芝加哥大学(University of Chicago,简称 UChicago或Chicago)成立于1890年,位于美国中西部的伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,该市是美国仅次于纽约市和洛杉矶的第三大都会区,地处北美大陆的中心地带,为美国最重要的铁路、航空枢纽,同时也是美国主要的金融,文化,制造业,期货和商品交易中心之一,其常见的别名有:“第二城”、“风城”、“芝城”等。
开设学位 |
PhD |
104(单项不低于26) |
- 个人成绩单:transcripts from all colleges and universities that you have attended;
- 3封推荐信:a minimum of three letters of recommendation submitted by persons able to describe your achievements and promise;
- 个人陈述:your statement of purpose, which should describe the intellectual issues and historical/linguistic/archaeological subjects which you hope to explore at the University of Chicago;
- 论文写作:篇幅20页
- GRE:无最低要求,院系编号:2999
近东古代史 |
Ancient Near Eastern History |
比较闪族 |
Comparative Semitics |
楔形文字研究 |
Cuneiform Studies |
古埃及学 |
Egyptology |
近东艺术与考古学 |
Near Eastern Art and Archaeology |
近东犹太学 |
Near Eastern Judaica |
西北闪族语言文学 |
Northwest Semitic Philology |
阿拉伯语语言文学 |
Arabic Language and Literature |
伊斯兰考古学 |
Islamic Archaeology |
伊斯兰历史文明 |
Islamic History and Civilization |
伊斯兰理念 |
Islamic Thought |
现代希伯来语语言文学 |
Modern Hebrew Language and Literature |
波斯语言和文学 |
Persian Language and Literature |
奥斯曼和土耳其研究 |
Ottoman and Turkish Studies |
希伯来圣经和古近东 |
Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East |
(1) Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations University of Chicago