人/密尔顿•S•迈耶(They Thought They Were Free: The
Germans,1933-1945/Milton S.Mayer)
他们的眼睛注视着上帝/佐拉•尼尔•赫斯顿(Their Eyes Were Watching God/Zora Neale
太空警察的旅行/A•E•范•福格特(The Voyage of the Space Beagle/A.E.Van Vogt)
天赋权利与历史/列奥•施特劳斯(Natural Right and History/Leo Strauss)
田纳西流域管理局:行进中的民主/戴维•E•利连撒尔(T V A: Democracy on the March/David
条件反射:大脑皮层的生理研究/伊万•P•巴甫洛夫(Conditioned Reflexes: An Investigation of
the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex/Ivan P.Pavlov)
汤姆•索耶历险记/马克•吐温•(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Mark
Twain)通商产业省与日-本奇迹:工业政策的发展,1925-1975/查默斯•A•约翰逊(M I T I and the
Japenese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy,1925-1975/Chalmers
同党/鲍勃•伍德沃德、斯科特•阿姆斯特朗(The Brethren/Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong)
推销员之死/阿瑟•米勒(Death of a Salesman/Arthur Miller)
通过法律的社会控制/罗斯科•庞德(Social Controlthrough Lanw/Roseoe Pound)
图腾与禁忌/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(Totem and Taboo/Sigmund Freud)
陀思妥耶夫斯基选集/陀思妥耶夫斯基(The Collected Works/of Fyodor Postoevsky)
安美无缺的女人/巴巴拉•皮姆(Excellent Women/Barbara Pym)
威廉•特雷佛小说集/威廉•特雷佛(The Stories of William Trever/William Trever)
危险性最小的分支:政治法庭上的最高法院/亚历山大•M•比克尔(The Least Dangerous Branch: The
Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics/Alexander M.Bickel)
微生物探求者/保罗•H•德克鲁夫(Microbe Hunters/Paul H.Dekruif)
伟大的转变/卡尔•波拉尼(The Great Trans for mation/Karl Polanyi)
伟大的攀登:我们时代谋求经济发展的斗争/罗伯特•L•海尔布罗内(The Great Ascent: The Struggle for
Economic Developmentin Our Time/Robert L ilbroner)
伟大的思想:西方名著大全/莫蒂默•J•阿德勒(The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books
of the Western World/Mortimer J.Adler)
伟大的盖茨比/F•斯科特•菲茨杰拉尔德(The Great Gatsby /F.Scott Fitzerald)
为什么要研究古典哲学/奥托•伊密奇(Wie Studiertman Klassische Philologie/Otto
瘟疫与民族/威廉•H•麦克尼尔(Plagues and Peoples/William H.McNeill)
文化模式/鲁思•F•本尼迪克特(Patterns of Culture/Ruth F.Benedict)
文明与资本主义:15世纪至18世纪/费尔南德•布劳代尔(Civilization and Capitalism,15-18th
Century/Fern and Rraudel)
文明及其不满/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(Civilization and Its Discontents/Sinmund Freud)
我记忆中的他/汉斯•津瑟(As I Remember Him/Hans Zinsser)
我的名字叫阿舍•列夫/哈伊姆•波托克(My Name Is AsherLev/Chaim Potok)
我的安东尼亚/维托•卡瑟(My Antonia/Willa Cather)
我人对物质世界的认识/伯兰特•罗素(Our Knowledge of the External World/Bertr and
沃尔登/亨利•戴维•梭罗(Walden/Henry David)
沃特兰/格雷厄姆•斯威夫特(Waterland/Graham Swift)
