据立思辰石家庄留学360马媛老师介绍:新墨西哥大学(The University of New Mexico,缩写UNM)位于新墨西哥的阿布奎基(Albuquerque),是一所大型公立综合性大学,卡耐基高等教育研究机构将其归类为研究活动非常活跃的研究型大学(RU/VH)。始建于1889年2月28日,位于新墨西哥州最大城市人口规模超50万的阿布奎基市中心,另在在 Gallup, Los Alamos, Taos以及 Valencia County均设有分校区。
开设学位 |
MS PhD |
学费 |
$21,855 |
申请截止日期 |
1月15日 |
80 |
GPA要求 |
3.0以上 |
可申请学期 |
春夏秋季 |
6.5 |
GRE要求 |
Required |
GRE Subject |
Not Required |
新墨西哥大学核工程开设在化学与能源工程系(Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering),开设的学位类型包括MS和PhD。该系统一通过研究生院在线申请。化学与能源工程系全年皆可申请。欲申请奖学金的学生建议在推荐申请截止日期前递交材料及申请。具体申请说明及奖学金参见研究生院申请要求。
学期 |
推荐申请截止日期 |
申请截止日期 |
秋季学期 |
1月15日 |
3月1日 |
春季学期 |
7月15日 |
8月1日 |
夏季学期 |
1月1日 |
1月1日 |
核临界安全 |
Nuclear criticality safety |
单相层与流动 |
Single phase laminar and combined flows |
辐射运输 |
Radiation transport |
两相流 |
Two-phase flows |
反应堆理论 |
Reactor theory |
概率风险评估 |
Probabilistic risk assessment |
微重力与单和二相流 |
Single and two-phase flow in microgravity |
蒙特卡罗原理 |
Monte Carlo methods |
空间核动力 |
Space nuclear power |
计算辐射输运与反应堆物理 |
Computational radiation transport and reactor physics |
热工水力学 |
Thermal-hydraulics |
信息理论与应用 |
Application of information theory |
核聚变能源 |
Fusion energy |
核不扩散 |
Nuclear Non-Proliferation |
加速器物理与工程 |
Accelerator physics and engineering |
信号滤波低级别辐射检测 |
Signal filtering for low level radiation detection |
职业与环境辐射防护 |
Occupational and environmental radiation protection |
裂变异构体实验研究 |
Experimental investigation of fission isomers |
等离子体物理 |
Plasma physics generation |
中子束有效访问 |
Neutron beam active-interrogation |
核激活诊断 |
Nuclear activation diagnostics |
医学物理 |
Medical Physics |
高能量密度物理 |
High energy density physics |
利用蒙特卡罗技术诊断放射图像模拟 |
Diagnostic Radiology Image simulation using Monte Carlo techniques |
电抗器与屏蔽设计 |
Reactor and shielding design |
平板数字图像质量保证技术 |
Flat panel digital image quality assurance techniques |
放射诊断与放射肿瘤学研究 |
Diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology outcome studies |
数字图像质量保证工具与开发 |
Development of digital image quality assurance tools |
核燃料辐照行为 |
Nuclear fuel irradiation behavior |
先前诊断测试评估 |
Assessment of patient treatment based on prior diagnostic tests |
中性与随机输运理论的理论与数值方法 |
Theoretical and numerical methods in neutral and stochastic transport theory |
IMRT质量保证工具与测试的准确性比较 |
Comparison of accuracy of IMRT quality assurance tools/tests |
带电粒子输运 |
Charged particle transport |
X射线、电子与质子束蒙特卡洛光束传输 |
Monte Carlo beam transport of x-ray, electron, and proton beams |
核电站模型参考与自适应控制 |
Model-reference adaptive control of nuclear power plants |
蒙特卡罗标准计算与测量 |
Benchmarking Monte Carlo calculations with measurement |
热管与应用空间 |
Heat pipes for space application |
肿瘤与正常组织的反应与放射治疗期间建模 |
Modeling of tumor and normal tissue response during radiation therapy |
计算方法传热与流体流动 |
Computational methods for heat transfer and fluid flows |
医学物理与核工程教学方法评估 |
Evaluation of medical physics and nuclear engineering teaching methods |
(1)硕士申请University of New Mexico
(2)博士申请University of New Mexico
(3)2014-2015 Academic Year Graduate Cost of Attendance University of New Mexico
(4) School of Engineering: Apply to Chemical Engineering Graduate Program University of New Mexico
(5)School of Engineering: Graduate Program in Nuclear Engineering University of New Mexico
, 134px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 13px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; BORDER-TOP: rgb(0,0,0) 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(0,0,0) 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px">电抗器与屏蔽设计
Reactor and shielding design
Flat panel digital image quality assurance techniques
Diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology outcome studies
Development of digital image quality assurance tools
Nuclear fuel irradiation behavior
Assessment of patient treatment based on prior diagnostic tests
Theoretical and numerical methods in neutral and stochastic transport theory
Comparison of accuracy of IMRT quality assurance tools/tests
Charged particle transport
Monte Carlo beam transport of x-ray, electron, and proton beams
Model-reference adaptive control of nuclear power plants
Benchmarking Monte Carlo calculations with measurement
Heat pipes for space application
Modeling of tumor and normal tissue response during radiation therapy
Computational methods for heat transfer and fluid flows
Evaluation of medical physics and nuclear engineering teaching methods
(1)硕士申请University of New Mexico
(2)博士申请University of New Mexico
(3)2014-2015 Academic Year Graduate Cost of Attendance University of New Mexico
(4) School of Engineering: Apply to Chemical Engineering Graduate Program University of New Mexico
(5)School of Engineering: Graduate Program in Nuclear Engineering University of New Mexico