学校名称 : The Brearley School布里尔利学校
所在州/省 : New York
所在市 : New York
地理环境 : Urban
学校成立时间 : 1884
年级* : K-12
学生人数 : 690
高年级学生人数 : 212
The Brearley School布里尔利学校简介
The Brearley School is an all-girls private school in New York City, New York, United States. It is located on the Upper East Side of the Manhattan borough of New York City. The school is divided into the Lower School (kindergarten — grade 4), Middle School (grades 5 — 8) and Upper School (grades 9 — 12). There are approximately 670 students enrolled with about fifty students per grade.
Brearley is considered among the most prestigious schools for girls in the United States. The school, despite its relative youth, is considered the sister school of the Collegiate School, the U.S.‘s oldest independent school (founded 1628). Brearley is a member of the New York Interschool Association.
布里尔利学校Brearley School学术
班级大小不等,通常会有6到12个女孩。老师非常优秀,均受过良好的培训,很容易亲近。从布里尔利出来的女孩子都会为她们的将来做好充分的准备。在多数情况下,我并不会觉得大学的课程很具挑战性,特别是在我经历了在布里尔利的学习之后,尽管在这里的学习生活并不轻松。布里尔利学校Brearley School更注重的是我们学习的热情和所学知识的专业性。