无敌舰队/加勒特•马丁利(The Armada/Garrett Mattingly)
伍德布鲁克/戴维•汤姆森(Wood Brook/David Thomson)
物理学的发展/艾伯特•爱因斯坦、利奥波德•因菲尔德(Physikals Abenteuerder Erkenntnis/Aibert
Einstein and Leopold Infeld)
物理世界的特性/阿瑟•S•爱丁顿爵士(The Nature of the Physical World/Arhtur
?物种起源/查尔斯•达尔文(The Origin of Species/Charles Darwin)
西方的兴起:人类社会史/戴维•H•麦克内尔(The Rise of the West: Ahistory of the Human
Community/William H.McNeil)
西方的没落/奥斯瓦尔德•斯宾格勒(The Decline of the West/Oswald Spengler)
西方世界的花花公子/约翰•米林顿•辛格(The Playboy of the Western World/John Millington
西太平洋的亚尔古/布罗尼斯瓦夫•马利诺夫斯基(Argonauts of the Western Pacific/Bronislav
西格蒙德•弗洛伊德的生活与工作/欧内斯特•琼斯(The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud/Ernest
西结无战事/埃里希•马里亚•雷马克(All Quiet on the western Front/Erich Maria
西奥多•罗斯福书信集/西奥多•罗斯福(The Letters of The odore Roosevelt/Theodore
西西弗斯的神话/艾伯特•加缪(The Myth of Sisyphus/Albert Camus)
希望与希望/纳德兹达•曼杰利什塔姆(Hope Against Hope/Nadezhda Mandes‘shtam)
戏剧与书信集/安东•契诃夫(Plays and Letters/Anton Chekhov)
细胞分子生物学/布鲁斯•艾伯茨等(Molecular Biology of the Cell/Bruce Albertsetal)
现代物理学的逻辑/珀西•W•布里奇曼(The Logic of Modern Physics/Percy W.Bridgeman)
现代诗及传统/克林思•布鲁克斯(Modern Poetry and Tradition/Cleanth Brooks)
现代政治理论入门/C•E•M•乔德(Introduction to Modern Political
现在让我们赞颂名人/詹姆斯•阿吉、沃尔克•埃文斯(Let Us Now Praise Famous Men/James Agee and
Walker Evans)
献给风的歌/西奥多•罗特克(Word for the Wind/Theodore Roethke)
乡村编辑/亨利•比特尔•霍夫(Country Edtor/Henry Beetle Hough)
想象与构图/罗杰•弗赖(Vision and Design/Roger Fry)
向家乡看吧,安琪儿/托马斯•沃尔夫(Lood Homeward,Angel/Thomas Wolfe)
项狄传/劳伦斯•斯特恩(Tristram Shandy/Lawrence Steren)
象牙、类人猿和孔雀/詹姆斯•吉本斯•亨内克(Ivory, Apes and Peacock/James Gibbons Huneker)
小公主/安托万•德•圣埃克萨佩里(The Little Prince/Antoinede Saint Exuperis)
小杜丽/查尔斯•狄更斯(Little Ddorrit/Charles Dickens)
小墓地/厄斯金•考德威尔(God’s Little Acre/Erskine Caldwell)
小路上的树/霍林•C•霍林(Tree in the Trail/Holling C.Holling)
竭子的日子/保罗•斯科特(The Day of the Scorpion/Paul Scott)
邪恶的躯体/埃夫林•沃(Vile Bodies/Evelyn Wargh)
写作学/雅克•德里达(Of Grammatology/Jacqes Derrida)
心理学著作全集/西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(The Complete Psychological Works/Sigmund Freud)
心系中国:50年的回忆/费正清(China Bound: A Fifty-Year Memoir/John K.Fairbank)
新阶级:共产主义制度分析/米罗万•德热拉斯(The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist
System/Milovan Djilas)
新政与垄断问题:1934-1938/埃利斯•W•霍利(The New Deal and the Problem of
Monopoly,1934-1938/Ellis W.Hawley)
