排名 |
181 |
国家 |
美国 |
州省 |
宾夕法尼亚州 |
城市 |
依马库雷塔 |
性质 |
私立,男女合校 |
成立年份 |
1920 |
宗教信仰 |
天主教 |
学生人数 |
4,118 |
学校分类 |
综合性大学 |
依马库雷塔大学(Immaculata University,缩写IU)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1920年,位于美国东部小城依马库雷塔(Immaculata,PA),提供本科、硕士、博士、副学士、文凭课程五种学位类型。
1.The reason I decided to go to Immaculata was because it is a small school and knew that i would get the professors individual attention if i needed it and its exactly just that. The classes are fairly small (about 20 in in class) and the professors make time to get to know you. They really care about you as an individual and want you to succeed so they do everything the can to help you. Even though the workload is a little tough sometimes knowing that you can reach your professors anytime for help is a very good thing.
2.I enjoy the graduate program at Immaculata - it has classes at night which makes it easier with working - however the internship is almost impossible to complete while working full time. It also takes a lot longer to complete the degree (4 years vs 2 years) due to the licensure that is available upon finishing classes and internship.
3.The teachers 9/10 try to get the best from each and every student they may have and its a small school so most teachers are very friendly and they actually care whether we come to class and do well or not.
4.Security is not an issue, just parking tickets occasionally but that is all you ever see come from the security office. They drive around, but it is very small so security is not very noticeable.
本科专业名称 |
专业英文名 |
艺术 |
Art |
生物 |
Biology |
商业与会计 |
Business and Accounting |
化学 |
Chemistry |
教育 |
Education |
英语与传播学 |
English/Communication |
时尚、家庭和消费科学 |
Fashion/Family and Consumer Sciences |
国际语言和文化 |
Global Languages and Cultures |
卫生科学与服务 |
Health Sciences and Services |
历史、政治学、国际关系 |
History/Political Science/International Relations |
运动人体科学 |
Human Movement Sciences |
数学、信息与数字系统 |
Math/Information and Digital Systems |
音乐 |
Music |
音乐治疗 |
Music Therapy |
护理 |
Nursing |
营养和饮食 |
Nutrition and Dietetics |
哲学 |
Philosophy |
心理学 |
Psychology |
社会学、犯罪、社会工作 |
Sociology/Criminology/Social Work |
神学 |
Theology |