波士顿大学(Boston University,缩写BU)是一所大型私立综合性全国大学,成立于1839年,位于美国东部大型城市波士顿,提供本科、硕士、博士,三种学位类型。学校共两个校区:主校区位于波士顿附近的查理斯河,另外一个校区也是医学院的所在,位于波士顿南端,校内开设有医学、牙医学、法学等共18所学院,在海外33个城市和地区开设有海外学习课程。卡内基高等教育研究机构评其为高等研究型大学;其诺贝尔奖得主包括:马丁路德·金、伊利·威塞尔、35个普利兹奖得主、6项学术奖。
社会工作学院(School of Social Work, SSW)成立于1940年,研究生开设有社会工作硕士、博士以及难民与移民(Refugee and Immigrant)研究生桥梁课程。2014年USNEWS排名中,社会工作专业排名第16位。
Completed online application
$80 application fee (paid online)
Personal statement (upload to online application)
Current résumé or CV (upload to online application)
Three reference forms with accompanying letters (submitted online through application)
Official transcripts from all previous undergraduate and, if applicable, graduate academic institutions, including study abroad transcripts if the course names, grades, and credits from your study abroad experience are not listed on the transcript from your home institution (mailed directly to School of Social Work Admissions)
GRE or MAT scores if your cumulative undergraduate GPA where you obtained your degree is below 3.0 on the US 4-point scale*(1)