
  据留学360介绍,松坝顶学校 Pine Crest School 以激发我们的年轻人学术、道德、社会、美学、和运动为原则,让他们的生活充满快乐、奖励和丰富多彩是教学的宗旨。

  Pine Crest recognizes the need for all individuals to pursue a satisfying career and to enjoy leisure through recreational and cultural activities. Accordingly, the School encourages, in addition to the achievement of the highest possible academic standards for each of our students, the development of good citizenship, with a demonstrated respect for all cultural, ethnic, racial and religious differences.

  Honor Code

  Pine Crest School is dedicated to promoting ethical behavior and good decision making. The Honor Code is founded on the principle of mutual trust and respect. Members of the School community are assumed to be honorable and are expected to behave in a manner that displays respect for themselves as well as for others. The essence of the Honor Code is embodied in the simple statement: I will respect myself and others.

  The Honor Code is reinforced by the Honor Pledge, which students write and sign on all submitted work, including tests and quizzes: I have neither given nor received help on this work.

  Beyond the Honor Code itself, the Commission on Honor and Integrity promotes ethical behavior. The Commission, which consists of members of the faculty and student leaders, meets regularly to develop programs designed to heighten an awareness within the School Community of the importance of good decision-making. An important, annual event is an Honor Signing Ceremony in September. Members of the freshman class participate in a formal assembly in which they pledge to uphold the Honor Code.

  All Faith

  As an all-faith school, Pine Crest recognizes and supports the religious commitments of all members of our community. Most of the world‘s religions are reflected in our student body, and the values, traditions, and celebrations of their faiths are honored at our school.

  The all-faith philosophy extends from the Pre-primary grades, where students learn about the major religious holidays and their significance to the Upper School ethics course. In the Comparative Religion senior elective course, the students discover the similarities that unite us while they research the differences that sometimes divide us.

  Our Chaplain conducts all-faith, voluntary services every Friday before school in the Stacy Chapel on the Fort Lauderdale campus. The Chaplaincy program makes sure that spirituality can be a vital part of our everyday life. Pine Crest believes in the spiritual life of every member of our community, and tolerance is expressed in acceptance and respect of all faiths.

  The Chaplain also sponsors the Faith In Action Club, which conducts various religious activities on campus.

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[美国私立寄宿中学松坝顶学校简介] 文章生成时间为:2016-04-12 06:03:24

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