坐标 |
42.448510°N 76.478620°W |
排名 |
USNEWS: 15 |
国家 |
美国 |
州省 |
纽约州 |
城市 |
伊萨卡 |
校训 |
I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study. |
汉译 |
我将建造这样一所学校:每个人都可以在这里学习,学习任何一种科目 |
性质 |
私立,男女合校 |
宗教 |
无 |
成立年份 |
1865年 |
校园 |
19.42Km2 |
学生人数 |
21,593 |
本科生人数 |
14,393 |
研究生人数 |
7,200 |
本科国际生比例 |
9.85% |
师生比 |
1:9 |
学校分类 |
全国性大学 |
认证机构 |
中部各州学院及学校协会(MACS) |
大学集团 |
常春藤盟校 美国大学协会(AAU) |
立思辰留学360介绍,康奈尔大学(Cornell University),或称“康乃尔大学”,是由埃兹拉•康奈尔和安德鲁•迪克森•怀特于1865年所建立,是一所位于美国纽约州伊萨卡的私立研究型宗教信仰自由的大学,另有两所分校位于纽约市和卡塔尔大学城,为八个常春藤盟校中唯一一所在美国独立战争后创办的。与其它常青藤盟校大而全的发展策略不同,康奈尔一直致力于做“最好的本科教育”。其下属7所学院,4所私立,3所公立。其中建筑学院与酒店管理学院提供了全美最好的相关专业。
自学校成立伊始,其创始人就期待将康大办成一所综合型的新式大学,教授内容从文学名著至自然科学,自理论研究扩及实际应用,无所不包。此一理念最终成为康乃尔的校训:“我将创办一所任何人在此都能获得所有学科教育的学府”(I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study)。
Carl Kroch亚洲研究图书馆拥有全北美最为丰富的东南亚研究文献专藏。红楼梦抄本甲戌本曾存于此。2005年购回,现藏于上海博物馆(胡适所献)。
康奈尔大学主校区位于纽约州伊萨卡。行政大楼“Day Hall”位于东大道(East Avenue)。整个校园座落于东山(East Hill)一片3平方千米的土地上,眺望西面3千米外的卡约加湖(Cayuga Lake)和伊萨卡市中心。校园内约260座主要建筑大致分为三个院子:人文、工程、农业,另外还有一个科学实验室建筑群和体育建筑群。
壮观的石灰岩峡谷和瀑布连接着校园中心及其南、北两面。宿舍、兄弟会和女生联谊会馆,以及学生中心为于北校区及图书馆坡(Libe Slope)下的西校区。每当下雪过后,学生喜欢坐在从食堂拿出来的盘子上,滑下图书馆坡。主校园的东面是康奈尔种植园(Cornell Plantations),面积约15平方千米,包括一个植物园、数个植物学花园以至自然林地、小径、小溪和峡谷。南面是学生主导的大学镇商业区。
威尔 康奈尔医学院在曼哈顿东北岸,这里是康奈尔两大机构所在地—威尔医学院和威尔医学研究生院,在1927年起附属于纽约神父医院。尽管职司和机构是个别独立的,但医学中心可以与哥伦比亚大学医学院共享管理机能。威尔医学院还附属于边上的斯罗恩 凯特灵纪念癌症医院、洛克菲勒大学和特种外科医院。许多员工在这些机构中就业,以便得以被选入成为康奈尔的医学生。
威尔 康奈尔医学院卡塔尔分校位于卡塔尔首都多哈的大学城(Education City)。她于2001年由康奈尔大学以及卡塔尔基金会(Qatar Foundation)共同创立,旨在为卡塔尔青年开启一面通往世界顶尖医学领域的大门。
专业名称 |
专业英文名 |
本科学院 |
课程时长/年 |
非洲研究 |
Africana Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
农业科学 |
Agricultural Sciences |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
美国研究 |
American Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
动物科学 |
Animal Science |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
人类学 |
Anthropology |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
应用经济学和管理 |
Applied Economics and Management |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
考古学 |
Archaeology |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
建筑学 |
Architecture |
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning |
4 |
亚洲研究 |
Asian Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
天文学 |
Astronomy |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
大气科学 |
Atmospheric Science |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
生物工程 |
Biological Engineering |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Engineering |
4 |
生物科学 |
Biological Sciences |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
生物学与社会 |
Biology and Society |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences/College of Human Ecology |
4 |
生物计量与统计学 |
Biometry and Statistics |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
化学工程 |
Chemical Engineering |
College of Engineering |
4 |
化学 |
Chemistry and Chemical Biology |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
中国与亚太研究 |
China and Asia-Pacific Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
土木工程 |
Civil Engineering |
College of Engineering |
4 |
希腊与拉丁古典文学 |
Classics (Greek, Latin) |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
传播学 |
Communication |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
比较文学 |
Comparative Literature |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
计算机科学 |
Computer Science |
College of Arts and Sciences/College of Engineering |
4 |
设计与环境分析 |
Design and Environmental Analysis |
College of Human Ecology |
4 |
发展社会学 |
Development Sociology |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
经济学 |
Economics |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
电气与计算机工程 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