新教伦理与资本主义精神/马克斯•韦伯(The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism/Max Weber)
新英格兰和纽约游记/蒂莫西•德怀特(Travels in New England and New York/Timothy
信徒的代价/狄特里希•朋谔斐尔(The Cost of Discipleship/Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
形而上学论/R•G•科林伍德(An Essay on Metaphysics/R.G.Collingwood)
行为主义/约翰•B•沃森(Behaviorism/John B.Watson)
行政领导:社会学分析/菲利普•塞尔兹尼克(Leadership in Administration: A Sociological
Interpretation/Philip Selznick)
袖珍诗集/莫里斯•埃德蒙德•斯皮尔(The Poket Book of Verse/Morris Edmund Speare)
喧器与愤怒/威廉•福克纳(The Sound and the Fury/William Faulkner)
选拔精英/罗伯特•E•克利特加德(Choosing Elites/ Robert E.Klitgaard)
学院时代的学术自由/理查德•霍夫施塔特(Academic Freedom in the Age of the
College/richard Hofstadter)
押沙龙!押沙龙!/威廉•福克纳(Absalom Absalom/William Faulkner)
亚伯拉罕•林肯/本杰明•P•托马斯(Abraham Lincoln/Benjamin P.Thomas)
演讲与新书信集/亨里克•易卡生(Speeches and New Letters/Henrik Ibsen)
耶茨诗选/威廉•巴特勒•耶茨(The Poems of W.B.Yeats/William Butler Yeats)
业余望远镜制作/艾伯特•G•英戈尔斯(Amateur Telescope Making/Albert G.Ingalls)
1845-1890的铁路领导人:行动中的商业头脑/托马斯•C•科克伦(Railroad Leaders,1845-1890: The
Business Mindin Action/Thomas C.Cochran)
1919年的调解/哈罗德•G•尼科尔森(Peacemaking 1919/Harold G.Nicolson)
1844年经济学哲学手稿/卡尔•马克思(Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of
1844/Karl Marx)
一个乡村教士的日记/乔治•贝尔纳诺斯(The Diary of a Country Priest/Georges Bernanos)
一个物理学家的思考/珀西•W•布里奇曼(Reflections of a Physicist/Percy W•Bridgman)
一个哲学家的旅行日记/赫尔曼•亚历山大•凯泽林(The Travel Diany of a Philosopher/Hermann
Alexander Keyserling)
一种共同语言的梦想:诗歌/艾德里安娜•里奇(The Dream of a Common Language: Poems/Adrienne
一九一九/约翰•多斯•帕索斯(Nineteen Nineteet/John Dos Passos)
一种导致多功能中心的语言模式/亚历山大等(A Pattern Language Which Generates
Multi-service Centers/Chri-stopher Alexander)
一代奸佞/菲利浦•维利(Generation of Vipers/Philip Wylie)
伊利亚特/荷马(The Iliad/Homer)
伊万•伊里奇之死/列夫•托尔斯泰(The Death of Ivan Ilych/Leo Tolstoy)
伊万•杰尼索维奇的一天/亚历山大•I•索尔仁尼琴(One Day in the Life of Ivan
Denisovich/Alexander I.Solzhenitsyn)
遗产/西比尔•贝德福德(A Legacy/Sybille Bedford)
遗传及其变异/李森科(Heredity and Its Variability/Trofim D.Lysenko)
以历史观看经济落后/亚历山大•格申克龙(Economic Backwardnessin Historical
Perspective/Alexander Gerschenkron)
艺术与幻觉:绘画心理学研究/E•H•冈布里奇(Art and Illrsion: A Study in the Psychology
of Pictorical Representation/E.H.Gombrich)
艺术与现实:创造性进程之路/乔伊斯•卡里(Artand Reality: Ways of Creative Process/Joyce
意志生态学入门/格雷戈里•贝特森(Stepstoan Ecology of Mind/Gregory Bateson)
