立思辰留学360介绍:美国高中之美国女子学校布里尔利学校The Brearley School成立时间为1884年,学校网址为www.brearley.org
布里尔利学校The Brearley School位于纽约曼哈顿, 是一所女生学校,学校规模只有670名学生,包括从幼儿园到十二年级的所有学生,大约每个年级50名学生。
The Brearley School被称为美国最富有挑战性的女子学校。The Brearley School的的教学大纲就是全面的文理通识教育。Brearley优以文史见长,中学强调写作技能,高中强调分析技能。Brearley School是Collegiate School的姐妹学校。美国总统肯尼迪的女儿卡洛琳肯尼迪毕业于Brearley School。
The Brearley School is an all-girls private school in New York City, New York, United States. It is located on the Upper East Side of the Manhattan borough of New York City. The school is divided into the Lower School (kindergarten — grade 4), Middle School (grades 5 — 8) and Upper School (grades 9 — 12). There are approximately 670 students enrolled with about fifty students per grade.
Brearley is considered among the most prestigious schools for girls in the United States. The school, despite its relative youth, is considered the sister school of the Collegiate School, the U.S.‘s oldest independent school (founded 1628). Brearley is a member of the New York Interschool Association.