迈阿密大学(University of Miami,又称UM或 U Miami)位于美国佛罗里达州的南部小城科勒尔盖布尔斯(Coral Gables),是一所私立综合性大学。迈阿密大学成立于1925年,是由一群市民自发组织成立的。目的是为了“创办一所别具特色的美国本土大学,并开发一项关于热带研究的教学项目。”当时的社会现状已有3所著名的大型州内成立的大学,即佛罗里达大学(UF)、佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)以及佛罗里达农工大学(FAMU)。
迈阿密大学开设的学术学院(包括本科及研究生学院)共计12所,外加一所继续与国际教育学部(Division of Continuing and International Education),12所学院分别是:
建筑学院 |
School of Architecture |
艺术与科学学院 |
College of Arts and Sciences |
商学院 |
School of Business Administration |
传播学院 |
School of Communication |
教育与人类发展学院 |
School of Education and Human Development |
工程学院 |
College of Engineering |
大气与海洋科学学院 |
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science |
音乐学院 |
Phillip and Patricia Frost School of Music |
护理与卫生学院 |
School of Nursing and Health Studies |
研究生院 |
The Graduate School |
医学院 |
Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine |
法学院 |
University of Miami School of Law |
学位项目(Degrees/Programs) | |||||
Doctoral |
54 |
Master's |
97 |
Specialist |
1 |
录取人数(Enrollment) | |||||
Doctoral |
1,454 |
Master's |
1,813 |
研究生开设项目:156 个 | |||||
录取研究生人数:3,267 名 | |||||
博士项目录取(Doctoral Admissions) |
硕士项目录取(Master's Admissions) | ||||
Year |
Applied |
Accepted |
Year |
Applied |
Accepted |
2012 |
2,881 |
476 |
2012 |
3,712 |
1,455 |
2011 |
2,729 |
607 |
2011 |
3,297 |
1,468 |
2010 |
2,248 |
480 |
2010 |
2,951 |
1,359 |
2009 |
1,816 |
455 |
2009 |
2,353 |
1,160 |
博士项目录取率:17% |
硕士项目录取率:39% | ||||
性别录取人数(Gender) | |||||
Female |
Male |
备注:表格信息是2012年秋季迈阿密大学录取学生统计数据说明。 | |||
Doctoral |
667 |
586 | |||
Master's |
824 |
571 | |||
Total |
1,491 |
1,157 |
1. 研究生在线申请表:The completed online application form
2. 本科及研究生正式成绩单:Official transcripts of all college work, both undergraduate and graduate
3. The official score report of the appropriate entrance examination.
4. GRE: Required
5. GMAT: 商科硕士、PhD,如:会计、管理学硕士(运营、应用统计学)、税收必须提交GMAT成绩;GRE成绩无效
7.3封推荐信:Letters of recommendation sent directly to the graduate program director of the academic program
Tuition/Credit |
$1,660 |
Student Hralth Insurance Fee |
$2,192 |
Academic |
Fee |
Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 |
Summer 2013 |
Graduate 研究生院 |
Activity Fee |
$42 |
- |
Athletic Fee |
- |
N/A | |
Student Health $ Counseling Centers Fee |
$108 |
$54 | |
Student Center Fee |
$150 |
$75 | |
Wellness Fee |
$152 |
- | |
Rosenstein 大气与海洋科学 |
Activity Fee |
$13 |
- |
Athletic Fee |
- |
N/A | |
Student Health $ Counseling Centers Fee |
$108 |
$54 | |
Wellness Fee |
$152 |
- | |
Medical 医学 |
Activity Fee |
$13 |
N/A |
Athletic Fee |
- |
N/A | |
Health and Counseling Fee |
$25 |
N/A | |
Student Health $ Counseling Centers Fee |
$83 |
$41 | |
Wellness Fee |
$145 |
- | |
Law 法学 |
Activity Fee |
$59 |
- |
Athletic Fee |
- |
N/A | |
Health and Counseling Fee |
$108 |
$54 | |
Student Center Fee |
$150 |
$75 | |
Wellness Fee |
$152 |
- |
时间 |
9个月 |
12个月 | ||
项目 |
双人间 |
单人间 |
双人间 |
单人间 |
学费(共18个学分) |
$32,200 |
$32,220 |
$32,220 |
$32,220 |
杂费 |
$932 |
$932 |
$932 |
$932 |
食宿 |
$7,440 |
12,090 |
9,920 |
16,120 |
住宿费 |
$4,650 |
$9,300 |
$6,200 |
$12,400 |
书本费 |
$520 |
$520 |
$520 |
$520 |
医疗保险费 |
$2,306 |
$2,306 |
$2,306 |
$2,306 |
交通费 |
$3,240 |
$3,240 |
$3,240 |
$3,240 |
生活费 |
$2,790 |
$2,790 |
$3,720 |
$3,720 |
共计 |
$49,448 |
$54,098 |
$53,938 |
$60,138 |
Maytag Fellowship:面向攻读海洋生物学、生物学、化学、心理学部分专业的研究生。奖学金金额约$20,000,为期3年。申请截止日期大都在2月底,部分学系要求较早申请。学生可直接通过研究生院申请即可。
