圣塔芭芭拉加州大学(University of California, Santa Barbara,简称UCSB,又常译为加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校)是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州圣塔芭芭拉市的公立大学,成立于1868 年,是加州大学系统十间分校之其中一间。其校园虽较近于戈勒塔市(Goleta),但行政上仍隶属于戈勒塔市东面的圣塔芭芭拉市。校园可划分为三个部分:主校园(Main Campus)、史托克校园(Storke Campus)和西校园(West Campus)。校园的三个部份围绕景岛社区(Isla Vista)。 圣芭芭拉加州大学的校长是杨祖佑, 在任职期间,学校中有五位教授荣获诺贝尔奖物理学、化学奖、经济奖的殊荣。
他的办学理念是:聘请最优秀的教授,吸引最优秀的学生。学生口号是:“Study hard and party hard”。
由美国新闻周刊Newsweek与卡普兰Kaplan教育机构连手推出的卡普兰Kaplan大学指南的全美25间最受欢迎的大学的名单中,加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara, UCSB在最近五年里两度被评选为最受冲浪、滑雪爱好者欢迎的学府,因为其校园有海滩让学生冲浪,而学校附近有著名的大熊滑雪场。
加利福尼亚全年阳光灿烂,有着变化多样的地貌和风景,激动人心的城市以及丰富的多国文化,是许多人向往的学习和旅游地点。 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校位于洛杉矶以北120英里处, 两面环海,紧临太平洋,美丽迷人的海滩、风景十分的优美。学校所处的城市圣塔芭芭拉市Santa Barbara,曾是西班牙在加州殖民时期的重要据点,是一个充满多元文化及文艺气息的市镇。尤其是特殊的西班牙式红瓦白屋及地中海型气候,这里的户外活动十分的刺激,最主要的是占地利之便,因此在水上活动上亦十分兴盛,如:游泳、冲浪、钓鱼、赏鲸、风帆,均是这里的热门活动。若是你怕水的话,在这里也有像是攀岩、登山、健行、骑马等活动参加。在较文静的活动,在圣塔芭芭拉市Santa Barbara也有博物馆、花园、歌剧、音乐会、演奏会及各项庆典等活动,让大家游玩,加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara, UCSB曾经在90年代初期的一项非正式的票选中,荣获全美大学生的青睐,当选《最好玩的学府》之美称。
How to Get into a College Guide: 12所最热门的大学之一
加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校在2009年的“全美最佳综合大学”中名列第44位(其材料工程名列全美第三),在“全美最佳公立大学”中排名第12,为公立常春藤之一。根据上海交通大学的世界大学学术排名(ARWU),加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校排名36,为世界顶尖大学。跻身为 著名的“美国大学协会”(Association of American Universities)美国与加拿大高等教育院校中前62名的成员之一。据《耶鲁大学日报大学指南》指出,大学最好的学科,包括工程、商科、经济、环境学、海洋生物学、心理学等。学校现有20738名学生就读于学士、硕士及博士学位课程,其中93%的学生来自加利福尼亚州,4%来自美国其他州,3%为国际生。学生性别比例分别为:女生:57%;男生:43%。学校5个学院提供200多种专业课程。因申请人数较多,被评为“最热门申请的大学”。
School Type
State-supported, Coed
Suburban 989-acre campus
Degrees Offered
Bachelor“s, Master‘s, Doctoral, and First Professional Certificates
Entrance Difficulty
Very difficult , 54% of applicants were admitted
Application Deadlines
11/30 (transfers)
Admission: 40,933 applied; 22,273 admitted; 4,335 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.76
Test Scores
SAT critical reading scores over 500 85%
SAT math scores over 500 87%
SAT writing scores over 500 85%
ACT scores over 18 97%
SAT critical reading scores over 600 51%
SAT math scores over 600 56%
SAT writing scores over 600 48%
ACT scores over 24 74%
SAT critical reading scores over 700 11%
SAT math scores over 700 13%
SAT writing scores over 700 8%
ACT scores over 30 18%
Options: electronic application
Application fee: $60
Required: essay or personal statement, high school transcript
Required for some: interview
Application deadline: 11/30 (transfers)
Cost and Financial Aid
Costs (2009-10)
Tuition: State resident $0 full-time; nonresident $21,669 full-time
Required fees: $9055 full-time
Room and board: $12,765. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility
Payment plan: Installment
Financial Aid
Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 11,346 applied for aid, 8,806 were judged to have need, 2,252 had their need fully met
In 2008, 329 non-need-based awards were made
Average percent of need met: 81%
Average financial aid package: $15,643
Average need-based loan: $5680
Average need-based gift aid: $12,344
Average non-need-based aid: $5276
Average indebtedness upon graduation: $17,107
Student Body
Undergraduate Student Population
18,415 undergraduate students, 55% women, 45% men, 7% transferred in, 3% African American, 16% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 19% Hispanic American, 0.7% Native American
International Population
1% representing 72 other countries
Housing Info
31% live on campus
Campus Life
Options: Coed, cooperative, Campus housing is university owned and is provided by a third party. Freshman applicants given priority for college housing
Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, national fraternities, national sororities
Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late-night transport/escort service
Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women’s center, legal services
Academic Programs
Special study options: Accelerated degree program, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit
ROTC: Army (b)
School Calendar: Quarters plus 6-week summer term
Total: 1,067
Full-time: 86% full-time
Student/faculty ratio: 17:1
Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I
Scholarship sports
Baseball (m), basketball, cross-country running, golf (m), gymnastics, soccer, softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, water polo
Nonscholarship sports
Bowling (club), crew (club), equestrian sports (club), fencing (club), field hockey (w-club), lacrosse (club), rugby (m-club), sailing (club), skiing (downhill) (club), ultimate Frisbee (club)
Intramural sports
Badminton M/W, basketball M/W, bowling M/W, cross-country running M/W, football M/W, golf M/W, gymnastics M/W, racquetball M/W, soccer M/W, softball M/W, squash M/W, tennis M/W, ultimate Frisbee M/W, volleyball M/W, water polo M/W
Intercollegiate sports
Baseball M(s), basketball M(s)/W(s), bowling M(c)/W(c), crew M(c)/W(c), cross-country running M(s)/W(s), equestrian sports M(c)/W(c), fencing M(c)/W(c), field hockey W(c), golf M(s), gymnastics M(s)/W(s), lacrosse M(c)/W(c), rugby M(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), skiing (downhill) M(c)/W(c), soccer M(s)/W(s), softball W(s), swimming and diving M(s)/W(s), tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), ultimate Frisbee M(c)/W(c), volleyball M(s)/W(s), water polo M(s)/W(s)
School Facilities
Main Library Name: Davidson Library
Collection: 3.3 million titles; 36,902 serial subscriptions; 125,324 audiovisual materials
Endowment: $80,336
Contact Info
Office of Admissions
University of California, Santa Barbara
1210 Cheadle Hall
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2014
Phone: 805-893-2881
Fax: 805-893-2676
Non US Students
Financial Aid
For fall 2008 (estimated),
经济学 工学 商科 心理学