
  肯塔基大学是位于美国肯塔基州莱克星顿市市郊的一所公立大学,,校园面积783英亩,环境优美,景色怡人,附近标志性建筑众多,有许多公园名胜。其历史十分曲折,1858年位于乔治敦(Georgetown)的培根学院改名为肯塔基大学(Kentucky University),但不久在南北战争中毁于战火。1865年校园被毁的Kentucky University与财政遇到困难的特兰西瓦尼亚大学合并,校名仍然为Kentucky Univeristy,校园则迁至特兰西瓦尼亚大学所在的莱克星顿。1949年黑人学生Lyman T.Johnson胜诉,得以进入研究生院就读。1954年起肯塔基大学废除对学生入学的种族要求。




  肯塔基大学已经建立起了卓越的学术声誉。《美国新闻与世界报道》评为二级大学,2007年学术声誉全美排第112位。药剂学院、马丁公共政策和行政管理学院、医护学院、法学院和医学院的研究生教育均在全美名列前茅。其中,药剂学院全美排名第3,马丁学院在公共财政和预算类中排名第5,法学院位于25 大公共机构之内,护理学院排名第29。在获得美国国家自然科学基金研究经费方面,肯塔基大学在全美公立大学中排名第 36 位。



  1858年位于Georgetown的培根学院改名为Kentucky University,迁至Harrodsburg,但不久在南北战争中毁于战火。1865年校园被毁的Kentucky University与财政遇到困难的特兰西瓦尼亚大学合并,校名仍然为Kentucky Univeristy,校园则迁至特兰西瓦尼亚大学所在的莱克星顿。在Morrill政府特许地学院法案的资助下(该法案规定每个州可以从联邦政府得到 30000英亩的土地,用于建立教授军事,工程与农学的学院),肯塔基大学农业和机械学院成立。1869年该学院授予第一个学位,同年詹姆斯·肯尼迪·佩特森出任校长。1878年由于指导思想不和,学校分裂,一部分保留Kentucky University的名字,后来改回原名特兰西瓦尼亚大学,另一部分于1879年改名为肯塔基农业和机械学院,莱克星顿市为其提供额外资助,并捐赠了 52英亩的土地(现在肯塔基大学校园的中心部分),即今肯塔基大学的前身。

  1880年学校开设师范学院,开始招收女学生,但女生没有获得学位的资格。1888年才第一次授予女性学位。1904年第一座女生宿舍楼 Patterson Hall建成,这也是中心校园之外的第一座建筑。住在这里的学生需要穿越一片积水的湿地(即现在的学生活动中心)才能到教室上课。Patterson Hall后被翻新,成为肯塔基大学现存最老的学生宿舍。

  1908年学校改名为州立肯塔基大学。1910年担任四十年校长职务的James Kennedy Patterson退休。1916年学校改名为肯塔基大学。1949年黑人学生Lyman T. Johnson胜诉,得以进入研究生院就读。1954年起肯塔基大学废除对学生入学的种族要求。

  School Type

  State-supported, Coed


  Urban 685-acre campus with easy access to Cincinnati and Louisville

  Degrees Offered

  Bachelor‘s, Master’s, Doctoral, First Professional, and Post-Master‘s Certificates

  Entrance Difficulty

  Moderately difficult , 79% of applicants were admitted

  Application Deadlines

  2/15 (freshmen), 8/1 (transfers)



  Admission: 11,120 applied; 8,757 admitted; 4,110 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.4

  Test Scores

  SAT critical reading scores over 500 74%

  SAT math scores over 500 76%

  SAT writing scores over 500 69%

  ACT scores over 18 98%

  SAT critical reading scores over 600 33%

  SAT math scores over 600 35%

  SAT writing scores over 600 26%

  ACT scores over 24 55%

  SAT critical reading scores over 700 6%

  SAT math scores over 700 8%

  SAT writing scores over 700 4%

  ACT scores over 30 11%


  Options: electronic application, deferred entrance

  Application fee: $50

  Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.0 GPA

  Application deadlines: 2/15 (freshmen), 8/1 (transfers)

  Notification: continuous (freshmen), continuous (transfers)

  Cost and Financial Aid

  Costs (2009-10)

  Tuition: State resident $7214 full-time, $301 per credit hour part-time; nonresident $15,769 full-time, $658 per credit hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to degree level, program, reciprocity agreements, and student level. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to degree level, program, reciprocity agreements, and student level

