西北大学(Northwestern University, NU或NWU) 创建于1851年,是一所私立研究型大学,由John Evans*并其他8名律师、商人及卫理公会领导人联合创办。1855年正式授课,1869年开始招收女子学生。如今,西北大学本科生人数共9,914人,研究生人数也达到10,645人。西北大学是全国大学体育协会十大联盟高校(Big Ten Conference)的创会成员,且一直是其中唯一的私立大学。西北大学与国内诸多高校都有合作,如:西北大学与清华大学;西北大学医学院与首都医科大学;西北大学商学院与香港理工大学共同合办的MBA项目等。
管理学研究硕士(Russell Fellows (M.S. in Management Studies, MSMS))全部的申请材料包括:
- 在线申请表
- 本科成绩单
- 推荐信2
- ESSAY2(pdf)
- Resume/ CV
- 面试成绩单(形式为受邀面试)
- 个人成就描述(可选)
- GMAT/GRE成绩单(可选)
- $75申请费。
- 申请截止日期:11月17日(第一轮)、2月14日(第二轮);
- 知晓录取结果日期:12月18日(第一轮)、3月26日(第二轮);
- 确认录取截止日期:2月21日(第一轮)、5月2日(第二轮)。
- 开课时间均是在7月末,课程结束在次年5月中旬。
Essay 1: How have you grown and developed as a person over the last four years? What experiences at Northwestern have contributed to your development? (500 words)
Essay 2: Briefly describe a contemporary managerial issue or challenge that interests you. How do you expect earning an Master of Science in Management Studies will enable you to better understand this issue? (300 words)
凯洛格商学院Essay问题:Applying to Kellogg essay questions and recommender questions
教员列表:Faculty Directory Advanced Search
PhD申请材料清单:Doctoral program Application Checklist
(1) Programs of Kellogg Northwestern University
(2) Programs PhD Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University
(3) Deadlines MBA deadline Northwestern University
(4) Application Components MBA Northwestern University
(5) Majors & Requirements-MBA MBA Northwestern University
(6) MMM 2.0 Course Description MMM Northwestern University
(7) Admissions Criteria MMM Northwestern University
(8) Application Process KELLOGG EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM Northwestern University
(9) Admissions Statistics PhD Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University
(10) Application Requirements PhD Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University
(11) Application Process PhD Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University
(12) Eligibility and Deadlines MSMS Northwestern University