迈阿密大学奖学金(University of Miami Fellowships):面向所有攻读迈阿密大学博士项目的学生。奖学金种类包括TA/RA。申请截止日期约2月初。
迈阿密大学黄丝带奖学金项目(University of Miami Yellow Ribbon Grant):面向迈阿密大学在校的符合要求的本科及研究生以及法学院学生(据2012-13学年数据统计,迈阿密大学法学院授予30多名学生奖学金奖项)。
1.各院系教授联系方式:Graduate Program Director Contact Information
2.项目要求及课程描述:Graduate Programs & Course Listing
(1)Schools and Colleges-University of Miami
(2)Grad Facts Fall 2012 -University of Miami
(3)Complete 2013-14 Bulletin-University of Miami
(4)Tuition & Fees Academic 2014-15-University of Miami
(5)2014-15 Cost of Attendance-University of Miami
(6)Graduate Students Handbook-University of Miami
(7)Information about Fellowships-University of Miami
艺术与科学学院(College of Arts & Sciences) | |
艺术与艺术史 |
Art and Art History |
绘画 |
Painting |
雕塑 |
Sculpture |
陶瓷或玻璃工艺 |
Ceramics/Glass |
版画 |
Printmaking |
摄影或数码摄影 |
Photography/Digital Imaging |
艺术史 |
Art History |
生物学 |
Biology |
遗传学与分子生物学 |
Genetics and Molecular Biology |
生理学和细胞生物学 |
Physiology and Cell Biology |
热带生物学 |
tropical biology |
生态与进化生物学 |
ecology & evolutionary biology |
发育生物学和神经科学 |
developmental biology and neuroscience |
化学 |
Chemistry |
计算机科学 |
Computer Science |
创意写作 |
Creative Writing |
英语 |
English |
创意写作 |
Creative Writing |
近代早期文学研究 |
Early Modern Studies |
跨国及种族研究 |
Transnational and Ethnic Studies |
地理与区域研究 |
Geography and Regional Studies |
地质科学 |
Geological Sciences (Master’s degree available from RSMAS) |
历史 |
History |
年代史和地理学 |
Chronological/Geographical fields |
欧洲中世纪史 |
Medieval Europe |
欧洲早期现代史 |
Early Modern Europe |
欧洲现代史 |
Modern Europe |
美国早期历史 |
Early American History |
美国现代史 |
Modern U.S. History |
拉美殖民史 |
Colonial Latin America |
拉美现代史 |
Modern Latin America |
东亚史 |
East Asia |
俄国历史 |
Russia |
非洲史 |
Africa |
加勒比历史 |
Caribbean |
国际管理 |
International Administration |
国际管理学 |
International Administration |
国际事务 |
World Affairs |
国际文化 |
World Cultures |
组织管理学 |
Organizational Administration |
国际经济学 |
International Economics |
国际组织学 |
International Organizations |
国际研究 |
International Studies |
国际关系学 |
International Relations |
比较政治学 |
Comparative Politics |
国际与比较政治经济学 |
International and Comparative Political Economy |
拉丁美洲研究 |
Latin American Studies |
通识教育 |
Liberal Studies |
数学 |
Mathematics |
哲学 |
Philosophy |
物理 |
Physics |
天体物理学和宇宙学 |
Astrophysics and Cosmology |
复杂性和生物物理学 |
Complexity and Biological Physics |
凝聚态物理 |
Condensed Matter Physics |
基本粒子物理学 |
Elementary Particle Physics |
光学 |
Optics |
等离子物理 |
Plasma Physics |
政治学 |
Political Science |
心理学 |
Psychology |
社会学 |
Sociology |
传播学院(School of Communication) | |
传播学 |
Communication Studies |
新闻学 |
Journalism |
公共关系 |
Public Relations |
交互媒体 |
Interactive Media |
电影 |
Motion Pictures |
工程学院(College of Engineering) | |
生物医学工程 |
Biomedical Engineering |
生物医学仪器及设备 |
Biomedical instrumentation and devices |
医学影像 |
Medical imaging |
计算机诊断应用和治疗系统 |
Applications of computers to diagnostic and therapeutic systems |
生物力学、生物流体动力学、血流动力学 |
Biomechanics, biofluid dynamics, hemodynamics |
生物材料、组织和细胞工程 |
Biomaterials, Tissue and cellular engineering |
生物医学信号与图像处理 |
Biomedical signal and image processing |
康复和神经工程 |
Rehabilitation and neural engineering |
人机交互 |
Brain-computer interface |
生物医学光学和激光 |
Biomedical optics and lasers |
医学物理与工程 |
Medical physics and engineering |
土木、建筑与环境工程 |
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering |
