南加州大学(University of Southern California,缩写USC)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1880年,位于美国西部大都会洛杉矶市区,该校是加州最古老的私立研究型大学。作为全球化大都市,洛杉矶吸引了世界各地的人,而位于洛杉矶市的南加大成为了美国大学中,国际学生最多的大学。南加大利用洛杉矶这个有利环境预备建立亚洲与太平洋沿岸的研究与农业研究机构。根据卡内基教育基金会2005年公布的大学分类,南加大被归类为“研究活动非常活跃的研究型大学”(very high research activity)。
申请费 |
$85 |
GPA要求 |
最低3.0 |
Required |
Required |
硕士学费 |
$30,720 |
博士学费 |
$36,864 |
申请截止日期 |
12月1日 |
Accepted |
资金证明:documented evidence of financial support。
Flat Rate |
Full Time |
Dissertation | |
Tuition |
$45,602 |
$30,720 |
$6,144 |
Mandatory |
$1,571 |
$1,571 |
$1,047 |
Room & Board |
$16,000 |
$16,000 |
$16,000 |
Books |
$1,344 |
$1,008 |
$336 |
Miscellaneous |
$1,828 |
$1,828 |
$1,828 |
Transportation |
$2,520 |
$2,520 |
$2,520 |
Total |
$68,865 |
$53,647 |
$27,875 |
注:Flat Rate:每学期15-18个学分;Full Time:每学期8-14个学分,平均学分是10个,超出一个学分数需额外多交学费;Dissertation:每学期2个学分。
Flat Rate |
Full Time |
Full Time |
Dissertation | |
Tuition |
$45,602 |
$36,864 |
$24,576 |
$6,144 |
Mandatory |
$2,097 |
$2,097 |
$2,097 |
$1,573 |
Room & Board |
$16,000 |
$16,000 |
$16,000 |
$16,000 |
Books |
$1,344 |
$1,008 |
$672 |
$336 |
Miscellaneous |
$1,828 |
$1,828 |
$1,828 |
$1,828 |
Transportation |
$2,520 |
$2,520 |
$2,520 |
$2,520 |
Total |
$69,391 |
$60,317 |
$47,693 |
$28,401 |
注:Full Time(10-14)基本学分以12分为准;Full Time(6-9)基本学分以8分为准。
生物运动学及理疗系 |
vorcas@usc.edu; (323) 442–2900 |
会计学院 |
macc.mbt@marshall.usc.edu; (213) 740–4838 |
马歇尔商学院 |
Master(MedicalManagement):mmm@marshall.usc.eduFull-time M.B.A.: marshallmba@marshall.usc.edu; (213) 740–7846 M.B.A. PM: uscmbapm@marshall.usc.edu; (213) 740–7846 IBEAR: ibear@marshall.usc.edu; (213) 740–7140 GEMBA: GEMBAadmissions@marshall.usc.edu; (213) 740–1821 |
电影艺术学院 |
admissions@cinema.usc.edu; (213) 740–8358 |
美术学院 |
roski@usc.edu ; (213) 740-2787 |
教育学院 |
rossier.info@usc.edu; (213) 821-2214 |
药学院 |
pharmadm@usc.edu; (323) 442–1466 |
社会工作学院 |
applymsw@usc.edu; (213) 740–2013 |
音乐学院 |
uscmusic@usc.edu; (213) 740–8986 |
牙医学院 |
uscsdadm@usc.edu; (213) 740-2841 |
医学院 |
Program of Nurse Anesthesia: uscnap@usc.edu; (323) 442-2037 Primary Care Physician Assistant Program: uscpa@usc.edu ; (626) 457-4240 |
专业名称 |
专业英文名 | |
艺术与科学学院(USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences) | ||
美国研究和人种 |
American Studies and Ethnicity | |
人类学 |
Anthropology | |
考古学 |
Archaeology | |
社会文化人类学 |
Socio-cultural Anthropology | |
人类语言学 |
Linguistics | |
人类机能学 |
Physical Anthropology | |
艺术史 |
Art History | |
生物科学 |
Biological Sciences | |
人类和进化生物学 |
Human and Evolutionary Biology | |
海洋生物学和生物海洋学 |
Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography | |
海洋科学 |
Ocean Sciences | |
分子生物学 |
Molecular Biology | |
计算生物学和生物信息学 |
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | |
神经科学 |
Neurosciences | |
行为、学习和记忆 |
Behavior, Learning and Memory | |
细胞生物学和神经信号生理学 |
Cell Biology and Physiology of Neuronal Signaling | |
系统神经科学 |
Systems Neuroscience | |
化学 |
Chemistry | |
古典文学 |
Classics | |
拉丁古典文学 |
Latin | |
希腊古典文学 |
Greek | |
比较文学 |
Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture | |
创意写作 |
Creative Writing and Literature | |
诗歌 |
poetry | |
小说 |
fiction | |
地球科学 |
Earth Sciences | |
东亚语言和文化 |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | |
东亚研究 |
East Asian Studies Center | |
经济学 |
Economics | |
经济学 |
Economics | |
微观经济学 |
Microeconomics | |
宏观经济学 |
Macroeconomics | |
计量经济学 |
Econometrics | |
经济发展学 |
Economic Developmental Planning | |
金融数学 |
Mathematical Finance | |
制药经济与政策 |
Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy | |
英语 |
English | |
环境研究 |
Environmental Studies | |
法语 |
French | |
性别研究 |
Gender Studies | |
地理 |
Geography | |
地质科学 |
Geological Sciences | |
德语 |
German | |
历史 |