意识的起源及历史/埃里希•诺伊曼(The Origins and History of Consciousness/Erich
意识形态与乌托邦/卡尔•曼海姆(Ideology and Utopia/Karl Mannheim)
英语民族史/温斯顿•S•丘吉尔(History of the English-Speaking Peoples/Winston
英语语源词典/沃尔特•W•斯基特(An Elymological Dictionary of the English
Language/Walter W.Skeat)
英格兰园林的发展/W•G•霍斯金斯(The Making of the English Landscape/W.G.Hosking)
英格兰史/艾伦•J•P•泰勒(English History/Alan J.P.Taylor)
英国议会及其无上权威/C•H•麦基尔韦恩(The High Court of Parliament and Its Supremacy/
蝇王/威廉•G•戈尔丁(Lord of the Elies/William G.Golding)
影子和动作/拉尔夫•埃利森(Shadow and Act/Ralph Ellison)
永无尽头旅程/洛伦•C•艾斯利(The Immense Journey/Loren C.Eiseley)
永不动怒/琼•L•布里格斯(Neverin Anger/Jean L.Briggs)
永恒的笑/佩•拉格奎斯特(The Eternal Smile/Par Sagerqvist)
永别了,武器/欧内斯特•海明威(A Farewell to Arms/Ernest Hemingway)
永恒与变化/肯尼思•伯克(Permanence and Change/Kenneth Burke)
用第三只耳朵倾听/西奥多•赖克(Listening With the Third Ear/Theodore Reik)
幽灵长途电话亭/诺顿•贾斯特(The Phantom Tollbooth/Norton Juster)
?尤利西斯/詹姆斯•乔伊斯(Ulysses/James Joyce)
犹太法学博士和妻子/哈伊姆•格雷德(Rabbis and Wives/Chaim Grade)
有闲阶级论/索尔斯坦•B•凡勃伦(Theory of the Leisure Class/Thorstein B.Veblen)
有限数学入门/约翰•G•凯梅尼等(Introductionto Finite Mathematics/John
舆论/沃尔特•李普曼(Public Opinion Walter Lippmann)
与众不同的世界:家庭与学校的关系/萨拉•劳伦斯•莱特富特(Worlds Apart: Relationships Between
Families and Schools/Sarah Lawrence Lightfoot)
与总祭司的相遇/约翰•A•麦克菲(Encounters With the Archdruid/John A.Mcphee)
语言学与诗学/罗曼•雅各布森(Linguistics and Poetics/Roman Jakobson)
语言、真理与逻辑/阿尔弗雷德•J•艾尔(Language,Truth and Logic/Alfred J.Ayer)
语言的逻辑结构法/鲁道夫•卡纳普(Logische Syntaxder Sprache/Rudolf Carnap)
语言心理生物学/乔治•K•齐普夫(The Psycho-Biology of Language/George K.Zipf)
源氏物语/紫式部(The Tale of Genji/Shikubu Murasaki)
约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯传/罗伊•F•哈罗德(The Life of John Maynard Keynes/Roy F.Harrod)
约翰逊传/詹姆斯•博斯韦尔(The life of Samuel Johnson/James Boswell)
夜叉/阿南达•K•库马拉斯瓦采(Yakshas/Ananda K. Coomaras Wamy)
约瑟的他的兄弟们/托马斯•曼(Joseph and His Broters/Thomas Mann)
运筹与决策:介绍和评价/R•邓肯•卢斯、霍华德•赖法(Games and Decision: Introduction and
Critical Survey/R.Duncan Luee and Howard Raiffa)
在父亲的法院里/艾萨克•巴谢维斯•辛格(In My Father‘s Court/Isaac B.Singer)
在路上/杰克•凯鲁亚克(On the Road/Jack Kerouac)
怎样经营一家巴松管制造厂/马克•斯佩德(How to Run a Bass on Factory/Mark Spade)
占有个人主义的政治理论/克雷福德•B•麦克弗森(The Political Theory of Possessive
Individualism/Crawford B.Macperson)
战争与和平/列夫•托尔斯泰(War And Peace/Leo Tolstoy)
战略与结构/小阿尔弗雷德•D•钱德勒(Strategy and Structure/Alfred D.Chandler,Jr.)
