

  Testing Requirements

  The ACT with Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test is required of all undergraduate applicants. Please be aware of the following guidelines:

  We do not accept test substitutions and applications without SAT Reasoning or ACT with Writing scores will not be considered, except for students from countries where these tests are not offered (e.g., the People‘s Republic of China, Iran).

  If you are currently residing or attending school in a country where the ACT with Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test is offered, you are required to take either test and submit official test results to Stanford by the stated application deadlines.

  SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required for admission. We recommend taking at least two SAT Subject Tests, as such information will assist us in our evaluation process. Applicants, however, who choose not to take SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admission process.

  For those applicants who elect to take a SAT Subject Test in the area of math, we recommend taking Mathematics Level 2 if you feel that your math background has adequately prepared you for that test.

  Applicants must submit scores from all SAT tests (including Subject Tests) taken or all ACT tests taken. Applicants cannot elect to “hide” any scores with either testing agency.

  We will focus our evaluation of test scores on the highest scores available (from either test). For the SAT, we will focus on the highest Critical Reasoning score, highest Math score and highest Writing score available (from across test sittings). For the ACT, we will focus on the highest Composite score (with the Writing) and be sensitive to individual sub-scores.

  We recommend students make arrangements to take the required tests well in advance of our application deadlines. It is unlikely that scores from tests taken after our deadlines will arrive in our office in time for our review process. We will certainly review any scores we receive (even if they arrive after the deadline) but we cannot promise to delay the review of an application in anticipation of scores that will arrive at a later date.


  Applicants must submit scores from all SAT tests (including Subject Tests) taken or all ACT tests taken. Applicants cannot elect to “hide” any scores with either testing agency.

  We will focus our evaluation of test scores on the highest scores available (from either test). For the SAT, we will focus on the highest Critical Reasoning score, highest Math score and highest Writing score available (from across test sittings). For the ACT, we will focus on the highest Composite score (with the Writing) and be sensitive to individual sub-scores.


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[斯坦福大学SAT2考试成绩要求 ] 文章生成时间为:2014-10-16 02:07:24
斯坦福大学(Stanford University)
  • 院校名称:斯坦福大学
  • 学校类型:私立大学
  • 建校时间:1891年
  • 世界排名:2 世界排名:6
  • 学生人数:16336人
  • 院校地址:299 Campus Dr # D345 Stanford, CA 94305
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/us/stanford/
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