History | |
人类行为学 |
Human Behavior | |
国际关系 |
International Relations | |
意大利语 |
Italian | |
日语 |
Japanese | |
运动学 |
Kinesiology | |
韩语 |
Korean | |
文学研究 |
Liberal Studies | |
语言学 |
Linguistics | |
数学 |
Mathematics | |
应用数学 |
Applied Mathematics | |
金融数学 |
Mathematical Finance | |
统计学 |
Statistics | |
海洋环境生物学 |
Marine Environmental Biology | |
分子与计算生物学 |
Molecular and Computational Biology | |
神经科学 |
Neuroscience | |
哲学 |
Philosophy | |
物理 |
Physics | |
政治学 |
Political Science | |
葡萄牙语 |
Portuguese | |
写作 |
Professional Writing | |
心理学 |
Psychology | |
组织心理学 |
Organizational psychology | |
消费心理学 |
Consumer psychology | |
大脑与认知心理学 |
Brain and Cognitive Science | |
临床心理学 |
Clinical Science | |
发展心理学 |
Developmental Psychology | |
定量心理学 |
Quantitative Methods | |
社会心理学 |
Social Psychology | |
宗教 |
Religion | |
斯拉夫语言与文学 |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | |
社会学 |
Sociology | |
西班牙语和葡萄牙语 |
Spanish and Portuguese | |
会计学院(USC Leventhal School of Accounting) | ||
会计 |
Accounting | |
企业税收 |
Business Tax | |
会计 |
Accounting | |
金融与企业经济学 |
Finance & Business Economics | |
数据科学与运营 |
Data Sciences and Operations | |
企业管理与组织 |
Management and Organization | |
市场营销 |
Marketing | |
统计学 |
Statistics | |
建筑学院(The USC School of Architecture) | ||
建筑学 |
Architecture | |
景观建筑 |
Landscape Achitecture | |
马歇尔商学院(USC Marshall School of Business) | ||
财务和管理会计 |
Financial and Management Accounting | |
贸易沟通 |
Business Communication | |
企业融资 |
Corporate Finance | |
微观经济学和宏观经济学 |
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics | |
市场营销 |
Marketing | |
运营 |
Operations | |
组织行为学 |
Organizational Behavior/Personnel Management/Leadership | |
统计数据与定量分析 |
Statistics/Quantitative analysis | |
企业战略 |
Strategy | |
国际贸易教育与研究 |
The International Business Education and Research | |
工商管理 |
Business Administration | |
国际供应链管理 |
Global Supply Chain Management | |
医学管理 |
Medical Management | |
电影艺术学院(The School of Cinematic Arts) | ||
批判研究 |
Critical Studies | |
动画与数字艺术 |
Animation & Digital Arts | |
互动媒体 |
Interactive Media | |
影视制作 |
Film & TV Production | |
制作业 |
Producing Program | |
剧本写作 |
Writing | |
媒体艺术与应用 |
Media Arts and Practice | |
传媒与新闻学院(The Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism) | ||
传播管理 |
Communication Management | |
市场营销传播 |
Marketing Communication | |
媒体与娱乐管理 |
Media & Entertainment Management | |
健康与社会传播 |
Health & Social Change Communication | |
国际及跨文化交际 |
International & Intercultural Communication | |
企业组织与战略传播 |
Organizational & Strategic Corporate Communication | |
全球传播 |
Global Communication | |
新闻学 |
Journalism | |
战略公共关系学 |
Strategic Public Relations | |
传播学 |
Communication | |
牙医学院(The Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry) | ||
国际牙医 |
International Dental Surgery | |
颅面生物学 |
Craniofacial Biology | |
教育学院(USC Rossier School of Education) | ||
婚姻与家庭治疗 |
Marriage and Family Therapy | |
英语外教 |
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | |
教育咨询 |
Educational Counseling | |
教育领导 |
Educational Leadership | |
城市教育政策 |
Urban Education Policy | |
工程学院(The Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering) | ||
航空航天与机械工程 |
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering | |
宇航工程 |
Astronautical Engineering | |
生物医学工程 |
Biomedical Engineering | |
化学工程与材料科学 |
Chemical Engineering & Materials Science | |
土木与环境工程 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | |
计算机科学 |
Computer Science | |
电气工程 |
Electrical Engineering | |
工业及系统工程学 |
Industrial and Systems Engineering | |
石油工程 |
Petroleum Engineering | |
网络安全 |
Cyber Security | |
金融工程 |
Financial Engineering | |
绿色技术 |
Green Technologies | |
系统架构设计与工程 |
Systems Architecting and Engineering | |
