密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan, UMich或U of M)通常被称作密歇根大学。该校成立于1817年,是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,位于美国中西部小城安娜堡。密歇根大学安娜堡分校是美国著名公立大学系统——密歇根大学系统的旗舰学校。该校是密歇根州建校历史最长的大学,下设2个卫星学校,分别是迪尔伯恩(Dearborn)和弗林特(Flint)。初址位于密歇根州最大城市以汽车之都闻名的底特律市,1837年迁移到安娜堡市。
8 |
学费 |
$40,644 |
申请截止日期 |
12月1日 |
84 |
GPA要求 |
3.5 |
可申请学期 |
秋季 |
6.5 |
GRE要求 |
Required |
GRE Subject |
Not required |
GRE阅读要求 |
157 |
GRE数学要求 |
157 |
GRE写作要求 |
4.5 |
(1) 此处的排名是2015年USNEWS药学院排名。
(2) 该项目也接受MELAB成绩,最低要求80分。
(3) 该项目无最低GPA要求,此处的GPA为入学新生的平均成绩,范围在2.8-4.0。
(4) 该项目无最低GRE要求,此处的GRE成绩为入学新生的平均成绩。
- 生物信息学(Bioinformatics)由计算医学和生物信息学系开设,作为全国第一批生物信息学项目,于2001年首次招生。该项目学生来自多种专业背景,如生物科学、计算机科学和基础计量科学如统计学、数学、化学和物理学。该项目由40名研究生,其中相当数量的学生在本科毕业后参加工作或机械攻读硕士学位。该项目设有以下研究领域:
- Cancer Informatics
- Database applications
- Medical informatics
- Infectious disease modeling
- Modeling and analysis of complex diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders
- ‘Omics’ studies, including gene expression, Proteomics & Metabolomics
- Statistical, population, and molecular genetics including next generation sequence analysis
- Structural analysis and prediction of macromolecules, including proteins
- Systems biology*(4)
- **生物化学(Biological Chemistry)由生物化学系开设,该系的创办可追溯至20世纪早期,目前有48名教员。超过513名研究生,2000-2012年十年间有87名学生获得PhD学位。该项目设有以下研究领域:
- The regulation of gene expression
- Biochemical signal transduction
- Protein folding and processing
- Structural enzymology*(5)
- 生物物理(Biophysics)开设于1949年,是世界首批生物物理PhD项目,该项目设有以下研究领域:
- Structural biology
- Single molecule microscopy
- Optical spectroscopy and its applications
- NMR spectroscopy
- Computational biology and bioinformatics
- Membrane biophysics
- Neurobiophysics
- Mechanistic enzymology*(6)
- **癌症生物学(Cancer Biology)该项目教员有以下研究课题:
- Tumor immunology
- Viral oncogenesis
- Cell biology
- Genetics
- Epidemiology
- Pathology
- Bioinformatics*(7)
- 细胞与发育生物学(Cell & Developmental Biology)是医学院最古老,且迅速成长的项目,在过去的8年时间里,教员数量增加了2/3。该项目设有以下研究领域:
- Aging and degeneration
- Cancer biology
- Cell signaling
- Cellular biophysics
- Computational biology and mathematical modeling
- Developmental genetics
- Gene expression and genomics
- Genetic and molecular models of human disease
- Host-pathogen interactions
- Intracellular transport
- Neurobiology
- Organogenesis and pattern formation in the eye, ear, limb, gut, heart, skeleton, hematopoietic system, urogenital system, reproductive system, and nervous system
- Stem cell biology
- Systems biology*(8)
- 细胞与分子生物学(Cellular & Molecular Biology)该项目目前有70名学生,超过130名教员,每年招生人数约16人。该项目设有以下研究领域:
- Cell and systems biology
- Cell and organismal physiology
- Microbial pathogenesis
- Development
- Aging
- Neurobiology
- Structural biology
- Molecular mechanisms of disease, genetics, genomics, and computational biology*(9)
- 人类遗传学(Human Genetics)其所属的人类遗传学系创办于1956年,是美国第一个人类遗传学系。该项目目前设有以下研究方向:
- Gene regulation
- Genome organization
- DNA replication
- Molecular mechanisms underlying disease and development
- Complex trait analysis
- Population and quantitative genetics*(10)
- **免疫学(Immunology)该项目开设于1999年。*(11)
- *微生物学与免疫学(Microbiology & Immunology)
- **分子、细胞与发育生物学(Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology)是相对年轻的项目,目前有60名学生和29名教员,每年录取约12人。自2001年7月份起,已有50名学生被授予PhD学位。*(12)
- **分子与细胞病理学(Molecular & Cellular Pathology)设有以下研究领域:
- Molecular and cellular mechanisms of cancer
- Inflammation and immunology
- Cell death and regulation
- Stem cell and developmental biology
- Neurobiology
- Gene regulation*(13)
- 分子与生理学(Molecular & Integrative Physiology)其所属的生理学系已有超过125年的历史,是全国最古老的科系之一。2002年,改为现名。目前该项目有30-35名教员和约50名教员,每年招收约5-6名学生。*(14)
- 神经科学(Neuroscience)开设于1971年,目前有来自20个基础和临床科系的100名教员,有以下研究领域:
- Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
- Developmental Neurobiology and Regeneration
- Clinical and Translational Neuroscience
- Behavioral, Affective, and Integrative Neuroscience
- Sensory and Computational Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry*(15)
- *药学(Pharmacology)开设于1891年,至今已110余年的历史,目前有50余名教员,高师生比保证了学生更多的培训机会。设有以下研究领域。
- Signal transduction
- Neuropharmacology
- Addiction research
- Drug metabolism
- Pharmacogenomics
- Cardiovascular medicine
- Cancer research
- Endocrine pharmacology*(16)
医学院录取统计:Medical School Facts & Figures — through FY13
(1) PIBS Programs School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(2) PIBS FAQs School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(3) PIBS International - Non-U.S. Citizen School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(4) Bioinformatics School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(5) Biological Chemistry School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(6) Biophysics School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(7) Cancer Biology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(8) Cell & Developmental Biology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(9) Cellular & Molecular Biology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(10) Human Genetics School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(11) Immunology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(12) Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(13) Molecular & Cellular Pathology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(14) Molecular & Integrative Physiology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(15) Neuroscience School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
(16) Pharmacology School of Medicine University of Michigan-Ann Arbor