结构工程和结构材料 |
structural engineering and structural materials |
环境工程 |
environmental engineering |
水资源工程 |
water-resources engineering |
集成建筑体系 |
integrated building systems |
电气与计算机工程 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
工业工程 |
Industrial Engineering |
工程管理 |
Engineering Management |
人体工程学和人类因素 |
Ergonomics and Human Factors |
卫生保健体系 |
Health Care Systems |
技术管理 |
Management of Technology |
制造工程 |
Manufacturing Engineering |
职业健康与安全 |
Occupational Health and Safety |
运筹学 |
Operations Research |
生产力工程 |
Productivity Engineering |
工程质量 |
Quality |
机械与航空航天工程 |
流体力学 |
Fluid Mechanics |
能源转换 |
Energy Conversion |
环境工程学 |
Environmental Engineering |
机器人工程 |
Robotics |
组合材料 |
Composite Materials |
优化与可靠度 |
Optimization and Reliability |
纳米力学 |
Nano Mechanics |
热能转换 |
Heat Transfer |
氢能 |
Hydrogen Energy |
材料科学 |
Materials Sciences |
内燃机 |
Internal Combustion Engines |
控制与设计 |
Controls and Design |
空气动力学 |
Aerodynamics and CFD |
纳米生物系统 |
Nano-Bio-Systems |
燃, 料电池 |
Fuel Cells |
医学院(Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine) | |
生物医学 |
Biomedical Sciences |
生物化学与分子生物学 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
癌症生物学 |
Cancer Biology |
人类遗传学和基因组学 |
Human Genetics & Genomics |
微生物学与免疫学 |
Microbiology and Immunology |
分子细胞与发育生物学 |
Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology |
分子与细胞药理学 |
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology |
神经科学 |
Neuroscience |
生理学和生物物理学 |
Physiology and Biophysics |
临床与转化调查 |
Clinical and Translational Investigation |
流行病学与公共卫生学 |
Epidemiology and Public Health |
生物统计学 |
Biostatistics |
物理疗法 |
Physical Therapy |
护理与健康学院(School of Nursing and Health Studies) | |
护理 |
Nursing |
建筑学院(School of Architecture) | |
城市设计 |
Urban Design |
建筑学 |
Architecture |
房地产开发 |
Real Estate Development |
商学院(School of Business Administration) | |
计算机信息系统 |
Computer Information Systems |
金融学 |
Finance |
国际贸易 |
International Business |
管理学 |
Management |
管理科学 |
Management Science |
管理科学咨询 |
Management Science Consulting |
市场营销 |
Marketing |
企业并购 |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
房地产 |
Real Estate |
金融会计 |
Financial Accounting |
管理会计 |
Managerial Accounting |
微观经济学 |
Microeconomics |
宏观经济学 |
Macroeconomics |
统计学 |
Statistics |
微积分 |
Calculus |
组织行为学 |
Organizational Behavior |
运营管理 |
Operations Management |
市场营销基础 |
Foundations of Marketing |
金融学 |
Finance |
房地产 |
Real Estate |
会计 |
Master of Science in Accounting |
税收 |
Master of Science in Taxation |
贸易分析 |
Master of Science in Business Analytics |
金融学 |
Master of Science in Finance |
国际贸易 |
Master of Science in International Business |
领导力 |
Master of Science in Leadership |
经济学 |
Master of Arts in Economics |
教育与人类发展学院(School of Education and Human Development) | |
教学 |
Teaching and Learning |
早教 |
Early Childhood Special Education |
教育与社会变革 |
Education and Social Change |
运动机能 |
Kinesiology and Sport Sciences |
运动生理学 |
Exercise Physiology |
营养学 |
Nutrition for Health and Human Performance |
体育管理 |
Sport Administration |
教育与心理学研究 |
Educational and Psychological Studies |
社会福利 |
Community Well-Being |
心理咨询 |
Counseling Psychology |
高等教育管理 |
Higher Education Administration |
高等教育领导 |
Higher Education Leadership |
婚姻与家庭治疗 |
Marriage and Family Therapy |
心理健康咨询 |
Mental Health Counseling |
研究测量与评估 |
Research, Measurement and Evaluation |