战斗形势/约翰•基根(The Face of Battle/John Keegan)
哲学的问题/伯特兰•罗素(The Problems of Philosophy/Bertr and Russell)
哲学研究/路德维希•维特根斯坦(Philosophical Investigations/Ludwing Wittgenstein)
哲学与真理/弗里德里希•尼采( Philosophy and Truth/Friedrich
Nietzsche)增长的社会限制/弗雷德•赫希(Social Limits to Growth/Fred Hirsch)
真正的信徒:关于群众运动的本质的思考/埃里克•霍弗(The True Beleiver: Thoughts on the Nature
of Mass Movement/Eric Hoffer)
真理的复苏/赫尔曼•亚历山大•凯泽林(The Reccovery of Truth/Herman Alexander
正义论/约翰•罗尔斯(A Theory of Justice/Johnrawls)
正午的黑暗/阿瑟•凯斯特勒(Darkness at Noon/Arthur Koestler)
政治学中的理性主义和其他论文/迈克尔•J•奥克肖特(Rationallsm in Politics and Other
Essays/Michael J.Oakeshott)
政府程序/戴维•B•杜鲁门(The Governmental Process/David B.Truman)
知识与政治/罗伯托•M•昂格尔(Knowledge and Politics/Roberto M.Unger)
直上云霄/乔治•奥威尔(Coming up for Air/george Orwell)
植物怎样生长:植物学简介/阿萨•格雷(How Plants Grow: Asimple Introduction to
Structural Bolany/AsaGray)
殖民者与殖民地/阿尔贝特•梅米(The Colonizer and the Colonized/Albert Memmi)
殖民化大运动:一个新计划纪实/汤姆•帕尔默(La Grande Compagniede Colonisation: Documents
of a New Plan/Tom Palmer)
致一位青年诗人/雷纳•马里亚•里尔克(Letters to a Young Poet/Rainer Maria Rilke)
致罗马人的圣使徒书/卡尔•巴特(The Epistle to the Romans/Karl Barth)
中国科学与文明/李约翰、王林(Science and Civilization in China/Josep Needham and
Wang Lin)
钟声为谁而鸣/欧内斯特•海明威(For Whom the Bell Tolls/Ernest Hemingway)州和国家的南方政治/小
V•O•基、亚历山大•赫德 (Southern Politics in State and Nation/V .O.Key and
Alexander Heard)
诸神渴了/阿纳托尔•法朗士(The Gods Will Have Blood/Anatole France)
主管人员的职能/切斯特•I•巴纳德(The Functions of the Executive/Chester I.Barnard)
传记文学•塞缪尔•泰勒•柯勒律治(Biographia Literaria/Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
追求美德:伦理学研究/阿拉斯代尔•C•麦金太尔(After Virtue: A Study in Moral
Theory/Alasdair C.Macintyre)
追忆似水年华/马赛尔•普鲁斯特(Remembrance of Things Past/Marcel Proust)
资本论/卡尔•马克思(Das Kapital/Karl Marx)
资本主义与奴隶制:加勒比/埃里克•E•威廉斯(Capitalism and slavery: The Caribbean/Eric
资本主义、社会主义与民主主义/约瑟夫•A熊彼特(Capitalism,Socialism and Democracy/Joseph
自由政体/弗里德里希•奥古斯特•冯•哈耶克(The Constitution of Liberty/Friedrich August
Von Hayek)
自由的想象/莱昂内尔•特里林(The Liberal Imagination/Lionel Trilling)
自己的位置/弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(A Room of One’s Own/Virginia Woolf)
自然设计/伊恩•L•麦克哈格(Design With Nature/Ian L.McHarg)
自传/乔瓦尼&, ;, ;, ;#8226;巴蒂斯塔&, #8226;维科(Autobiography/Giovanni Battista Vico)
宗教经验的多样性/威廉•詹姆斯(The Varieties of Religious Experience/william James)
宗教的含义与目的/威尔弗雷德•坎特韦尔•史密斯(The Mean, ing and End of Religion/Wilfred
Cantwell Smith)
宗教哲学/哈里•A•沃尔夫森(Religious Philosophy/Harry A.Wolfson)
总统的权力/理查德•E•诺伊施塔特(Presidential Power/Richard E.Neustadter)
最佳小说集/肖恩•奥法莱恩(The Finest Stories/Sean O‘Faolain)
最后一个正直的人/安德烈•施瓦茨-巴尔(The Last of the Just/Andle Schwartz-Bart)
最后的与最早的人/奥拉夫•斯特普尔顿(Last and First Men/Wolaf
Stapledon)最后一个绅士/沃尔克•珀西(The Last Gentleman/Waiker Percy)
最优秀的与最明亮的/戴维•哈伯斯塔(The Best And the Brightest/David Halberstam)
作为经验的艺术/约翰•杜威(Artas Experience/John Dewey)
作为谈判者的经理/戴维•拉克斯、詹姆斯•谢纽斯(The Manager as Negotiator/David Lax and
James Schenius)
作品及其他/马克斯•比尔博姆爵士(Works and More/Sir Max Beerbohm)
作品选/拉迪亚德•吉卜林(Collected Works/Rudyard Kipling)
作一个美国人的荣幸/乔•迪•马古奥(lucky to Be a Yankee/Joe Di Maggio)