坐标 |
36°09′08″N,95°56′47″W*(1) |
排名 |
88*(3) |
国家 |
美国 |
州省 |
俄克拉荷马州 |
城市 |
塔尔萨 |
性质 |
公立,男女合校 |
成立年份 |
1894*(1) |
宗教信仰 |
无 |
校园 |
0.93Km2 ,城区*(1) |
学生人数 |
4,597*(4) |
本科生人数 |
3,428*(4) |
研究生人数 |
1,169*(4) |
师生比 |
1:12*(4) |
国际学生比例 |
27%*(4) |
学校分类 |
全国性大学 |
学校集团 |
- |
认证机构 |
北部学院及学校协会(NACS) |
网址 |
www.utulsa.edu *(5) |
立思辰留学360介绍,塔尔萨大学(University of Tulsa,有时也简称UT)是一所位于俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨的私立研究型大学。成立于1894年,由长老教宗创立,但现在已于教派没有关系。塔尔萨大学以石油工程最为知名,英语、计算机科学、自然科学、临床心理学以及产业心理学、以及部分工程领域的专业也都不错。
1.There are plenty of computer labs on campus.
2.There are many different races at TU, especially Middle Eastern as we have an excellent Petroleum Engineering degree.
3.the biology program is very med-school oriented, which is a good thing if you're trying to get into med school!
4.All of the professors want you to succeed in your program.
5.Through the presidential scholar's program, applicants have a surprisingly high chance of getting a full ride to TU.
6.There are people of many different religions and race at the University of Tulsa.
7.Parking on campus is, honestly, the best I've seen.
1.The food at our only cafeteria is mediocre at best. We have very few other on-campus options.
2.There are quite a few chains, but a lot of variety is represented.
3.I receive many scholarships from TU and none of them had any stress involved.
4.Such a Nightmare
5.This school is so incredibly expensive.
6.Financial aid is largely a joke around here.
7.Everybody can get a permit, and they're dirt cheap.
8.the tickets and parking passes are really expensive.
(1) University of Tulsa Wikipedia
(2)University of Tulsa College Prowler
(3)University of Tulsa USNEWS Ranking
(4)TU Fact Sheet University of Tulsa
(5)University of Tulsa College Board