阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama at Birmingham,缩写UAB)是美国一所中等大小的公立综合性大学,位于阿拉巴马州最大城市伯明翰,隶属于阿拉巴马大学系统,是该系统下的三所大学之一(另两所分别为旗舰学校阿拉巴马大学塔斯卡卢萨分校——一般简称为阿拉巴马大学而不带塔斯卡卢萨分校字样,——和阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校)。
开设学位 |
MS PhD |
学费 |
$16,072 |
申请截止日期 |
6月1日 |
80 |
GPA要求 |
3.0以上 |
可申请学期 |
秋季春季夏季 |
6.0 |
GRE要求 |
323.5以上 |
GRE Subject |
Not Required |
阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校土木工程系(Department of Civil Engineering)开设的学位类型包括MS和PhD。土木工程系统一通过研究生院在线申请。该项目全年春季、秋季、夏季学期皆可申请,秋季学期申请截止日期是6月1日,夏季学期申请截止日期是3月1日,春季学期申请截止日期是10月1日。考虑奖学金因素,建议国际学生秋季学期尽早申请。除常规申请材料外,国际学生还需提供资金证明。*(2)(3)
- 亚历山大大学(Alexandria University)
- 阿拉伯科学技术与海洋运输项目(Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport)
- 埃及房屋建筑研究中心(Egyptian Housing Building Research Center)
- 米萨科技大学(Misr University for Science and Technology)*(4)
- 结构工程(Structural Engineering)
- 创新型可持续建筑(Innovative Sustainable Buildings)
- 自然抗灾结构(Structural Panels for Natural Hazard Resistant Structures)
- 多功能复合拼版建筑(Multifunctional Composite for Panelized Construction)
- 关于组合建筑中的天然纤维的国际研究(International Research for Feasibility of Natural Fibers in Composite Construction)
- 蒸压加气混凝土爆破反应研究计划(Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blast Response Research Program)
- 多功能复合夹层材料的基础设施与应用(Multifunctional Composite Sandwich Materials for Infrastructure & CMV Applications)
- 夹层板及应用(Sandwich Panels and Applications)
- 创新型可持续桥梁(Innovative Sustainable Bridges)
- 阿那卡斯提亚河古道公园桥的设计(Anacostia River Trail Park Bridge Design-Final Design)
- 高性价比的热塑性技术车载桥梁(Cost-Effective Thermoplastic Technology for Vehicular Bridge Superstructure)
- 韦斯塔维亚学校人行天桥项目(Vestavia School Pedestrian Bridge Project-Novel Technology Demonstration)
- 载荷与阻力系数设计规范(AASHTO Load and Resistance Factored Design Code)
- 组合柱、桩与横梁(Composite Columns, Pilings, and Cross Arms)
- 复合材料基础设施应用(Composites for Infrastructure Applications)
- 装配式混凝土预制桥梁系统(Prefabricated Precast Concrete Bridge System)
- 预制暗渠系统及应用(Precast Culvert Systems and Applications)
- 创新型修复、加强和修复基础设施(Innovative Repair, Strengthening, and Rehabilitating Infrastructures)
- 高性价比VARTM技术维修加固阶段I-III(Cost-Effective VARTM Technology for Repair and Strengthening-Phase I-III)
- 使用动态称重数据的桥梁载荷与阻力悉数评估(Use of Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Data for Site-specific LRFR Bridge Rating)
- 增强桥梁动力伤害抵抗的低成本合成材料(Low cost Composite Wrap to Enhance the Dynamic Damage Resistance of Bridges)
- 桥梁动态称重系统测试与评估(Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (B-WIM) System Testing and Evaluation)
- 碳纤维复合材料电线杆(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Power Poles)
- 当地道路问题与注册研究项目(Local Roads Issues and Sign Support Research Program)
- 路标、灯具与交通信号标准结构材料规范(Standard Specification for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries, and Traffic Signals)*(5)
- 屋顶绿化(Green Roofs)
- 模拟AAC可持续设计与施工(Simulation of AAC for Sustainable Design and Construction)
- 短期环境污染及其健康影响评估(Assessment of the Health Effects of Short-Term Air Pollution Exposure)
- 洼地小流量输送设计与液压阻力(Hydraulic Resistance in Grass Swales Designed for Small Flow Conveyance)
- 农业、林业及其对水资源的综合影响建模(Modeling the Combined Effects of Forest and Agriculture on Water Availability)
- 阿拉巴马极端降水区域性分析(Regionalization of Extreme Precipitation Estimates for the Alabama Rainfall Analysis)
- 空气质量与材料(Air Quality and Materials)*(6)
- 交通拥塞管理应用(Active traffic management applications)
- 智能交通系统(Intelligent transportation systems)
- 交通模拟与建模(Traffic Simulation and modeling)
- 可持续发展与宜居社区(Sustainable and livable communities)
- 非机动车交通(Non-motorized transportation)
- 交通运输数据管理(Transportation data management)
- 交通作业与安全、事故及急救管理(Transit operations and safety, and Incident and emergency management)*(7)
土木工程教授研究名单:Department of Civil Engineering: Primary Faculty
(1) Detailed Tuition and Fees (2014-2015) University of Alabama at Birmingham
(2)Department of Civil Engineering: Graduate Programs University of Alabama at Birmingham
(3)Department of Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering (Ph.D., M.S.C.E.) University of Alabama at Birmingham
(4)Department of Civil Engineering: International Page Egypt University of Alabama at Birmingham
(5)Department of Civil Engineering: Structures Research University of Alabama at Birmingham
(6)Department of Civil Engineering: Environmental Research University of Alabama at Birmingham
(7)Department of Civil Engineering: Transportation Engineering University of Alabama at Birmingham