  Required fees: $909 full-time, $22 per credit hour part-time

  Room and board: $9125; room only: $3975. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility

  Payment plan: Installment

  Waivers: Senior citizens and employees or children of employees

  Financial Aid

  Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 9,670 applied for aid, 7,125 were judged to have need, 3,318 had their need fully met

  In 2008, 3353 non-need-based awards were made

  Average percent of need met: 82%

  Average financial aid package: $8794

  Average need-based loan: $4062

  Average need-based gift aid: $5118

  Average non-need-based aid: $5493

  Average indebtedness upon graduation: $15,891

  Student Body

  Undergraduate Student Population

  18,942 undergraduate students, 51% women, 49% men, 5% transferred in, 7% African American, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% Hispanic American, 0.2% Native American

  International Population

  1% representing 63 other countries

  Housing Info 29% live on campus

  Campus Life

  Options: Coed, men-only, women-only, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned and leased by the school

  Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio station, choral group, marching band, Student Activities Board, Student Government Association, Campus Progressive Coalition, Ski and Snowboard Club, Society of Women Engineers, national fraternities, national sororities

  Most popular organizations: Student Activities Board, Student Government Association, Campus Progressive Coalition, Ski and Snowboard Club, Society of Women Engineers

  Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access

  Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women’s center, legal services

  Academic Programs

  Special study options: Academic remediation for entering students, accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit

  ROTC: Army (b), Air Force (b)

  Unusual degree programs: 3-2 business administration

  School Calendar: Semesters


  Total: 1,661

  Full-time: 76% full-time

  Student/faculty ratio: 18:1


  Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I, except: Football (Division I-A)

  Scholarship sports

  Baseball (m), basketball, cross-country running, football (m), golf, gymnastics (w), riflery, soccer, softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball (w)

  Intramural sports

  Archery M/W, badminton M/W, basketball M/W, fencing M/W, football M/W, golf M/W, ice hockey M, lacrosse M, rugby M, soccer M/W, softball M/W, swimming and diving M/W, table tennis M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, volleyball M/W

  Intercollegiate sports

  Baseball M(s), basketball M(s)/W(s), cross-country running M(s)/W(s), golf M(s)/W(s), gymnastics W(s), riflery M(s)/W(s), soccer M(s)/W(s), softball W(s), swimming and diving M(s)/W(s), tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), volleyball W(s)

  School Facilities


  Main Library Name: William T. Young Library

  Other Library: 15

  Collection: 3.1 million titles; 29,633 serial subscriptions; 86,690 audiovisual materials

  Endowment: $916.6 million

  Contact Info

  Ms. Michelle Nordin, Associate Director of Admissions

  University of Kentucky

  100 W.D. Funkhouser Building

  Lexington, KY 40506-0054

  Phone: 859-257-2000

  Toll-free: 800-432-0967

  Non US Students


  For fall 2008: 735 international students applied, 505 were accepted, 260 enrolled. Students can start in fall, spring, or summer.


  Recommended: SAT or ACT, TOEFL, IELTS; English test required before enrollment. TOEFL can be waived under certain conditions.

  Application Deadline

  4/1. Transfers accepted from institutions abroad.

  Financial Aid

  Need-based and non-need based financial aid available. International transfer students are eligible to apply for aid. For fall 2007, 61 international students on campus received college administered financial aid ($1767 average).


  Available during summer.


  International student adviser on campus. Full-time and part-time ESL programs on campus. ESL program available during the academic year and the summer. Internships and employment opportunities (on-campus and off-campus) available.


  经济学 教育学 农学 商科 心理学




  本科生 TOEFL71.00 IELTS0.00 SAT558.00 ACT0.00 A-LEVEL0.00 GPA3.00 研究生 TOEFL80.00 IELTS0.00 GRE1200.00 GMAT550.00 LSAT0.00 GPA3.40


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[零中介费留学申请美国肯塔基大学] 文章生成时间为:2014-05-12 18:12:41
肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky)
  • 院校名称:肯塔基大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1865年
  • 学生人数:22223人
  • 院校地址:University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/us/uky/
  • 肯塔基大学连续多年名列全美优质和性价比最高的高等教育机构之一,同时跻身世界最优秀的300所大学之一。这里点燃了学生激情张扬的个性、发挥其所长,并为其职业生涯做好...…[详细介绍]

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