艺术与设计学院(USC Roski School of Art and Design) | ||
美术 |
Fine Arts | |
艺术策展 |
Art and Curatorial Practices | |
老年医学院(USC Davis School of Gerontology) | ||
老年医学院 |
Gerontology | |
医疗保健专业项目(Independent Health Professions) | ||
生物运动机能与理疗 |
Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy | |
职业理疗 |
Occupational Therapy | |
物理治疗 |
Physical Therapy | |
电机控制 |
Motor Control and Learning | |
肌肉生理学 |
Muscle Physiology | |
生物力学 |
Biomechanics | |
神经生理学 |
Neurophysiology | |
运动生理学 |
Exercise Physiology | |
法学院(USC Gould School of Law) | ||
法学 |
Law | |
比较法学 |
Comparative Law | |
医学院(Keck School of Medicine of USC) | ||
医学 |
Medicine | |
全球健康医学 |
Global Medicine | |
公共卫生学 |
Public Health | |
麻醉护理 |
Anesthesiology | |
应用生物统计及流行病学 |
Applied Biostatistics & Epidemiology | |
生物化学与分子生物学 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | |
生物统计学 |
Biostatistics | |
细胞与神经生物学 |
Cell and Neurobiology | |
流行病学 |
Epidemiology | |
卫生行为研究 |
Health Behavior Research | |
分子流行病学 |
Molecular Epidemiology | |
分子免疫学与微生物学 |
Molecular Immunology and Microbiology | |
病理学 |
Pathology | |
生理学和生物物理学 |
Physiology and Biophysics | |
统计遗传和遗传流行病学 |
Statistical Genetics & Genetic Epidemiology | |
干细胞生物学和再生医学 |
Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine | |
桑顿音乐学院(The USC Thornton School of Music) | ||
古典吉他演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Classical Guitar | |
音乐作曲 |
Master of Music, Composition | |
早期音乐演奏 |
Master of Arts, Early Music Performance | |
爵士乐研究 |
Master of Music, Jazz Studies | |
键盘演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Keyboard Collaborative Arts | |
键盘研究 |
Master of Music, Keyboard Studies | |
音乐教育学 |
M.A.T., Joint program with USC Rossier School of Education. | |
乐器演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Organ | |
弦乐演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Strings | |
吉他演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Studio Guitar | |
声乐艺术演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Vocal Arts | |
打击乐器演奏 |
Master of Music, Performance-Wind & Percussion Instruments | |
音乐史 |
Doctor of Philosophy, Historical Musicology | |
合唱和圣乐 |
Choral and Sacred Music | |
古典吉他 |
Classical Guitar | |
作曲 |
Composition | |
早期音乐表演 |
Early Music Performance | |
爵士乐研究 |
Jazz Studies | |
键盘研究<, /P> |
Keyboard Collaborative ArtsKeyboard Studies | |
音乐教育 |
Music Education | |
乐器研究 |
Organ Studies | |
弦乐 |
Strings | |
爵士吉他 |
Studio/Jazz Guitar | |
声乐 |
Vocal Arts | |
打击乐器 |
Winds and Percussion | |
药学院(USC School of Pharmacy) | ||
临床与实验治疗学 |
Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics | |
药理学 |
Pharmacology | |
分子药理学 |
Molecular Pharmacology | |
毒理学 |
Toxicology | |
药物科学 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
医药监管 |
Regulatory Science | |
公共政策学院(USC Price School of Public Policy) | ||
城市规划 |
Urban Planning | |
公共管理 |
Public Administration | |
公共政策 |
Public Policy | |
卫生管理 |
Health Administration | |
房地产开发 |
Real Estate Development | |
国际公共政策与管理 |
International Public Policy and Management | |
社会工作学院(USC School of Social Work) | ||
社会工作 |
Social Work | |
戏剧艺术学院(USC School of Theatre) | ||
编剧 |
Dramatic Writing | |
戏剧表演 |
Acting | |
应用戏剧艺术 |
Applied Theatre Arts | |
(1) International Application University of Southern California
(2) Deadlines University of Southern California
(3) English Proficiency University of Southern California
(4) International Requirements University of Southern California
(5) Supplemental Materials University of Southern California
(6) Costs University of Southern California
(7) Financial University of Southern California
(8) Contact University of Southern California
(9) Graduate Programs University of Southern California