立思辰留学360介绍,波士顿大学(Boston University,缩写BU)是一所大型私立综合性全国大学,成立于1839年,位于美国东部大型城市波士顿,提供本科、硕士、博士,三种学位类型。学校共两个校区:主校区位于波士顿附近的查理斯河,另外一个校区也是医学院的所在,位于波士顿南端,校内开设有医学、牙医学、法学等共18所学院,在海外33个城市和地区开设有海外学习课程。卡内基高等教育研究机构评其为高等研究型大学;其诺贝尔奖得主包括:马丁路德·金、伊利·威塞尔、35个普利兹奖得主、6项学术奖。
医学院医学科学研究生部(Division of Graduate Medical Sciences, GMS)共设有4个系,
解剖学与神经生物学(Anatomy & Neurobiology)
病理学与实验室医学(Pathology & Laboratory Medicine)
药理学与实验室治疗(Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics)
生理学与生物物理学(Physiology & Biophysics)*(1)
PhD项目 |
秋季入学 |
春季入学 |
Anatomy and Neurobiology |
May 1st |
October 15th |
Bioimaging |
August 1st |
October 15th |
Biomedical Forensic Sciences |
July 31st |
No Enrollment |
Clinical Investigation |
March 31st |
October 15th |
Forensic Anthropology |
June 30th |
No Enrollment |
Genetic Counseling |
January 1st |
No Enrollment |
Healthcare Emergency Management |
Rolling Admissions |
October 15th |
Medical Sciences |
Rolling Admissions |
No Enrollment |
Oral Health Sciences |
May 15th |
No Enrollment |
Medical Anthropology & Cross-Cultural Practice |
June 30th |
October 15th |
Mental Health Counseling & Behavioral Medicine |
Rolling Admissions |
October 15th |
Nutrition & Metabolism |
Rolling Admissions |
October 15th |
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine |
May 1st |
No Enrollment |
Physician Assistant |
October 1st |
No Enrollment |
Physiology |
May 1st |
No Enrollment |
硕士项目 |
申请截止日 |
MD/PhD Combined Program Fall: |
November 1st |
Anatomy and Neurobiology |
January 1st |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
January 1st |
Computational Neuroscience |
December 15th |
Graduate Program for Neuroscience |
December 15th |
Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics |
January 1st |
Program in Biomedical Sciences – Interdisciplinary Entry Program |
December 1st |
Biochemistry |
Microbiology |
Biophysics |
Molecular Medicine |
Genetics and Genomics |
Oral Biology |
Immunology |
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |
Nutrition & Metabolism |
Physiology |
项目 |
PhD |
MD/PhD |
总计 |
申请人数 |
970 |
278 |
1267 |
1250 |
招生人数 |
35 |
$6 |
322 |
41 |
PhD |
Average GRE Score: 78% Verbal and 76% Quantitative* |
Undergraduate GPA (4.0) scales: 3.53* | |
Year to Degree: 5.4 years | |
Male/Female ratio: 13M/22F | |
MA and MS |
Average GRE Score: 65% Verbal and 58% Quantitative* |
Average MCAT: 29.0* | |
Undergraduate GPA (4.0) scales: 3.31* | |
Male/Female ratio: 141M/181F |