圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Wash. U.或WUSTL)成立于1853年,是一所中等大小的私立综合性大学,位于美国中西部密苏里州的中型城市圣路易斯。1976年,校董事会为了将学校区分于其他二十余所含有“华盛顿”字样的大学,在校名后添加了学校所在城市“in St. Louis”作为后缀。全校诺贝尔奖获得者有22名,包括1927年物理学奖获得者阿瑟·康普顿以及1993年经济学奖获得者道格拉斯·诺斯。
2015USNEWS电气工程专业排名 |
41 |
全日制教职人员 |
12 |
硕士生人数 |
100 |
博士生人数 |
45 |
开设学位 |
PhD,MS,MEng,DSc |
GPA要求 |
平均:3.5 最低:GPA3.0 |
- McDonnell International Scholarship Academy
- Washington University in St. Louis Chancellor's Graduate Fellowship Program
- Facebook Graduate Fellowship Program
- Ford Foundation Fellowships
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
- IBM PHD Fellowship Program
- IBM Research Fellowships
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Fellowship
- Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program
- John Bardeen Engineering Fellowship
- Winston Churchill Foundation*(3)
Address: Washington University in St. Louis School of Engineering & Applied Science, Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering Green Hall, CB 1042, 1 Brookings Drive, Saint Louis, MO, USA 63130
Phone: (314) 935-5565
Fax: (314) 935-7500 *(4)
- 医药(Medicine)
- 传感器(Sensors)
- 成像(Imaging)
- 基因组学(Genomics)
- 蛋白质组学(Proteomics)
- 智能电网及其效率(Smart Grid Efficiency)
- 传感网络(Sensors Network)
- 光伏存储元件(Storage Photovotaic Cells)
- 电力电子(Power Electronics)
- 安全与国防(Security & Defense)
- 雷达、声纳(Radar,Sonar)
- 见识分析(Iformation Analysis)
- 环境监测(Environment Monitoring)
- 系统分析(Systems Analysis)
- 运筹学(Operations Research)
- 管理(Management)
- 金融(Finance)
- 生物学(Biology)
- 机器人学(Robotics)
- 机电一体化控制(Control Mechatronics)
- 手术(Surgery)*(5)
(1) Facts Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering
(2) Admission Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering
(3) Financial Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering
(4) Contact Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering
(5) Research Areas-ESE Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering