排名 116
国家 美国
州省 哥伦比亚特区
城市 华盛顿
性质 私立,男女合校
成立年份 1887年(1)
宗教信仰 天主教
校园 市区(1)
学生人数 7,000
本科生人数 3,600(4)
研究生人数 3,400(4)
师生比 1:10(4)
国际学生比例 4%
学校分类 全国性大学
认证机构 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS)(6)
网址 www.cua.edu(6)
留学360唐逸凡老师介绍:美国天主大学(The Catholic University of America, CUA)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1887年,位于美国东部大型城市华盛顿(Washington,DC)。在2014年USNEWS公布的美国大学综合排名中,天主大学排名第121位。该大学也是天主教会成立的唯一一所高等学府。1887年,在教宗利奥十三世的批准下,美国天主大学正式创校,初设研究所与研究中心。1904年开始第一批本科招生计划。
1.Catholic University‘s future is looking so bright right about now. With plans to build additional residence halls and collaborative efforts to improve the city, a new generation of CUA students will benefit from what alumni once only dreamED about.
2.The teachers genuinely care for and interact with their students-or at least they pretend to.
3.The Metro is so close to the campus, giving students an incrEDible advantage when it comes to mobility.
4.Because of its proud Catholic identity, the campus is crowdED with priests and theologians ready to answer anyone’s questions on faith and religion. It is also comforting to know that priests are around.
5.How can one not love Washington, DC, with all of the culture and career opportunities available.
6.Who would have thought that the Catholic University of America would have such a great musical theatre and drama department
7.People here are genuinely sweet, always offering to hold the door for the person behind them, regardless of how far they may actually be from the door.
8.The University organizes mission trips to developing nations around the world, so students can make a difference in so many people‘s lives.
9.The physical campus is quite beautiful, with green grass and hills, picturesque flowers and gardens, and majestic-looking trees. Every season brings a new kind of beauty.
10.Because the University is not massive or extremely populatED, classroom sizes are generally small.
1.Because the University is the official university of the Roman Catholic Church, the strict adherence to Catholic principles is almost always a prerequisite to speaking on campus.
2.No diversity. It is unfortunate that there is no racial, ethnic, or cultural diversity at CUA.
3.Too often one gets the feeling that students are not getting all the bang for their bucks; after all, tuition costs are nearly $40,000 a year.
4.The residence halls could be a little bigger and more furnishED.
5.The Undergraduate Student Government has earnED the reputation of doing little for students, wasting time trying to free themselves from the webs of rED tape they helpED create.
6.The Department of Public Safety has left plenty of room for improvement.
7.The immEDiate location provides little outside entertainment for students, forcing them to make their own on-campus fun or take the Metro to a better place.
8.Though this is mostly standard with every university, it bears a statement: no pets allowED.
9.Not many famous people come to campus, unlike so many other colleges.
10.The quality of food could afford to improve just a little bit, for the sake of healthy nourishment.