College of Engineering |
4 |
工程物理 |
Engineering Physics |
College of Engineering |
4 |
英语 |
English |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
昆虫学 |
Entomology |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
环境工程 |
Environmental Engineering |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Engineering |
4 |
性、性别与女性主义 |
Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
纺织与服装设计 |
Fiber Science and Apparel Design |
College of Human Ecology |
4 |
美术 |
Fine Arts |
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning |
4 |
食品科学 |
Food Science |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
法语 |
French |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
德语研究 |
German Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
政府学 |
Government |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
历史 |
History |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
建筑史(转学生) |
History of Architecture (transfer students only) |
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning |
4 |
艺术史 |
History of Art |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
酒店管理 |
Hotel Administration |
School of Hotel Administration |
4 |
人类生物学 |
Human Biology, Health and Society |
College of Human Ecology |
4 |
人类发展 |
Human Development |
College of Human Ecology |
4 |
工业与劳动关系学 |
Industrial and Labor Relations |
School of Industrial and Labor Relations |
4 |
信息科学 |
Information Science |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
信息科学、系统与技术 |
Information Science, Systems, and Technology |
College of Engineering |
4 |
国际农业与农村发展 |
International Agriculture and Rural Development |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
意大利语 |
Italian |
4 | |
景观设计 |
Landscape Architecture |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
语言学 |
Linguistics |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
材料科学与工程 |
Materials Science and Engineering |
College of Engineering |
4 |
数学 |
Mathematics |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
机械工程 |
Mechanical Engineering |
College of Engineering |
4 |
音乐 |
Music |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
近东研究 |
Near Eastern Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
营养学 |
Nutritional Sciences |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Human Ecology |
4 |
运筹学与工程 |
Operations Research and Engineering |
College of Engineering |
4 |
表演及媒体艺术 |
Performing and Media Arts |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
哲学 |
Philosophy |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
物理 |
Physics |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
植物科学 |
Plant Sciences |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
政策分析与管理 |
Policy Analysis and Management |
College of Human Ecology |
4 |
心理学 |
Psychology |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
宗教研究 |
Religious Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
科学与技术学 |
Science and Technology Studies |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
地球系统科学 |
Science of Earth Systems |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Arts and Sciences/College of Engineering |
4 |
自然与环境系统科学 |
Science of Natural and Environmental Systems(Environmental Science and Sustainability) |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |
社会学 |
Sociology |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
西班牙语 |
Spanish |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
统计学 |
Statistical Science |
College of Arts and Sciences |
4 |
城市与区域研究 |
Urban and Regional Studies |
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning |
4 |
葡萄与葡萄酒 |
Viticulture and Enology |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
4 |