大气与海洋科学学院(Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science) | |
应用海洋物理 |
Applied Marine Physics |
海洋与大气化学 |
Marine & Atmospheric Chemistry |
海洋事务与政策 |
Marine Affairs & Policy |
海洋生物及渔业 |
Marine Biology & Fisheries |
海洋地质与地球物理 |
Marine Geology & Geophysics |
气象学和物理海洋学 |
Meteorology & Physical Oceanography |
水产养殖 |
Aquaculture |
广播气象 |
Broadcast Meteorology |
沿海可持续发展 |
Coastal Sustainability |
海岸地带管理 |
Coastal Zone Management |
计算气象学和海洋学 |
Computational Meteorology and Oceanography |
探索科学 |
Exploration Science |
渔业管理和养护 |
Fisheries Management and Conservation |
海洋保护 |
Marine Conservation |
海洋哺乳动物科学 |
Marine Mammal Science |
海洋和人类健康 |
Oceans and Human Health |
热带海洋生态系统管理 |
Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management |
水下考古 |
Underwater Archaeology |
天气、气候与社会 |
Weather, Climate and Society |
天气预报 |
Weather Forecasting |
音乐学院(Phillip and Patricia Frost School of Music) | |
艺术展示和现场娱乐管理 |
Arts Presenting and Live Entertainment Management (APLive) |
艺术展示和现场娱乐管理(MA) |
MA in Arts Presenting and Live Entertainment Management |
艺术展示和法律 |
MA/JD in Arts Presenting and Law |
作曲 |
Composition |
音乐作曲(MM) |
MM in Music Composition |
数字艺术和音响设计 |
MM in Digital Arts and Sound Design |
媒体写作及制作 |
MM in Media Writing and Production |
音乐作曲(DMA) |
DMA in Music Composition |
指挥 |
Conducting |
合唱指挥(MM) |
MM in Choral Conducting |
合唱指挥(DMA) |
DMA in Choral Conducting |
器乐指挥(MM) |
MM in Instrumental Conducting |
器乐指挥(DMA) |
DMA in Instrumental Conducting |
乐器指挥(AD) |
AD in Instrumental Conducting |
器乐演奏 |
Instrumental Performance |
弦乐、木管、铜管、打击乐、古典吉他、竖琴 |
Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Classical Guitar, Harp |
器乐演奏(MM) |
MM in Instrumental Performance |
器乐演奏(DMA) |
DMA in Instrumental Performance |
键盘演奏 |
Keyboard Performance |
协同键盘(MM) |
MM in Collaborative Keyboard |
键盘演奏(MM) |
MM in Keyboard Performance |
键盘演奏与教学论(MM) |
MM in Keyboard Performance and Pedagogy |
协同键盘(DMA) |
DMA in Collaborative Keyboard |
键盘演奏(DMA) |
DMA in Keyboard Performance |
键盘演奏与教学论(DMA) |
DMA in Keyboard Performance and Pedagogy |
键盘演奏(AD) |
AD in Keyboard Performance |
音乐商业和娱乐业( MBEI ) |
Music Business and Entertainment Industries (MBEI) |
音乐商业和娱乐业 |
M.M. in Music Business and Entertainment Industries |
音乐商业和法律 |
M.M./J.D. in Music Business and Law |
音乐工程技术( MUE ) |
Music Engineering Technology (MUE) |
音乐工程技术 |
MS in Music Engineering Technology |
音乐教育 |
Music Education |
音乐教育(MM) |
MM in Music Education |
音乐教育与认证 |
MM in Music Education with Certification |
音乐教育(PhD) |
PhD in Music Education |
音乐治疗 |
Music Therapy |
音乐治疗 |
MM in Music Therapy |
音乐教育与音乐治疗 |
PhD in Music Education with Music Therapy Emphasis |
音乐学 |
Musicology |
音乐学 |
MM in Musicology |
工作室音乐和爵士乐 |
Studio Music and Jazz |
爵士教育学 |
MM in Jazz Pedagogy |
爵士器乐演奏(MM) |
MM in Jazz Instrumental Performance |
爵士声乐表演(MM) |
MM in Jazz Vocal Performance |
工作室爵士写作 |
MM in Studio Jazz Writing |
爵士器乐演奏(DMA) |
DMA in Jazz Instrumental Performance |
爵士声乐表演(DMA) |
DMA in Jazz Vocal Performance |
爵士谱曲 |
DMA in Jazz Composition |
声乐表演 |
Vocal Performance |
声乐表演(MM) |
MM in Vocal Performance |
声乐表演(DMA) |
DMA in Vocal Performance |
声乐表演(AD) |
AD in Vocal Performance |
法学院(University of Miami School of Law) | |
遗产规划 |
Estate Planning |
国际法学研究 |
International Graduate Law |
海洋法 |
Ocean & Coastal Law |
房地产开发 |
Real Property Development |
税收 |
Taxation |